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More Than You Know ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 02:52:23 PM

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Date Posted:09/03/2010 3:54 PMCopy HTML

We find Shane Mack kicked back in a room on a sofa, his feet plopped up on a table and his World Title lays on the table as a Guinness Stout is in his hand. He finishes up watching some of the latest happenings in the company, then takes a drink a beer and decides to make his own shit happen.
If you gotta ask Chris, then maybe you got more to learn than I thought ya did, maybe ya never were ready for the spotlight in the first place, maybe your just a guy who was in the right place at the right time and brought down the entire company that I now am bringing back up like I always fucking have to do!?
He takes another drink of beer and just smirks before saying.
We humans, we beings, everything that exists all have imperfections in our own way, so saying someone has a weakness is irrelevant Chris, it means nothing for we all have them, we all have strengths, we are all individuals. What some lack, others have while what they lack the others have and so on and so on and so on, it never ends. We are who we are, none of us in this business are unbeatable and I never acted or said anything else son, so there's something ya outta learn, hell, ya outta know that much about me!
Mack smirks and takes a drink a beer, then says.
I never doubted you would give me a fight Chris, so you having to make a promise that ya will shows me you doubted yourself, you feel you can't compete with me, apparently!
He just smirks and continues.
Keep in mind as well kid, it was me who challenged you to a Hell in a Cell, so all your bullshit you just spewed at the end of that sorry excuse for a promo you did, it too is irrelevant, it means shit to the case, to the match, to the fucking fight! Ya wanna know why I can beat you, ya really do?
Mack looks kinda serious now and just says.
I don't hold back, I never have and never will! When you step into a ring with Shane Mack, with Daddy Mack, with fucking MACK, you step into the ring with a man who never gives anything less than what he can give. You get Mack every time, every fucking time! There ain't times where ya get half the man, a shell of a man, some washed up has been, no! When you face me, you face the best there is in this company whether I am World Champ or not! Ya see Chris, that is why I can beat you on Wednesday and you can't beat me! Because the entire time you held the World Title you were never the top draw, you were never the top dawg, you never made it above me. Tell lies all you want, try to make yourself believe you were, but the moment you actually step into reality and find out the truth, it will crush you because you have never been bigger than Mack and by this route your on, you never will!
He takes a drink a beer and just keeps calmly speaking.
The world I live in is right here Chris, this world that we all perceive in our own way, but is real and that's our differences. You like to spew shit about make believe worlds, but based off what? Maybe your own perception, your own lack of belief in yourself to beat me, so the make believe world stems from your head, your "reality", it is you who cannot grasp what will really happen on Wednesday and ya wanna know what that is?
He smirks and takes a drink a beer draining the bottle. Mack sets it on the table and grabs a new Guinness from a mini fridge, pops the top and takes a drink of the colder one, then says.
Two wrestlers will step into a huge cell and beat each other to hell and the better man will win and that is why I can honestly say I will win because I am the better man. Unlike you Chris, I have proven it time and time again. Back in two thousand six I proved it to you one on one and this year the same. Last year during your so called rise up I continued to outshine the World Champ and well I didn't hold back, I tried to let you have the spotlight, but its hard to suppress someone so much better.
He continues to smirk, takes a drink of beer and says.
Its full force Chris, it's the only real fucking deal in this company today against the one time pretty good, but never will amount to shit poser and the latter would be you Chris. Like I said years ago, months ago, weeks ago and just minutes ago, you can hang in there, you can give me a fight, but you cannot beat me and if you could, I would not be so sure of myself. See Chris, I don't lie, I don't have to lie and call me a liar for that, anyone, I dare you, call me a liar for saying that, but if ya do, it proves you have no fucking clue who Shane Mack is and that too will be another reason you can't beat me!
Mack just takes a drink a beer again and says.
Face facts son, your not gonna get this title back, hell, that is so true that I asked not to have your title on the line because I don't want it! I have the only gold I want. I admit, I challenged you and asked for it on the line, but I was thinking of simply handing it to someone else in this company when I won and that's the truth son. That would disrespect the title and that is why I don't want it on the line, so keep your gold ya have, hold on to it and get better Chris, work harder, then step into the ring with me down the road, months, maybe only weeks, but maybe years and then beat me Chris, finally step up and achieve what you cannot do now! I admit to being a cocky son of a bitch a lot, showing off an ego that makes anyone here look pitiful, but the difference between me and all of you on the roster, Shane Mack backs it all up, so it ain't bragging bitch, its just a shoot!
Mack reaches forward and grabs a remote muting the monitor, then hits another button and we hear the opening of Kid Rock's COCKY play over a stereo in the room, not real loud, just playing a good song Mack likes. He leans back taking a drink of beer and nods his head, rocks his foot to the beat and listens with a smile on his face and lights up a joint.

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