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I don't think I know I can beat him!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 03:08:33 PM

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Date Posted:10/03/2010 4:56 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I don't think I know I can beat him!
Shane Mack
Last r/p for the show!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
"Extreme" is on the air, and the scene opens up with Chris Orton cracking his knuckles and getting ready for the biggest match of his career, because he steps inside "Hell In A Cell" with Shane Mack for World Heavyweight Championship, so Lacey Daniels comes into the picture started talking to Orton.

Lacey Daniels: Hey Chris! Are you ready for your match with Shane Mack?

Chris Orton: I been looking forward to this match since I accepted it, because Mack thinks he walking out a winner like he feels that he is one step ahead of me in this match. Everyone going to witness the greatest match in history, because Mack and I are entering inside "Hell In A Cell" with a persist to find out who is better man is. Every time we face I always end up losing, but I am not going bitch or moan about that simply going in that match giving Mack an ass-kicking to remember.

Lacey Daniels: I heard Mack said you didn't draw in the company, and the company falling down to the ground.

Chris Orton: If that true how come the company didn't strip me from World Heavyweight Title if things weren't good. You see Mack can't stand the fact since he been do whatever the hell he been doing everything was on my shoulder I carry this company the best I can, and I didn't hear one damn excuse from anyone. The company was doing just fine with Shane Mack around here, and he is back trying to prove what he has been for a long time a guy who talks bullshit every single night.

Lacey Daniels: Why you think Shane Mack hates you?

Chris Orton: He doesn't hate me more like doesn't respect me for who I am, because he doesn't see me as a grest wrestler or champion just a guy who work hard got championships for it. This match with Shane Mack going to prove that I am a great wrestler, and everyone will see me and Shane Mack kill each other to see who is the man around here.

Lacey Daniels: You think you can beat Shane Mack?

Chris Orton: I don't think I know I can beat him, but he doesn't think I can which is fine let him believe I can't beat him. Everyone going to see that I can beat him, and I'm going to win back World Heavyweight Title. Shane Mack thinks I am not in his level, but I don't want to be in his level more like he wants to be in my level deep down he knows it. This match going to be talk about years to come, and the topic isn't going to be Shane Mack beating Chris Orton more like Chris Orton beating Shane Mack!

Chris Orton looks at Lacey Daniels, walks out of his locker room, heading to entrance to the ring. The fans are chanting his name, and "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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