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Lacey Daniels KnockOut - Confirmed! (Extreme rp1)

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 25, 2023, 03:36:49 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:16/03/2010 7:40 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Proving Why I'm Such a KnockOut4 Way Dance vs Amy Summers vs Tina & Vikky Lynnmmm maybe ...Chris Orton ? lol / Vikky LynnNone .. yet!Good luck chickas! .. sorry i wrote a novel ;) lol


The scene opens with a camera walking into a gym but not one of these high tech machine driven places, not this is an old fashioned boxing gym complete with ring set up in the middle. Men are walking around in various states of undress, sparring with each other, training with the punch bags, chatting and sipping water. As the camera moves closer to the ring you can hear the grunts and gutteral cries of a woman ... you wonder for a minute what exactly is happening and are you watching the right channel  ... as the camera pans up you can see 3 people in the ring and a trainer walking around on the outside. As one of the competitors in the ring gets knocked on their ass, you hear a triumphant yell from the woman in the ring.

Coach: How many times do I have to remind you to keep your fucking hands up, Maloney! .. Get your ass out of the goddamn ring and get cleaned up!

The knocked down competitor rolls out of the ring and walks away dejectedly as the trainer turns his attention to his only remaining entrant in the ring. He watches the fighters circle each other both looking for an opening.

Coach: Come on Devlin .. what are ya waiting for .. Christmas! Just cos she's a girl don't be afraid to hit her ... don't worry she can take it.

As the trainer shouts out his instructions, his guys turns his head for a split second to look at him and the girl takes her chance. She powers a hard left hook into his stomach and as his hands drop instinctively to protect the attacked area and his opponent takes complete advantage hitting him directly in the head and face with a flurry of shots. Over-whelmed he backs up into the ropes where he sticks his foot outside to break the fight. She pulls back as she laughs.

LD: What's the matter Devlin ... you're more pussy than me!

Devlin pulls his foot back out from between the ropes as Lacey grins around the mouth guard and pulls back and unleashes an almighty straight right into his temple. He gazes at her glass-eyed before toppling over backwards. Lacey dances back and raises her arms in the air with a smile as the coach reaches in under the ropes and checks on Devlin. He sighs.

Coach: Lacey you know I don't mind you coming here to train sometimes but you're killing me ... you gotta stop taking out my best guys!

Lacey pulls off her head gear and spits out her mouth guard.

LD: Well you need to get some better guys then don't you?!

Lacey walks over to the corner of the ring as the coach starts to pull out Devlin who's eyes are starting to flutter open. She looks up and notices the camera with EF'NW written on the side. She rolls her shoulders and leans on the top turnbuckle.

LD: Well hello EF'NW and how are you doing this fine day? I was doing real good up until about an hour ago when a few things happened that really pissed me off. So I thought I'd come here and blow so steam off by beating the shit out of these boxers. Ahhh .. and I gotta say ... it's kinda working but I'm still not all the happy yet. I'm still mad I have to fly to that shit-hole of a country Germany, to compete in my next match. God that blows! Who the hell wants to go there ... they're all a bunch of feeble-minded sheep. The men stink and are as ugly as hell and the women all have bigger mustaches than the men. Jeez it's like they've never heard of a razor! Come on girls move into the 21st century .. you'll like it trust me. Gawd .. what a bunch of losers. Wait ... that's where Vikky Dikky and her monkey come from right?

Lacey laughs.

LD: Oh my God of course! Well if you want to know why everyone still hates Germany even 50 odd years after the war, just take a good look at those losers. They are pathetic ... actually thinking that people will be scared of them because they call themselves Nazis. God that is so sad! All it does it make people wanna kick their asses like back in WW2, wasn't impressive then, isn't impressive now! Give me a break I'm sick and tired of all that shit and their lame-ass lying ways ... you say I attacked fakes that weren't really you? Reality check cupcake ... I didn't attack anyone or push anyone for that matter, it was Chris and you sure as shit weren't fakes and you know it. I guess you suffer from that selective memory thing eh? Only remembering things the way you want to, hey whatever floats your boat but I know the truth and so does everyone else, so the only one who's looking stupid right about now is you! I also know Vikky Dikky is going to say that I never beat her last week on my Extreme debut and that she gave me the win blah blah blah. Truth is .. the record books will show that on March 10th 2010 the winner of the Triple Threat match between Lacey Daniels and Vikky Dikky and Tina Turn-off was me! and there's nothing anyone can do to change that, so live with it cos I hold a win over both of you and after this week's Extreme I will hold 2 wins over both of you.

Lacey holds out her hands to the trainer who has come back to the ring after dropping off his latest battered wannabe to the locker room. He begins to untap Lacey's gloves and loosen the string.

LD: Tina the Turn-off, I know you bill yourself as the real T&A, and that you were bragging that you were really gonna do something last week because of your terrible debut and how you were gonna kick our asses and prove something or other ... I lost interest in what you were saying after about 2 minutes ... anyways ... I said you were filler for the match and guess what? .. I was proved right as I pinned your ass in the middle of the ring 1..2..3 for my first victory. Tina you can talk all you want about what you're gonna do and how great you're gonna be but until you put your money where your mouth is, all you're doing is blowing smoke outta your ass. I don't believe it until I can see it and right now all I see is a somewhat pretty little girl who's bitten off more than she can chew. You're not winning this four way dance, nope no chance ... no title shot for you honey, you just ain't got it yet. Sorry I calls em like I sees em!

Lacey pulls her hands out of the gloves that the trainer has finally removed and takes the towel and bottle of water he hands to her. She swings the towel over her neck before she takes a sip of the water. Every move is deliberate and done seductively, knowing she's teasing all who are watching and not giving a damn.

LD: Then there's Amy Summers ... now Amy .. you seem like a pretty cool chicka and I thought it was a damn shame how Vikky Dikky totally screwed you over in your match last week against Megan Sorrows but .. how can I say this nicely ... shit happens babes! You know if you really wanted to win that match you would have figured out a way to deal with the she-male before she fucked you over. Now I see this time you got Steve Weigal coming out with you and I can see the smarts in that but let's face it do you really want to rely on someone else to make sure you win? Surely you can do that yourself? I guess we'll see on Extreme won't we? .. but me, I don't think so. Can't explain why but I don't see you winning it .. actually I can explain why, it's because I see me winning it but hey ...

Lacey laughs as she shrugs her shoulders and rubs the towel under her chin and down her neck.

LD: Now I guess most people will have forgotten about the special guest referee .. too busy concentrating on the other 3 opponents but I haven't. Now Megan I don't know you but just to introduce myself .. I am going to be the one facing you for the vacant Women's Championship at Wrestle X and if you even think about returning the favour Vikky Dikky did for you last week on Extreme and helping her win I will kick your ass from Germany all the way back home! You better call it straight down the line or there will be hell to pay!!

Lacey nods her head as she drinks another sip of water and wipes her brow with the towel.

LD: Which brings me nicely to my lil German friend Vikky with the Dikky ... where do I even start! I can't begin to tell you how offensive I find this she-male, her attitude stinks almost as bad as her body odour. I guess that's why you brought your monkey in cos Shane Mack could only hold his breath for so long when he was banging you right?

Lacey laughs as she wrinkles her nose.

LD: Naw enough making fun of you ... because I get tired of easy targets and let's get to the truth of the matter of our match last week. Last week I beat you .. simple as that and more importantly I beat you before I'd even stepped foot in the ring. You know it's true, you're scared of me ... deep down where you don't like to go, you wonder if you could even step up to my level. My intensity, my history, my wit and my stunning good looks got you beat in every department and you know it! If you don't believe what I'm saying boys and girls take a look at the tape of the match ... all you'll see is me trying to get involved in the match, to actually wrestle and all you will see if Vikky Dikky constantly throwing me out of the ring ... why? .. Not so she could hand me the win .. oh no! Because she didn't want me anywhere near her, that's why. Because she was terrified of what I would do once I got on a roll and she was right to, because this week is going to be so different. She won't get the chance to get rid of me this time, nope.  This time there's going to be four of us .. hell thinking about it, it could end up as seven of us!

Lacey rolls her eyes as she thinks of everyone just jumping into the ring and getting involved and laughs. She had hoped that Chris Orton might come down to ringside with her but that looked unlikely now and she didn't really want to ask him after their earlier conversation.

LD: My point is that tonight it gives every woman her opportunity ... each of us has a good a shot as the other ... no wait, I'm lying .. obviously I have a much better shot than everyone else because I'm way the better wrestler but hey, I'm trying to be fair here! I know Amy and Vikky Dikky are bring their respective men down to ringside with them because they feel it's the only way they can get a chance but let me squash that idea right now ... I don't care who you bring with you, I don't care what sneaky, cunning little plan you have in mind, I don't care if you throw me out of the ring, I don't care if you hit me with everything but the kitchen sink ... I will be walking out of Extreme with that title shot and going to Wrestle X to face Megan Sorrows and that's not a threat, that's a promise!!

The camera moves back from Lacey as the scene fades to black.

TBC: Me only

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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