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I'm in pain and hurt like hell!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 03:38:40 PM

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Date Posted:16/03/2010 11:45 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I'm in pain and hurt like hell!
Lacey Daniels, Shane Mack, Johnny Camaro
Hey Norm! Sorry for late r/p this week is Mid-tem you know school is first!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
"Extreme" is on the air, the scene opens up with Chris Orton in bad shape wrestling in "Hell In A Cell" match with Shane Mack, so Lacey Daniels is rubbing his back to make him feel better also ready for his European Title match with Johnny Camaro, so Lacey started speaking to Orton about the match he is involve in.

Lacey Daniels: How you feeling now?

Chris Orton: I'm in pain and hurt like hell!

Lacey Daniels: You should be proud of yourself, because your match with Shane Mack set all kinds of ratings records, and people say that match might be "Match Of The Year" contender.

Chris Orton: Shane Mack can enjoy that victory over me, because I'm still better champion than he is, and he never going reach my success since I been World Heavyweight Champion.

Lacey Daniels: Well, you got European title match against Johnny Camarao, so you prepare for this match?

Chris Orton: It doesn't matter what kind of condition my body is in, because I'm going to that ring to defend European Title do whatever it takes to retain it.

Lacey Daniels: Where else does your body hurt?

Chris Orton: Lower body

Lacey Daniels rubs Chris Orton lower body helping him feel better, and Orton starting to feel good, so he turns around looking at Lacey Daniels started speaking again.

Chris Orton: Unlike Shane Mack I'm looking forward facing new challengers, because Johnny Camaro is talented superstar I know what he can brings to the table, so I got to be on my A game to win. Tonight on "Extreme", I'm going to make him work to beat me for European Championship, so I got to get tape, and I'll see you later.

Chris Orton and Lacey Daniels share a quick kiss, and Orton leaves to get tape on his body, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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