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3 more infected souls

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 25, 2023, 03:45:35 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:17/03/2010 12:41 PMCopy HTML

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Nikky VenomMegan SorrowSVD/Drizzy RogersNALoven the banner.
X.9000 horses of pure Detroit muscle.X
X.3 more infected souls.X
So tonight there will be a match full of fan favourites. This will be a good match for the fans, right? Wrong. What will happen is the fans will cheer for their favourite ranking all others as the bad guys, so is Nikky worried that people won't like him? No, because he has decided on taking extra precautions to make sure that he won't lose fans. He will fly high, and do basically what he always does, he won't lose any fans because everyone loves to see him hit the Fuckstar Press. He has even past a school or two and heard kids talking about him and saying Fuckstar Press. Now before you all get a nasty image in your head that Nikky likes to watch little kids, I will tell you that he has been babysitting his nephew while his brother takes a vacay away with his girlfriend. So he has had to drop him off at school. Thank the lord that his bro will be back tonight to pick him up or Nikky wouldn't make it to the show.

But I Digress.

So tonight Nikky faces SVD and Drizzy Rogers, and upon seeing the card, Nikky wondered why The Predators-or what used to be The Predators- made fun of The Infection when they could have called SVD STD. Put not to make fun of SVD, he is a great wrestler. As for Drizzy, he's making his debut, and I'm afraid that he'll just wind up lost in the mid-card. You see, he hasn't made himself known too much in EFW, so people won't know what to think. But you can't rule him out as a competitor.

You know most people wouldn't see what's going on but The Infection can, Johnny and Nikky are being put in tag matches without each other so they can warm up. The benefit of it all is that since they aren't teaming together, no one knows exactly how they work as a cohesive unit. So WrestleX will shape up to be a good workout, and the EFW management are helping them warm up as Rayo and Drew Stevenson sit at home. "What do I think will happen? Well Johnny and I will win and retain our titles. Megan will win the Women's title. And Brooks will beat Mack. All the titles are coming to the Infection and no one will stop it. EFW get ready to be infected!
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