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Sieg ist unser!(EXTREME RP)

Started by Midnight, September 25, 2023, 04:46:31 PM

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Date Posted:19/03/2010 4:47 PMCopy HTML

WARNING: The following rp is rated R for violence and hateful nature. The characters portrayed in this, is not to be taken as how the writer really feels in REAL LIFE.

OOC: Good Luck!

After the victory last night against Lacey,Amy and Tina for the contendership to the Women's Title, Vikky was set to face Megan Sorrow at Wrestle X. Vikky and the rest of the Nazis was celebrating when Vikky interrupted and spoke.

Vikky: Victory, is bittersweet. We warned Lacey that I would beat her and those stinking opponents. With Megan returning favor, now we destroy her and claim Women's belt. Then we will have Dolph challenge Shane Mack for his belt come April.

Klaus: Why April?

Vikky: Because month will be Dolph's official debut as professional wrestler. Dolph trains first then destroys.

Dolph: Shane runs into train. Train is me. I break Shane's spine,end career.

Vikky: That's right Dolph. You will end Shane's career. In April, you will challenge him and then we prove others that we are strong army and no one opposes us.

There was a knock on the door and a german interviewer that was assigned only to interview The Nazis, came in. His name was Hans Gatenheimer, hired by The Nazis and full supporter of their cause. He was 6 foot and weighed 200 pounds. He wore the uniform of the Nazi Party and had a microphone in his hand. He raised his arm in salute to the Nazis's leader Adolf Hitler statue that was sitting behind the black leather couch.


The group: HEIL HITLER!

Vikky smirks and the stands next to Hans as he did the on air interview.

Hans: I am here with Vikky Lynn, leader of the Nazis and winner of last night's match. Vikky, now that your sealed in the PPV match at Wrestle X, what are your thoughts on Karrie Winter, Queen of Mean.

Vikky chuckles.

Vikky: Karrie, she is ingrate. She is Queen of Sluts. She will never be able to stop me,now I am on victory roll. All she will do is talk alot and make idol promise. She will be no good liar.

Hans: Thank you Vikky.

The scene fades out.

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