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Many Agenda's to be settled

Started by SVD, September 25, 2023, 04:49:25 PM

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Date Posted:22/03/2010 10:25 AMCopy HTML

The Agendas are big.

What it seems like?For weeks and and weeks,The Rocket aka spear and The Controversial Superstar Salman Van Dam himself are in a fugitive battle of their own,last week they were booked in a fatal four way and this week again.Things are heating up and are ascending for both of the very well famous superstar,their road to Wrestle X and their first leather strap match is coming closer and closer.Who would win?Only time  will tell.

"Spear Spear Spear,or should I call him Rocket",here he goes with his mindless rambling as he was sitting backstage in his isolated lockerroom,talking to himself."Obviously I would love to kick his ass.I saw how Ryan Payne got rid of his sorry ass from WGEF don't I and later he never ever came back".There he paused thinking about the obvious outcome of what would happen if Rocket would have ever returned to WGEF.

"You know why go back to WGEF?because everyone knows that once you join,you are gonna get your retard ass kicked again,just like I am gonna do at Wrestle X,and the very same thing will be happening at Extreme"

Does he mean to state that he plans to retire Rocket?Hmm could be one pathetic thought coming in his mind.Obviously for Rocket ,he would simply feel that SVD will fail,but when it comes to full fill his words ,he does it,and SVD does it all the time.Sure he comes short at time,but the biggest Agenda for SVD is not retiring him no,but what it is,"Retiring you wont be good,because I want you to keep showing your face around in EFNW,not lose one awesome ppv match and leave the company,No ,no,I want you to be really around..Because I want to give you retirement tour this whole year my friend,as long as I don't injure you and beat you badly I won't give up on putting you to rest in peaces.You see Rocket,its time you know take off from the wrestling world.Its time you say bye bye,because you are no longer needed to this Wrestling universe.So ROCKET get ready for the last couple of matches,that will totally retire your career for good"

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