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2point0 speaks louder then 'Agenda's'. (Extreme/Wrestle X RP)

Started by The Rocket, September 25, 2023, 04:57:19 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:22/03/2010 9:24 PMCopy HTML

Being in China is kind of surreal for me, this is my first time over sea's and it's been somewhat of an eye opener. You see it's taught me that from fighting my way back to this business from being gone for almost eight months it teaches you to appreciate what you've got and not take it for granted.

It's a lesson that some people in this company could be taught but, as they say it would only be ignored. That seems to be the case with my opponent at 'Wrestle X' and this week on 'Extreme' he's on some kind of high because he's gotten one victory over me. That was fine and all I wasn't going to make a BIG deal about it or even complain, otherwise known as 'taking the high road,' Instead Sally does a 180 and pulls out history that he wasn't even apart of.

Now granted, WGEF is not one of the things I would like to be remembered for but, it's something that's going to synonymous with me as long as I'm in this business. It's really a shame how things ended for me there. Beaten in my own creation, bloody, thrown in a dumpster and then to be literally pissed on and thrown out of a company I was beginning to think of as home. Now I've got to have that brutal history I've decided to discard and leave in the past is being brought up to what? Hurt my feelings? If this is what Salman Van Dam is trying to do he about to find out that he needs to stop and rethink his little game plan and he had better do it before Sunday night.

Open up on a wide shot of the arena.

I get up out of the seat in which I've chosen as mine for the time being and begin making my way up the HD TRON stage and into the back where I go to my locker and change into my wrestling attire and begin to get ready for tonight's show. I walk around the back and see 'Mr. Controversy' himself just standing there gawking at me and he can't help but, smile and giggle. I would love nothing more then to walk over there right now and slap that stupid little smile right off his stupid looking face however, I know that later on tonight I'm going to have the chance to do more to him then just slap the taste out of his mouth, I'm gonna have the chance to put him in his place tonight and to tell you the truth I know that everyone in this arena and every EFn'W fan world wide would love to see me do it. 

I walk up to the little smart ass and before he can even say a word I cut him off and begin with my own.

The Rocket saysAll I'm going to tell you is that you should be watching the monitor in a couple of minutes because, I'm about to show you what we in this business call a promo. I'm not going to sit in a dark room or even paint my face. All that is old skool Spear and Rocket, the man your going to be facing at Wrestle X is not the old skool version of The Rocket. I'm 2point0 and that means that the time for this bullshit has been up for quite sometime and that's it time to finish off what's left of your sickness and your disease. Watch and learn.

As he begins to speak I turn my back to him and walkaway. After going through all of that I grin and make my way to the interview area and tonight no one will be here to ask me the question's that are on their mind because tonight I'm going to be answering what is on the minds of the fans and to be honest I could careless what anyone else wants me to answer for them.

I now have my back turned to the camera and as the shot opens up to the roars of the Chinese crowd sitting in the arena tonight, I turn around and already some of the people happen to know just who the hell I am. I can't help but stand there with my image on the large screen and listen to these people who have probably only caught a glimpse of me from their computer monitors but damn it they know me can the same be said for my opponent at Wrestle X? The answer to that is simple, NO! These people don't know who Salman Van Dam is and they probably couldn't care who he is with the exception that he's talking about retiring me, for good. I finally turn around and reveal myself this massive crowd.

I look out at this crowd as I begin my address not only for tonight but for Wrestle X as well.

The Rocket saysLooking out at this crowd here in this arena in Beijing I can honestly say that I don't see any signs for Salman Van Dam. Further proving my already proven theory that he is no more of a superstar then he himself claims to be. Me on the other hand, these people know just who the hell I am and whether it be for being known as 'Spear' or being myself or even being the old skool version of the man you all knew as The Rocket before the reinvention I recently underwent but, the fact remains you KNOW me. Sally, these people know me and have seen ALL my work and I've got to say, your's isn't that flattering. You've got more losses then the fucking Brooklyn Brawler and to tell you the truth, I'm going to be adding yet another loss to your record and further cementing the fact that you a loser and a nobody.

The people are eating this up. I've got them on pins and needles, let's go ahead and continue this promo.

The Rocket saysI watched your 'promo' and what it told me is that since you've gotten that SINGLE win over me, what? A couple weeks ago, it appears that you've gotten a BIG HEAD which seems to be where most of the sudden 'confidence' if you can even call it that, is coming from. You rehash bullshit that has already happened and is in another companies history which by the way doesn't mean shit to anyone but, you. Ryan Payne beat me and kicked me out of the WGEF, all right. Big deal, move on from the past and step into the future. I have and as I told you before, 2point0 means that this Sunday night in this leather strap match, I'm going to light your ass up like a the Chinese new year.

The fans laughing now at the reference made about their most celebrated holiday.

The Rocket saysNow, as for your comments about my 'retirement' go, that really is none of your concern as I'm going to be in this game longer then the book written on your career even goes.

I bring out a book that's titled 'The Epic.' 

The Rocket saysThis is it. No, it's not the movie about Michael Jackson's last performance. This is the book of Salman Van Dam's 'Epic' career.

I open up the book and reveal to the camera that is a hollowed out copy of said book. I look at it and see Sally's little toy championship belts and as the fans laugh at him I pull a packet of matches out and strike on of them lighting the match on fire and I toss it inside the copy of 'The Epic' and set it on the ground and watch it burn.

The Rocket saysSal, this is going to be 'The Epic' ending to your career. The world over has seen your matches and your so called 'great times' but at Wrestle X this weekend and quite frankly tonight, your going to do like this book of your career is doing and you're going to burn. That's it, there is nothing more that I can say to you because what I've said is the truth and 2point0 don't lie. Stamped, sealed and delivered. The career of Salman Van Dam ends at Wrestle X while The Rocket only continues to rise straight to the mother fucking TOP!

As I finish my sentence and drop the mic to the floor I notice Sally watching the hollowed copy of 'The Epic' burn. What's left to say?

Mission Accomplished. 


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