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The Roast of...(Extreme and Wrestle X promo)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 25, 2023, 05:00:44 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:22/03/2010 3:30 PMCopy HTML


Out of Character: Boom! Roasted in this rp!
Johnny is sittng in a room wearing his street attire and sunglasses. "Mack, you are just like every-fucking-body outside of the Infection. You think that because we were given oppertunities, we don't deserve what we've got. Nikky's US title, because he used his rematch clause. Our tag titles, because we faced a number of tough teams to be met with a break. As for our match Mack, you took me to my limits and you won, but I am now better then I was then, so I'd like to challenge you Mack. I'm challenging you to a ladder match, non-title, and for the week after WrestleX...so next week. Macky, you think I have slipped, I won a title and you think I've slipped? Ya right!"

"This week, the Infection grows larger for one night only. This week, we team with the man who proved me wrong and earned my respect last week. Chris Orton. Chris, me and you had a great fight, personally, I'm glad didn't win the title because I would have had two matches at WrestleX. But that's not a valid reason anymore because I face you for your title at WrestleX. And I look forward to battling once again. So Chris, right now I'm going to say that I was wrong last week and that your fire is still there, so this week I again want that fire in the ring when we face The Predators and Drayo."

"Speaking of which, Drayo, you guys are not going to win our Tag Titles at WrestleX because you don't deserve it. You got a chap win when Mack and James decided to screw things up. I didn't want there to be a DQ and I didn't want my tag partner hurting too bad thatI couldn't tag out, so I had to dive out and help him. I didn't like it but we needed to work together, and we had a truce, I helpped him and lost because someone held me down. You don't deserve your shot, and if you win it will be by DQ, the only way you know how to win. Ya....Don't feel to good does it. That probably pissed you off, didn't it? That's what you have been doingfor weeks, speaking bullshit and thinking that you're the dopest trip. Get a grip or I will make you, and trust me when I say, you won't leave WrestleX as champions. At WrestleX I will settle yo down in heartbreak." S

"But I'm not done yet, not by a long shot. Rayo is a dumb-tard in a mask, that he wears to honor his brothers incareration and thinks he's the dopest trip. Drew Stevenson...All I have to say is, what happened to you? You used to be cool! But then you had to team up with an idiot douche fag. You two aren't going to take my tag titles away from me and Nikky and you never will. The Infection is going big baby, and we will win all the titles."


Johnny Camaro

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Re:The Roast of...(Extreme and Wrestle X promo)
Date Posted:22/03/2010 9:24 PMCopy HTML


Out of Character: o

"Rayo, you should learn when to just shut your mouth. You see, the way I was taught, you respected your champions. Even if you didn't like them, you still respected them. You respect the fact that they won the title, respect the fact that, even if they were in the right place at the right time, they won it from the former champ. Same applies here, I respect Mack for winning the title. The problem was that he was bitching about the same thing everyone else has been, maybe he was swept up in the moment, I don't know nor do I care. All I care about is that I'm respected for winning a title that you, Rayo, will never win from me." Johnny just saw Rayo's promo and is rather upset about the lack of respect from him.

"Rayo, you say that I am dumb for creating a word, and questioning your intentions about your brothers mask. Let's elabourite. I called you dumb-tarded because it would be offensive to retards to call you one of them. As for the mask thing, you are still honoring a criminal. You may say that he is falsly imprisoned but that hasn't been proved, so he is in prison because he was proven guilty. Rayo, again, please listen this time. Your still honoring a convict that was proven guilty. Got it that time? Good!" Johnny seems less frustrated.

"Mack, I called you out, I want you in a non-title Ladder match next week. All it's for is to prove to you that I am still as focused as before. To prove that I can go toe to toe with you, no title match wanted, no title match needed. Just a contest to show that I'm better than before."

"But back to Rayo. You call yourself the savior of the tag team division. Well that is a falsehood, because The Infection were the ones who saved it. We won these titles an saved the tag team division. It's funny because any title that we win, instantly everyone wants it. We make every title that we are currently holding valuable to EVERYONE. I know that will not change soon because we are just that awesome and we are that valued to the company. So Rayo in short we will retain our titles and you will just end up bitching for a rematch. So good night." The Camera Fades Out!


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