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The Epitome Of Greatness ----- Extreme/Wrestle X Promo

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 05:04:23 PM

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Date Posted:23/03/2010 9:58 AMCopy HTML

Early morning stoned pimpin', been down a longtime, been up forever, been rolling on through every damn night and living every damn day! Story of Shane Mack's life, Da Original Pimp of Entertainment cause Shane Mack is DOPE!
He's kicked back in his dressing room with a black button up shirt and a pair of jeans on, his hair brushed back and his air walk sneakers stick out from his pant legs as he sits on a leather sofa just looking down to the floor and thinking. Mack raises his head and looks up, his eyes showing nothing except for that desire to be the greatest pro wrestler there is, his dark brown eyes, a touch of red from last night perhaps, maybe not a full night of sleep, whatever is the case it really doesn't matter for Mack is on his game every night of the week, so come test him or drop the fuck out like lil Wiggle tried to do and couldn't! Mack just stares in a trance almost, then snaps out and smirks now as he says.
So Gabriel, ya didn't like me making fun of your name yet son, what did I really make fun of? Miss Brooks, eh, insinuating you to be a female, hmmm? Alright, well if that's how ya took it, its how ya took it, but bottom line is, I said what I said and I have no care for what ya think, hell son, as far as making fun of names, I made fun of mine years ago, so go ahead, do it! I got nothing to hide, to nothing to be ashamed, no skeletons, no secrets, nothing you or anyone can use to try and hold me down, to blackmail me, eh, that's a joke and half! Your right in saying that I do have the fucking talent, but Gabriel, questioning how I managed to keep this belt for as long as I have?
He scratches his head and smirks, looks at the table in front of where his title sits and keeps smirking as he says.
I admit it is nice seeing it day to day, I love being World Champ and not anyone, not you, no one in this company today is gonna beat me in the near future! This run so far, this is not a long time to be World Champ, not for someone of my caliber, not for someone on my level cause remember, here in this company it's a whole new fucking level, especially when ya step to Mack cause ya always end up on your back...staring at the lights and dreaming of the nights! Several people here I have seen the potential in and I have always been a big fan of, always wanted to see them push harder and become bigger, but every single one of them has gave doubt as to whether or not they will make it. Johnny Camaro and Nikky Venom came in here at an opportune time and were able to secure spots in this company because we had very few occupied. Like I said before, the right place at the right time, but Johnny, Nikky, I never said that was a and thing, I never ran you down for it, hell kids, to be honest, I did acknowledge there was nothing wrong with it, so keep lying to yourself about what Mack said, but maybe one day you'll wake up to reality!
He pauses to clear his throat, coughs a couple times, then just says.
Neither of us are god or satan Gabriel, neither of us protect either one, were both two wrestlers wanting to be the best at what we do and thus far, I am bigger than you, I have proven I am better based on my history alone, making this company what it is today and not by running it cause like its been noted, I never have had anything to do with the business side of things. I made this company on my back. When some people wanted to walk, I stayed, even when it was my best friends who walked out, I fucking stayed loyal and busted my ass harder than anyone else who has ever walked through the doors, harder than you, harder than my best friends, harder than any new blood bitch on today's roster, harder than them all and that is a fucking shoot, so kiss this!
He smirks and reaches down grabbing his package through his jeans, then relaxes again and says.
I never thought you were full of shit for wanting to be World Champ, calling yourself World Champ already, it's a goal you want to achieve and a separate goal and possibly a bigger one, beating Shane Mack! Its what everyone who steps into this company wants to do, beat Mack and be World Champ because without either ya won't make it! Chris Orton can't make it and hell Gabriel, you couldn't even beat Chris as recent as a couple months ago, maybe it was three, but you had a few matches with him very late last year into early this year, I think this year? Anyways, ya failed to beat him and your gonna fail to beat me, but make me fight ya will unless ya pull a Weigel and bitch out!
He smirks as he pauses, then continues.
You seem to think I am broken for some reason, but that obviously shows your ignorance to the truth for Shane Mack has never been more complete and content than he is now! World Champion headlining the big number five Wrestle X and looking to reinvent himself and this company all over again, ooooh yea buddy, far from fucking broken, but that's not what you will be saying after Wrestle X is over and your laying in a hospital in Tokyo being stitched up, put back together, while I am off bandaged up partying all fucking night in a celebration of the ages! This is fucking Japan were gonna be in and I cannot wait for it, but I will! I have the patience to wait forever if I had to, but in reality I only have to wait five days until you and I dance on the biggest stage in the land of the rising sun, my home, my birthplace because Japan is where Mack was born and it could be where I die, but I don't know about that cause none of us do and if we did, well that'd be a whole different story! Fact is, Mack ain't gonna die at Wrestle X, nah man, I'm gonna live higher than anyone else, I am gonna be who I have become and that is the fucking headliner, the show stealer, the extreme icon, the ultimate rebel, the king of impacts, the impact innovator, Shane Mack is not god, but damn sure closer than anyone else around here!
He chuckles now and just grins, then says.
Now Johnny Camaro, a moment I need to take and set ya straight son. Ya see, like I said a bit ago, I never disrespected you for coming in when ya did and getting yourself noticed, at least ya showed up to wrestle unlike some, you and Nikky both. I took you to your limit in our match, well yea, I know that, but Johnny, as much as I praised you for stepping up to me and proving ya got potential to be big, to beat me one day, you didn't take me to my limit and if you want another crack at me, non title ladder match again, fine son, the Extreme after Wrestle X you can have it like ya want it. As I have stated numerous times, ya make the challenge to Shane Mack and ya get the match, but beating me requires a hell of a lot more than having the nuts to step to me!
He still grins and says.
Now to all ya all as a collective team as ya will be on Extreme, The Infection and Chris Orton, eh, a good team I admit, ya all have so much potential in you to be top players in this company, but my three partners all have the same potential to be top players here and the difference in teams is me! I don't just have potential to go on and on all fucking night, I am the top player of this company and Wrestle X will not change that even if I by some miraculous chance Gabriel won, he wouldn't be bigger than Shane Mack and that's a fact! Tomorrow on Extreme its four on four and I've heard ya all speaking more direct towards your Wrestle X opponent, but fact a the matter is that its four on four, one fall to a finish, the better team wins and the odds lean to my team because ya see boys, a leader leads his brothers to victory while four equal brothers fight a good fight, but just don't know how to combat a true leader. Shane Mack is leader, have been my whole life, and a damn good one, just ask the many names I have taught and trained who went on to huge success in this business! Bobby knows what's up and he and I, The Predators, we got more in store for ya all. Rayo and Drew, hopefully they see it and band together to send a message to their opponents at Wrestle X cause no matter what anyone says, no one has a dominant win secured at that event, not a damn soul and that is what it is, that is the truth. You can work together and win or get an ego ya haven't earned and lose, its all about choice brothers, make yours and lets go to war!
He smirks and just leans his head back looking up, then looks back at the camera and says.
Gabriel, you can surround yourself with all the friends you want, hell son, a win for my team tomorrow night is not as secure as a win for me at Wrestle X because ya all are on the same page, ya all got the common enemies like my team does, its gonna be a fucking war waged on Extreme, but with no true winner because that may come at Wrestle X, but for some of us, it won't be that soon by a long shot. So Gabriel, ya better do something and do it quick, shine through the dark cloud and step over me, raise it up and make this about you because like I said, its al about Mack, so fuck you and by the way, once again, kiss this!
He now does a crotch chop, then bounces up off the sofa and grabs his title slapping it over his shoulder. Mack walks on over to the door and heads on out into the hallway patrolling his playground, getting ready for the war in his yard!

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