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Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 05:12:50 PM

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Date Posted:24/03/2010 10:41 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Garbiel Brooks, Nikky Venom, Johnny Camaro, Drew Steveson, Rayo, Bobby James, Steve Weigel,Shane Mack
Here is roleplay number #2 for Extreme and Wrestle X #2
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
"Extreme" is on the air, the scene opens up with Chris Orton wearing his new t-shirt is now number #1 item on Extreme F'N Wrestling ShopZone, so he is writing the word "Respect" on a chalkboard and underline it, and he started speaking into the camera.

Chris Orton: Tonight on "Extreme", Shane Mack, Bobby James, Rayo, and Drew Steveson will be taught a lesson about the word on this chalkboard "Respect" why these guys don't respect me or my partners. They believe we are not in their league not able to push them to their limit, so they feel we can't beat them in the main event on "Extreme". You know I'm sure my partners and I are looking forward showing our challengers don't misjudge us by making jokes or mocking us, because the more jokes and mocking you do will gives more of a drive to really beat you. You go ahead continue on doubting us, because it's what you guys do suddenly backfires on you, so I think this match will turn out to be a brawl and all kind of hell breaking loose inside that ring.

Chris Orton stops talking, puts European title on his shoulder, started talking about his match at "Wrestle X".

Chris Orton: At "Wrestle X", I just been inform that another superstar has been added to European title match, so it's now myself vs Johnny Camaro, vs Steve Weigel in a triple treat match. I guess you can say the odds are not in my favor to win this match, but I have beat the odds rather it's triple treat, fatal-four way, or whatever match that put in front of me. I came out a winner, so Johnny Camaro and Steve Weigel will bring their best to win this match, and I'm looking forward to the challenge. Unlike Shane Mack I respect those who step in the ring with me, because I know I'm not facing bunch of ego punks like the men I'm facing on "Extreme". Johnny Camaro and Steve Weigel are the future in this business, and I'm looking forward facing them at "Wrestle X", because if I lose or win I know those two guys will be great champions like myself in the future.

 Chris Orton smiles, walks away, the scene focus on the word "Respect", suddenly the scene faded black.

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