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The Blog before the Storm, Wrestle X #2

Started by The Rocket, September 25, 2023, 05:18:14 PM

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The Rocket

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Date Posted:27/03/2010 10:49 PMCopy HTML

Location: Tokyo Dome
City/Province: Tokyo, Japan

It's been about seventy-two hours since the bullshit that happened at 'Extreme' this week. Yeah, I won the match but what happened after it is the bullshit that I speak of. Salman Van Dam has written his own death certificate and he's been writing it for the past month. Not only has he boasted about wanting to end my career, a career that MANY moons left to go in this business. He's gone on record as saying that he not only wants to end my career but make the entire year of twenty-ten the year of the 'retirement tour of The Rocket.'w

This is not it. I'm not Michael Jackson and I don't moonwalk or make 3D movies in the 80's called 'Captain, EO.' 

What I do is make people's lives a living a hell. Much like I plan on doing to Salman Van Dam tomorrow night in front of the sold out crowd inside this beautiful arena. There is literally going to be no where for him to run or hide and that's the part of the night that I'm looking forward to the most.

For a month and a half I've dealt with Weigal and Van Dam and the one guy that's getting his chance to make a name for himself at this grand event is the latter of the two crazy fucks I've dealt with. After Wrestle X the career of Salman Van Dam will end and it will all be because he ran his mouth and brought up things that are in the past.

I talked to numerous people and the one thing that they told me to do to you SVD is that I light your ass up with that leather strap and make you feel pain like you have never felt before. Since I have known you, you have annoyed more people with your presence then some dork chop named 'Suicide Hank.' I'm closing this blog entry tonight because the thought of talking about you anymore has made me hate you even more then I have ever hated anyone and at the end of the night when I hit you 'The End' and you are laying on the mat unconscious and I pin you it will be just that, The End for you in this company.



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