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WrestleX-V baby (Johnny Camaro promo)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 25, 2023, 05:23:55 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:28/03/2010 9:22 AMCopy HTML

You know who was sick? JFK. I've heard rumors that he could open a bottle with his eyebrow. Only two people could every do that - JFK and Johnny Camaro. Thats another thing that they have in common. One more thing they have in common is that JFK and Johnny both single-handedly stopped nuclear war from occuring. Kim Jong Il was about to pull the nuclear bomb button when Johnny intervened and said "What happened to you Kim? You used to be cool. Ping-pong Champion Kim Jong Il was a boss, nuclear bombin' Kin Jong Il is the anti-boss." And with those resounding words, Kim disarmed his military battalion of bombs, and had a gaint orgy in Johnny's honour. Nice.

But I digress.

Johnny was hanging out in the locker rooms alone and got hungry.

johnnycamaro: "Damn, I want some Skittles!"

Johnny left the locker room in search for some Skittles. After an hour of searching for a vending machine Johnny had forgotten what he was out looking fir and sat on a stack of empty roadcases. Just the he heard someone walking past and so he asked him...

johnnycamaro: "Hello, I have 5 American Dollars, 3 of which will go to you if you help me find a vending machine. :D"

japanesewrestler: "私は尻海賊〔著作権侵害者〕です"

johnnycamaro: "What the hell? What kind of giberish are you speaking?"

japanesewrestler: "私は尻海賊〔著作権侵害者〕です"

johnnycamaro: "Screw it, I'm using the subtitles below him!"

japanesewrestler: "(subtitles) They are just around the corner. You can see them now."

johnnycamaro: "Thank you for telling me the directions. Also, thank yo for not going all Austin Powers on me. Your Ass Is Happy, ha ha ha."

So Johnny walked around the corner and got his Skittles. It was here that he noticed he didn't give the man his 3 Dollars, the man didn't seem offended so Johnny didn't care. He did care though when Steve came along and slapped Johnny' Skittles out of his hand.

johnnycamaro: "What the shit? Steve you douchebag! What the shit did you do that for?"

stevewiegle: "'Cause I feltlike it!"

johnnycamaro: "You know Steve you talk shit about how you will easily beat both myself and Chris Orton, and how I will be a loser in this company, but you haven't won any title while The Infection has. You Wiegle are the only loser in this company! So just walk awqay now defeated because there is nothing you can say that can come back from that."

And with that Johnny walked away to his locker room. Steve did and said nothing as Johnny walked away. Johnny walked back to the locker room area and pulls out the CamaroCam. Promo time for Youtube!

johnnycamaro: "High, I'm the Quintessential Star Johnny Camaro. And I'm here to talk about WrestleX-V. That`s 5 in Roman Numbers. Anyway, I'd like to talk about Chris Orton's promo. First and foremost, 'best looking'? Have you seen me? I look like the son of Aphrodite, I am the definition of beauty. Look it up in the Oxfords dictionary, they actually have a picture under the word beauty! Chris, there is no way you can compare to me in the looks department."

So true my brother, TESTIFY!

johnnycamaro: "As for the dominate couple, lets face facts, Lacey is a whiner that will do anything to get her way. And you, well over cocky. You think you will win everything because you are Chris Orton. Well this week I will show you that it's all a lie. Besides, everyone knows who the dominate couple is here, Nikky and Megan Sorrow. There is no way in hell that you will ever replace them there. So Chris nice try but that's a failure."

Awww ya, time to make it happen.

johnnycamaro: "Now for Steve Weigel, you Skittle-slaping bitch, you own me two dollars! How dare you slap the great taste of Skittle down to the ground right infront of starving African children! Not Cool, now my entourage is kneeling on the ground trying to eat those Skittles! Thanks a lot!"

What starving African children, I didn't see any?

johnnycamaro: "But now on a happier note, the fact that The Infection will win the Tag Team Title match at WrestleX-V. Drayo, it's pretty obvious that you two can't win out titles because you lack the expirence as a tag team. You lack the knowledge of how to get by here. We have an aray of assualt based moves that will take you both out. Besides, we've been in tag team cage matches before, and we've learned from the best how to go about winning them. This is something I will not tell you as you will just do it yourself."

What about just Rayo? He's been pretty uncool lately.

johnnycamaro: "As for Rayo, by himself. I finally got around to listening to what Rayo had said, and all I have to say is...you talk about no pressure. Well there is yes pressure. The pressure to step in the ring with the youngest and greatest tag team in the whole damned division. Also, I don't know how they do things in...Los Angeles?! Aww fuck! Let me ask you think, homes. Why were you professionally wrestling at the age of 16? That's not legal, you have to be atleast 18 to profssionally wrestle. So now I have twice proven that Rayo is a liar."

16!?! What the fuck!

johnnycamaro: "And about the savior of the tag team division, that is a flasehood as well. Who was the persons that won the Tag Team Title Tournament? Oh yeah, The Infection. Not to say that we are the saviors, because we aren't. The saviors are the peoples who brought the idea to management, West Coast Connection! Thank you guys, and may you rest in peace. So now what is it? 3 times Rayo has lied in one promo, tsk, tsk."

...carry the one and...yep 3 times..

johnnycamaro: "And now to turn our sights to Rayo's brother! The fact that he is in jail proves the fact that he is guilty. You may think he's not guilty, but Johnathan Law said different, that just makes you a person that is in deniel. So you are wearing your mask to honor a convict, trust me you are the idiot in this."

I belive you Johnny, you're always wise, just like Sandy Cohen.

johnnycamaro: "So on WrestleX when I step out from that curtian, and see the millions of fans chanting In-fec-tion, In-fec-tion, I will not let them down. I will make sure that I leave you laying in the ring in heartbreak. Then I will turn my attention to chris Orton, and I will repeat the same thing. Whoooo-you can see a chill go up his spine- just think, a couple more hours. I can't wait until I set from behind that curtian, I've heard from many that it is the best feeling in the world. There's nothing like the first WrestleX match of anyones career. I'm ready and I will make sure that it isn't a disapointing WrestleX. Goodnight."


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