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I Am Going To Be The One That Walks Out The New EF'NW World Heavyweight Champion

Started by Liz, September 25, 2023, 05:26:45 PM

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Date Posted:28/03/2010 1:41 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of  Gabriel Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

{The scene opens to the view of  pub of the Hotel Metropolitan Edmont in Tokyo, Japan. It's crowded but four to eight people there having a few drinks or beers. Upon closer view of the place, sitting in a booth in the corner is a man. The camera then moves in for a closer look and it's the man that will be facing Shane Mack. This man is Gabriel Brooks. He is seen wearing  a blue sleeveless shirt, a pair of baggy blue jeans, a belt with a chain connecting to his wallet and a pair of black leather boots with a black leather jacket that on the back has a grim reaper with a sickle grasping a crystal ball with a "G" in the ball. Gabriel has a big bottle of Jim Beam in front of him and a shot glass. Gabriel then pours the whiskey into the shot glass and swallows the golden liquid of fire. Gabriel then slams the glass on the table and sighs a little from the pain. He then looks into the camera with a slight squint and says.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Mack, you've got so many more moments that you've got left as the EF'NW World Heavyweight Champion. I'm just biding my time. Trying to get a feel for things. A feel for what it will be like for me when I finally put away your ass once and for all. I am so looking forward to us meeting in the ring. I truly am. For once in my life, I'm more excited about something that I am passionate about. After all the stuff that I've got off my chest, I'm at peace with myself. With that peace, tonight after I beat your ass and become SE.....EF'NW World Heavyweight Champion, this place will be packed for my celebration as the new champion and as the man that beat the Land of The Rising Sun's bastard.
{Gabriel then takes a shot of Jim and winces a little. He then looks right into the camera and says.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Mack, at the end of Extreme, you walked out on you own. But that's not going to be case. I know that either one of us could be riding in the ambulance at the end of the night but the thing is I don't care. I don't care if it's me as long as I have that title around your waist. It's going to be long to me. And so what if I keep reminding of what you helped with. Like my leg. Yes, you helped Thriller. But the fact remains that you did. In my mind, you've got to deal with the punishment from it. And the only way that'll happen is when you and I are standing across the ring from the other and at the end of the night, you'll be punished enough where I can climb the ladder and take what you so dearly cherish. I am the man to just that. To end your run as champion.
{Gabriel takes another shot and speaks more.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Tonight, your title is coming to me. I will fight you until there's nothing in my veins or lungs. I've got to have the EF'NW World Heavyweight championship to ultimately prove to myself that I am in your league. I know that I am but I need proof to prove it. You don't need it. To me, you act like it's just a piece of metal that you get to carry around with you everywhere you go to. That's the frightening thing. That you don't care for that title. You may say that you do but just think about it. Sit down and think. Do you really care for that title? I think not. You are going to find out what type of man I am. You are going to find out that I don't quit for nothing in the world. I will be the one that leaves the Tokyo Dome the champ. I know that I'm sounding like a broken record but I've said everything that needs to be said. I'm just waiting for the moment that my music hits and I walk out to the semi-ovation that I am going to get. Yes, some of these people are going to boo for me because we are in Japan. A place that you love so much. Here in Japan, Mack, your legacy dies with your title run.
{Gabriel takes one more shot and puts the cap back on the bottle. He slightly smirks and says.}
Gabriel Brooks:
It's time for someone to step it up and step on you. I'm sick and tired of watching you walk around SE.....EF'NW with the world heavyweight title. And I don't know if I can speak for everyone but I bet everyone else is sick and tired of you walking around like you are the best thing for this company. I'm ready for anything that you have to throw at me. I know you are ready for me. I'm glad that I am gonna find out who you are because you son of a bitch, you are going to find out I am. That title you hold dearly, Mack, is coming to me. Tonight, you are going to be holdin' on to nothing. I am taking the thing that you seem to only care about. as of late, you seem to care for nothing or no one but yourself. You are going to be back at the bottom because that's where you belong. I'm am so sick of you. Sick to my stomach. Here you are walking around with the World Heavyweight title, acting you own everything. I just don't get it. You don't own everything. You own nothing. And you are going to be nothing after I take down that title to signify the end for you. An end....man, an end to your title run and for you to feel what it's like to be like the rest of us.
{Gabriel gets some money out and places it on the table. He then gets up and walks out of the bar. Once he gets to the elevator and pushes the button to go up, he turns to the camera and says.}
Gabriel Brooks:
So, man, to put this to bed, I am going to beat you. It's all a matter of waiting. For me, the more I wait, the more I am looking forward to wiping that egotistical grin of your face. Mack, dude, I'm more ready for this than I have ever been ready for anything else in my life. Tonight, your title comes to me. Case closed!
{Just then, the elevator opens and Gabriel walks in and pushes a button. After he does that, he flips off the camera as the elevator doors close and the scene fades to black.}

This Layout Was Made For Gabriel Brooks by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at 
armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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