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Only I Have Made It ----- Wrestle X Promo

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 05:31:35 PM

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Date Posted:28/03/2010 10:44 PMCopy HTML

Were now just minutes away from the biggest event of the year known as Wrestle X and here we are in a simple ol' locker room, the one where all the boys hang out, the room and Mack sits on a bench in front of his chosen locker, his ring gear on and the World Title sits in his locker. Mack looks down to the floor lost in thought, his mind focused on one goal, being the best! Without turning he looks up to his title and now begins to speak.
Your ignorance is but one flaw you possess that will be your downfall Gabriel! You talk as if I am not a hard worker, one of the men who made this title what it is today, one of the men who worked with every, single person who entered this company, you think I don't measure and you also think this "old" man is out!?!
He brings his hands up brushing his hair, then drops them and a snicker is heard, but he stays focused on his title and says.
Last time I checked, kid, you were born a year before I was, yet I have done more in my career, in my life, that you can dream of!!!
He grabs his title and jumps up turning around halfway and lands on his the bench, holds the belt to his waist and looks down with a half sneer, half smirk and says.
All those men and women you spoke I helped get to where they were and many more besides them, I was always behind everyone who entered this company and strived to make sure they made it, even you, even Chris Orton, every one and some made it while others have not and on this current roster, only I have made it and that's a shoot, like it or not!
He uses his left hand to brush his hair back and smirks completely now, then says.
Gabriel, one day your name will be on that list of names you rambled off among some others, but that day is not here yet, that future is not what is gonna happen now, this is down the road! I have just begun showing you all what this title run will be all about, what Shane Mack will do to keep the gold, what he will go through.
He looks a bit more serious now and says.
These fans over here, they cheer me even when I try to be a bad man because they have the utmost respect for me because some fifteen years ago as a little teenager I broke myself over here, I gave myself to this land and I forever immortalized the name of Mack in Japan, hell, I did that for my home in the D as well!
He smirks again, then says.
Your losing it Gabriel and ya never even had it completely in your grasp to begin with. Your slipping up and your gonna fail to win the gold, the top title, the biggest belt there is and your gonna fail to beat il ol' Shane Mack!!!
He gets a goofy grin and raises his left hand in circle to his ear mockingly, then laughs and jumps down to the floor. He flings his hair back and gets that cocky grin, its almost show time. Mack raises the belt up to his shoulder and says.
I am more in tune with everyone in this company at any given time than you or anyone else and that's what makes me so great, because I get to know them all or at least try to, I learn from my peers, I pick their brains and I use it all against them to make myself the man and like it or not, I have done exactly that! Stop being jealous and strive to be better or get put down like all the rest and never get over!?! What's it gonna be Gabe, huh son?
He goes serious again and says.
I have dealt with loss before, in and out of the ring and its not a big deal to me, it never has been and never be. Because I know myself, I am content with my own being, I don't ever view myself as lower than anyone else and truth be told, ya want a real shoot, I view no one as above myself, just different like we all are! Some of us strive to do better at different things, like me and this business, like Bobby Fisher and chess, some things just go together! I have accepted where I am in life and no, I ain't religious, I ain't anything like that, I am simply me, Shane Mack, and I strive to outdo and outperform every, single person in my choice of work. Whether I do or not, well, that is arguable as it is for everyone, fact is, many argue that I am just that, so do what ya gotta do, but make people notice, make them target you, make them go to you to make themselves cause that's what I do!
He adjusts the title and gets that smirk back, then says.
Alright then, now its time to go do what I do and headline the event of events, Wrestle X, and do what no one else can do, be the show and for you Gabriel, DA SHOWS OVA...and for all you others, ya can KISS THIS!
Mack drops his arms in a crotch chop now and laughs, catches his title from falling and heads past the camera now and out of the room leaving us behind and fading to black and to think, who will win tonight, who will walk out the World Heavyweight Champion, who will hold on and make it?

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