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I'm Superior Champion!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 06:02:40 PM

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Date Posted:05/04/2010 11:51 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I'm Superior Champion!
 Nikky Venom, Bobby James, Lacey Daniels
Spring Break was awsome glad to be back! Here #1 r/p for "Extreme" Enjoy!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
Extreme F'N Wrestling presents "Extreme" live from Budokan Hall in Toko Japan. The scene shows Chris Orton appearing on titiantron, and he puts European title on his title started talking.

Chris Orton: At "Wrestle X", I prove without a doubt that I am greatest fighting champion of all-time also better wrestler in that match, so I'm still hearing the same bullshit from the press everywhere I go that I still need to step it up. You know what the hell with the media and everyone else who thinks I need to step it up, because I'm biggest superstar in this company not Shane Mack or anyone else on the roster. My ability and skills is beyond superior than anyone else has, because I come into every match focus and ready to put down every single wrestler that gets in my way until I'm top of the ladder of this company.

Chris Orton stops talking, fans started to boo Orton, and Orton continue on speaking.

Chris Orton: Tonight on "Extreme", I'm wrestling in a triple treat match facing Nikky Venom and Bobby James with the stipulation our titles is on the line which means whoever gets the pinfall on the champion gets their belt. I don't know why I am book in this match in the first place, because these two champions are not as great champions as I am, so I'm going to put down these two paper champions show once again I am dominant champion in this company. Nikky Venom, who the hell are you to tell me that I am a good champion? I am not a good champion more like superior champion meaning I am superior champion than you don't you ever call me a good champion, because you are a paper champion in my book. Who is Bobby James? I don't know I don't care, because I'm here declaring myself as superior champion in this company, and I will prove it by beating two worthless, crap, paper champions on "Extreme".

 Chris Orton smiles, holds his title in the air, music is playing in the background. Lacey Daniels comes into the picture, and she kiss Orton on the lips as "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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