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I Guess It's Back At The Bottom For Me. But Not For Long!

Started by Liz, September 25, 2023, 11:37:39 PM

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Date Posted:04-07-2010 4:12 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of  Gabriel Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

(It's been a week and two days since anyone has heard from the man that faced off against Shane Mack at Wrestle X in the Japanese Deathmatch. Some of Gabriel's fans have speculated that he's just laying low but others think that he's just that messed up over not winning the gold. Now, a week and two days later, he's booked against The Rocket, Johnny Blaze, Drew Stevenson, and Karrie Winter. Four men and one woman in a match. So, Gabriel is back at the bottom of the barrel. Fighting once more to get to the promise land. Will Gabriel begin his rise back to the top or will this one match send him some where that he don't want to be at? Who knows?)

{The scene fades in from a commercial spot advertising for EF'NW Shopzone to a view of empty locker room of the Budokan Hall in Tokyo, Japan but it's not totally empty. There is someone sitting in a black steel chair, thinking. That person is a man. The man is none other than Gabriel Brooks. He is wearing a black racer back men's tank top with a black leather vest that on the back has a grim reaper with a sickle grasping a crystal ball with a "G" in the ball, a pair of baggy blue jeans, a belt with a chain connecting to his wallet, a silver ring that has a grim reaper with a sickle grasping a crystal ball with a "G" in the ball, and a pair of black leather boots. He is sitting with his elbow resting on his knees. He looks up at the camera and says.}

Gabriel Brooks:
Here I am. Man, after all the words that were said, I didn't get the gold. But I got something that I will never let go of. Mack's respect. At the end of the night, he was the one that stood tall. I'm not going to stop until I get back to that point again and get that EF'NW World Heavyweight Championship around my waist. It's all a matter of time. I don't care on what I have to do. I will have that title around my waist. You all will see. I promise you that!
{Gabriel then leans back with his hands and arms laid relaxed on his lap and speaks his mind.}
Gabriel Brooks:
This week I face off against Rocket, Blaze, Stevenson and Karrie Winter. Three other guys and one woman. Not my idea of a good time.
{Gabriel then shakes his head and sighs. He then shrugs and continues to speak.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Drew Stevenson and The Rocket...who?
{Gabriel then takes a small breather and continues to speak.}
Gabriel Brooks:
You two are supposed to be experienced wrestlers, been around, but here your rookies and Drew, you did note that, you understand that and that is good because you are not setting yourself up for the disappoint that will happen when you DO NOT win! Drew, you don't know what I know, you have no clue what I know about all of you and this match and I am not dumb, so I won't reveal shit to you except tonight when you're hit with either The Message or BAD, it's another win for me to start my climb back to the EF'NW World Heavyweight Championship. You sound like you won't cry, piss, or moan over that, so that's good because it will be happening, say what ya want, but you just don't know!

{Gabriel then sits up and talks some more.}
Gabriel Brooks:
The Rock, I mean Rocket, I am the only man who can back up his claim. As for The Rocket, he needs to worry about who all is in this match, he needs to worry about EF'NW because if you haven't done shit here, you are shit and not the shit, just SHIT! He and Drew Stevenson apparently come from other indy companies and have accolades there they love to brag about. I heard w2k, whatever that is and wgef, huh? Unless you were in WWE or even TNA, your accolades mean shit around here, so study the past footage of  everyone's matches that they have been in this match and get ready to get your ass kicked because its sure as gonna happen as I am gonna win! You think it's weird that I am the one that made a bigger impact the night that you debuted? Whatever, man. I did what I had to do to get a chance at the gold. You would do the same the damn thing if you were presented with the opportunity. You ain't getting a shot at Mack for the title. I am. You seriously think that you are walking away from the match as the winner and possibly the number one contender to Mack's title? Please. You ain't walking away from this match. You are going to be carried out by paramedics on your back. Get over yourself and get real! Rocket, just shut your mouth and accept that tonight, your ass is going to be owned by me. Period. Case fucking closed!
{A ringing is heard and Gabriel reaches in his vest and shuts the phone off. He then gets up off the steel chair and stands. He continues to talk some more.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Johnny Blaze, you have done nothing since you have came here to EF'NW. NOTHING! Why are you here again? If you ain't gonna be here to do anything, then don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. You are shit that will be tossed out and never let back in. You don't even deserve to be on the roster because you have failed to impress anyone here. So please? Go back to what hole you crawled out of and stay.
{Gabriel then smirks a little and says.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Then there's the Queen of Mean herself, Karrie Winter. Honey, I am not afraid to mix it up with a woman in the ring. But your sweet ass can stand by while the boys take care of business. Then after the match is done, you and I can go back to my hotel room and then the Queen and the Devil's Protector could really have a private match. But in ours, there's no loser. It will be one that both of us are the winners. Like I said, I afraid but I don't raise my hand to a woman. In that department, I'm a lover....not a fighter. Hit me and I'll just end it for you and then carry you out and well.....you use your imagination.
{Gabriel then smiles at that thought and soon speaks more.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Tonight, you guys and gal will find out why I was the one that rose up and stepped up. I'm the one that almost had Mack's title around my waist.. So get used to seeing me raise up and step up. I'm the one that will be EF'NW World Heavyweight Champion sooner rather than later. Later everyone, gotta get ready for tonight.
{The camera soon fades to black after Gabriel walks out of the locker room with his steel chair in hand.}

This Layout Was Made For Gabriel Brooks by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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