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Has Wiegel Stolen The Thunder?!?! - Orton Read Too

Started by Bobby James, September 26, 2023, 09:42:27 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:11/04/2010 3:21 AMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!
People Mentioned / Used - Bobby James , Chris Orton , Drew Stevenson , Shane Mack and Steve Weigel ( apparently )

A loud echoing vibration suddenly fills the airwaves with almost a metallic hint to it. While the camera focuses onto a black steel chair still scraping against gray concrete flooring. Slowly it skids to a stop against a paneling of what appears to be drywall. Footsteps can be heard nearing the steel chair just as a shadow descends upon it snatching it up while the camera moves towards the man now holding it. The man is none other than Bobby James who has what only can be explained as a mixture of a sneer and smirk in one glance. Slapping the chair lightly he nods his head in agreement to an unanswered question. Hitting it once more before tossing it back onto the ground which delivers yet another harsh metal clang.
" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Where should I start first? Really just where should I start first. Usually its not a real problem. At least I don't think it is. I mean I get a match next week against two men. That's cool ya know. Hell its a main event at that. But least be real and lets be honest here for a moment if we can. We got Boston's Best Bobby James in a Triple Threat main event and is that really that much of a shocker. No...no its not. Your looking at The International Champion. A man who beat not one but two men. Nikky Venom and Chris Orton. Yeah I combined Orton's title with mine. He lost his and so goes his chance at being a Grand Slam Champion or whatever the hell he wanted to be. Shit I don't really give a fuck what he wants to be or who he wants to fuck but I'll say this Orton before I say anything else. Now I know Nikky Venom lost again. He had his rematch and could quite get the job done but you...you haven't. You have not had your rematch and well as I may not be one of the most loved wrestlers in The SEF. Yes I can say that again. Because now were back to wrestling right where we belong in The SEF.
Slowly he starts to pace around a bit but stops shortly.
" Bobby James " -- Sorry I kinda trailed of their for a second but Orton next week me and you. You get your rematch and we will see who truly deserves to be The International Champion. No gimmicks , no stipulations just me and you one on one. So who will it be the former World Champion , the former European Champion , the former longest reigning International Champion as you liked to say or will it be the current International Champion , the last man to hold The US Title , the man who merged the championships and the man who is the future of and the fastest rising star of The SEF. Funny Chris with you it always former with me its current and future. Kind of makes you think huh? But come next week at Extreme maybe you can prove to me that you can be a current champion again but maybe you wont be able to. From what I've learned about you since being here I think last part will ring true.
Lightly laughing a bit he carries on.
" Bobby James " -- Oh yeah wait. Wait a minute. Steve Weigel that's who I need to talk about. Yeah that's the guy. That's the ticket. Weigel. See I came down and those fans thought I was helping Shane Mack out. They thought that I used the steel chair to save him. Yeah that very one right there.
Pointing right at the chair on the floor Bobby smiles a bit.
" Bobby James " -- Screw me once shame on you...screw me twice well you get the picture. See Steve I took you out just because. Because I could. It wasn't about saving Mack. Hell I heard the numerous rumors about Shane Mack like he was getting ready to keep me out of the number one contender tournament. That he wanted to keep the true competition down. Yeah well I already knew that. I mean fuck he's wrestling you. A man that I beat. Me and you got into the ring and no matter what you want to say Steven I won and you lost. You can cry and whine about how you gave me the win but the truth is Bobby James has always and will always be the better wrestler than you. So if you ask me Shane Mack puts up his title against people that he knows he can pull one over on. People like you. People like Gabriel. People like Chris Orton. Yeah I'm giving Orton a rematch not a free shot at my title. But Orton deserves at least that much. We both know that he is below even Weigel's standards of wrestling. And win he loses to you he wont have to take it so badly when I beat him too. But above all I heard that Mack was the man in the mask. The man that apparently helped me win my title at Wrestle X and then laid me out after what should have been a crowning achievement in my SEF career. Now he may be and he may not be the masked man but I know that Shane Mack is a wrestler who is willing to do just about anything to get to the top and stay there. Lie , cheat , steal even kill to make his title reigns holdout. Weigel you have a long road ahead of you. Your taking on a former champion in Chris Orton. A man who I would say isn't pleased with himself and might try to take his frustrations out on you but I highly doubt that. Like I stated a long time ago Chris Orton was champion when the future of the company was in question not when it was rising from the ashes. Bobby James is like The Phoenix in that respect. I am rising and he has fallen as I assume so shall you to Shane Mack. For there truly is no one besides yours truly that can attempt to go one on one with Mack. Now the Steve Weigel of many years ago might have been able to but not a guy who sits upon a Legendary status. A man who knew he couldn't beat me so just tried to let me have the win. The Steve Weigel I started wrestling with wouldn't have done that. But yeah I don't think you did let me win. I think you just simply lost and wanted to justify it. But that's always been the case with you hasn't it? You have to justify your loses instead of just accepting the loss for what it is. A defeat in the record books. That's it nothing more.
Stepping over the steel chair while he makes his way towards the drywall Bobby leans against it and slides down onto the gray concrete flooring. Running his hands along the wall he smiles a bit.
" Bobby James " -- Steve you may recognize this place. You may not. Right now I am sitting in an empty basement. A basement just like any other basement. It contains your basic concrete foundation built over dirt and lined with insulation and covered by drywall. But to me its so much more. Its the basement under my mother's house. The one she just sold. I know about tradition just as much as you do and as much as anyone else does. This is where we were born. By we I mean The Predators. From as far back as elementary school we wrestled down here on old mats and even outside on the unforgiving ground but then I had to move and yeah I stayed in touch through various letters or visits back home to St Louis but I lived in Boston by then. By the time I had graduated high school we were both ready to take a stab at wrestling professionally. Shit we had done as kids was still very much a part of our lives. Me at twenty you at nineteen. It was still surging a fire in us. And we went forth. In October of 2000 we brought forth a new era in professional wrestling. An era of The Predators. Sure me and your brother Joe Weigel. Joe Daddy if you prefer. We formed it and you joined later after quitting your dead end job. Maybe its true I didn't welcome you with open arms. I had some reservations at first but not for long. You proved invaluable in the beginning. Yet you left to traverse on your own. You always have followed the beat of your own drum. Sometimes its benefited you but mostly it has not. Now when you might need me again we have parted ways. I could've been there just like I have been in the past but now I am more like Roland Deschain on The Dark Tower series. A lone gunslinger out for myself holding allegiances to no one. But alas all good things must come to an end right? The past can not live forever and you are trying to make a name for yourself here. I'll give you that much. See you had to screw a life long friend to do it. Funny coming from a guy who apparently loved D-Generation X and Shawn Michaels so much. A guy who idolized him and wanted his wrestling career to be just like his. Or was it just the guy who screwed Marty Jannety and Bret Hart. The Shawn Michaels who was only out for himself. Or was it the guy who hugged his best friend Triple H as he left Raw for the final time? I'm not really sure who you wanted to be. All I know is that you figuratively spit in my face and Bobby James only wishes you the best when you take on Shane Mack.
Slyly smiling at that he starts to speak again.
" Bobby James " -- I don't know if that last bit of sarcasm went over your head but I'm pretty sure it did but that's really none of my concern. But I know I'm supposed to be concerned about something? Some matter that was really pressing. I just can't remember quite what it was.
Thinking for a moment he looks back towards the camera.
" Bobby James " -- Ah that's right I've forgotten all about the upcoming Extreme. Sure I may have talked about it a bit earlier but that's not the point at all. See I have a Triple Threat match. A main event match with not only Drew Stevenson but a man some could say I tried to screw Shane Mack. So should I really be rambling on and on about you Steve or worry about them two?
Bobby stares at the camera smugly smiling while winking.
" Bobby James " -- Should I Shane? Should I spend most of my time worrying about Steve Weigel or should I care about whats staring me right in the face? I would go for the here and now not for the yet to come. Were not in Back To The Future. You cant take a spin on The Delorean and get right down to your business with Steve Weigel. No you need to worry more about me and a little less about a guy who only thinks he could give you a good match. Instead worry about Bobby James. See you call Steve Weigel a liar but you think because you are the World Champion here that you were the leader of The Predators. Why does that make you the leader? You weren't the leader. When me and Joe Daddy started the Predators it was about us wrestling for eachother and having eachothers backs. Not about who the leader was. We didn't believe in labels. And I still don't. You were nothing but a member with some gold. Just like I have. Now I'll give you this point some of the fans might have saw you as the leader but I most certainly didn't and I know Steve didn't. Sure we both have gold around our waists. Yours might be a little more prestigious I'll agree to that. But I'll also say that I wont hesitate to become number one contender and take my shot at it. See Mack in a business like wrestling its screw the other guy before he has a chance to screw you. And Bobby James isn't one to just stand idly by and let opportunity pass him by. So I took my shot and now I'm in a Triple Threat. Sure I'm not like Steve Weigel getting a title shot but soon enough it will happen. I repeat. It will happen. Wether I win that tournament or not. Its gonna happen.  You can hold me down. Use your connections with Whitney or what not. But eventually the fans are gonna want it whether they like me or not because most of them respect the true abilities I have. And come Wednesday night you'll find out first hand just what they are. Because instead of worrying about putting one over on Steve Weigel and playing footsies with him I'll be prepping myself for another step up the ladder of success.
Letting out a light sigh he resumes his speech.
" Bobby James " -- Now I know I've carried on enough about Chris Orton , Steve Weigel and yes even you Shane. Well not really you Shane. It was mostly about Steve , some about Orton and a little about you. But I guess that how the cookie crumbles isn't it? Right now though I need to get to my point and that is Drew Stevenson. Now Drew I know a little about you. Your from Missouri. I was born and raised a little in St Louis but left for Boston. So I know the kind of men Missouri breeds. Guys that know how to scrap , how to fight. Hell I know Steve said that you were one of the best and from what I saw its true. You are a gifted technical wrestler. One of the best I've seen in a while but I don't see heart. I don't see the drive that I thought could be there. Maybe you've just quit caring and it that's true. It would be understandable. I mean the exit door isn't too far away. You can walk out and call it quits but I would rather you stay and prove something to me. Prove it to Mack or just prove it to yourself that you have what it takes. A win or a defeat goes down in the record books the same even when someone doesn't try but not to me. When a man wrestles like a man they know it. That's how I wrestle. But I'll tell you this much I'm Not Here To Win Fans. I'm Just Here To Win.
Leaning forward Bobby pulls the steel chair towards him and holds it up a little bit.
" Bobby James " -- Just remember Drew , Mack this Wednesday night I'll have no qualms about laying either one of you two out. And That's A Fact!
Slapping the chair once more while nods an affirmative as the camera fades out to a Ford Fusion commercial.

This Layout Was Made For Bobby James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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