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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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You Proved Me Right ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 26, 2023, 09:52:48 PM

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Date Posted:12/04/2010 12:52 PMCopy HTML

Loud coughing is now heard and then the handheld camera view is brought up to show Shane Mack standing on a stage somewhere, looks like a nightclub kinda atmosphere and in front of him is an ol' school style mic, the silver, blah blah, ya know what it looks like. Mack sports jeans and sneakers with one of his own wrestling shirts, Shane Mack Feel this Impact, available on SEFZONE for only, I don't know, not much, twenty bucks, eh. Anyways. He coughs loudly and hacks a bit into the mic, then Julie yells from behind the camera she holds.
Alright, just talk already, stop being dramatic!
Mack stops then and looks shifty eyed, then smiles big and says.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Bobby James and his, um, damn, never mind, he has no one, poor bastard! Anyways, what the fuck do I have to say about him again cause his last promo made less sense that stupid fuck skit I did delivering breaking news, ha ha, man, that was fucked up, what were you thinking?!
He looks intently past the camera and Julie now says.
It was your idea!
Mack just grins and says.
Well yea, it was a great idea, naturally, like all mine are!
He grins bigger now and laughs, then says.
Alright, so Bobby James, Bobby James, Bobby James!
Mack turns and looks at a full length mirror behind him staring at it intently and then suddenly we see Bobby James step out of the mirror, what the fuck? He sports some designer jeans and a classy shirt with the International Title on his shoulder, wait, that's a fucking woman's leather sash with a piece of paper stapled to it reading SEF International Title and Bobby seems have bad dental hygiene and no hair, but a scraggly beard, looks like some homeless guy dressed up nice clothes, what the fuck is going on. He gets all up in Mack's face now bumping his chest around and acting all big and bad and saying.
Mack just scratches his head and shrugs, then puts a hand on "Bobby's" shoulder and says.
Calm down ok, we'll get ya some booze later, first though, how ya feel about facing me and that one guy, um, uh, fuck, Drew is it? Yea, how ya feel about facing us in a triple threat next week?
Mack waits and the guy, er, Bobby, ha ha, he says.
Fuck you ya repetitive bastard, stop calling yourself the best and telling me I lie, yea, stop it, now!
Mack looks confused and says.
Ok, then stop lying!
The guy looks dumbfounded now and Mack just says.
Ya got anything more or is just useless, pointless rambling? If ya wanna use sarcasm that would be cool, but actually using it and thinking ya do in your own head are two different things entirely.
The guy looks all frantic now and drops the belt, rips off the shirt open and yells.
Mack just shoves him away and quickly turns, but has a second thought about dropping the poor bastard, it'd be useless and pointless almost to the extent of a Bobby James promo. Like that, kicking this guy down would prove nothing and make no example as he's some homeless fuck who cares about booze and that's it, probably has no idea where he is anyways, ah fuck it, Mack drops him with Da Shows Ova anyways and the guy stumbles off the stage on his back out of it, probably helped him more than hurt him. Mack just shakes his head and calls out to someone off camera.
Hey, help the bastard up and get him some booze, its on me. Now then, where were we?
So Julie shouts out to him.
You were bashing Bobby for his constant lies and his pointless promo.
Mack smiles now and says.
Oh yea! Well Bobby, hmmm, what can I say, the kid is stepping into a whole new world and is acting just like anyone new to it would, a kid, a rookie, someone who has no clue. And as far as a real shoot goes, what he said was is not anywhere near close for that's his idea of a stereotypical stoner, but in reality I don't care for cheetos and when I smoke weed I get up and get more accomplished in a day than most do in a year! Besides, so what if I smoke weed, he has his vices as well, so not he has to prove he is that much of a hypocrite? Especially trying to mock me and failing completely because everything he said was a complete lie, about me and my shoots or promos or what the fuck ever ya wanna call them. He tries to demean what I do and get under my skin, but what it actually does is make me bored and have to do shit like this because his worthless ass can't come up with anything new. Its always on me, always on Mack, no one else wants to give anything else, so fuck it, I guess I can't go just yet, my show ain't gonna be over for a longtime to come. So then, what's new?
He pauses and hears nothing, but then Julie says.
Chris Orton mentioned you recently, still bitter cause he ain't as big as you, but he is trying I think.
Mack shrugs and says.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...that was my rebuttal to Chris and Bobby both for its all the two pointless, worthless, meandering fools can do rather than actually DO something worth a damn. And if ya had any clue Bobby, you as all would know how Steve got his title shot and that is by challenging me to a match, ha ha, simple as that son! If you want it, you come and get it whether by your route of waiting or by Steve and Johnny's route of challenging me, title or not, that's what ya do, what YOU do! The only one overwhelmed and having anything fly over their head is you and that's a fact, but maybe one day you'll get it and I'll look forward to a match where I question if I can win it. Tension may be high around you, but that don't mean it is in general for everyone. Ya gotta lot to learn and obviously ya failed to learn anything when I led the Predators here in SEF and that is a shoot. You choose not to hear the truth, but truth is I tried to help you and Steve get more into the spotlight, make all the excuses and lies ya want, but that is the truth, I tried and tried to help, but ya failed to accept it and because of it I came off as the leader of a group that wasn't supposed to be about leaders, so stop trying to tell me how it was supposed to be and accept what actually was and move on to try and overcome it. And remember, beating someone once or even a few times does not make you above them. You say I repeat myself, but all you ever do is get stuck in one rut, on one thing and beat the horse to death while going down with a mediocre fight and get carried by the man who can carry anyone. That is your future come Wednesday, like it or not ya better learn to accept it because that son is a real deal shoot, something you have failed to deliver with all your lies!
Mack just shrugs now and smirks, then leaps up into the air and stomps back down, then yells.
He goes quiet now and crickets are now heard chirping as Julie spins the camera around hosing the club their in is empty except. She goes back to Mack now and he says.
Ah fuck this, lets get outta here and go outside, enjoy the day. Hey, maybe a pic a nic with Whitney and hey, how about a nice WALK IN THE PARK afterwards!
Mack winks and hops off the stage now, Julie keeps filming and says.
Oh my god Mack, your bad!
He just laughs and says.
What did I say, what's wrong with walking in a park!?
She slaps him and lowers the camera saying.
I know what you meant and I am sure Whitney would know too, you bastard you!
Mack just laughs as they walk out the door into the daylight. Mack runs out to a parked car on the street and jumps up ion the hood, then runs up on the roof and leaps off the back. Julie films him doing this and Mack just yells!
Mack grabs the camera and plants a kiss on the lens now and Julie snatches it back and says.
Hey, don't get slobber on this thing ya sick bitch!
Laughing is heard as she wipes it clean and then shuts it off, so now the view fades to black and were all left in darkness, crap. Well I guess the promo is over then, hmm, ok, the end...for now!

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