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I Don't Care!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 26, 2023, 09:55:03 PM

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Date Posted:13/04/2010 2:41 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I Don't Care!
 Lacey Daniels, Gabriel Brooks, Greg Boone, Shane Mack
Roleplay #2!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" returns from a commercial break, the scene shows Lacey Daniels and Chris Orton hugging each other, so backstage interviewer Greg Boone comes into the picture started asking questions.

Greg Boone: Excuse me Orton! I was wondering if you could comment about facing Gabriel Brooks?

Chris Orton: Why should I waste my time talking about the guy? He is my way getting another shot at Shane Mack, so the only comment that I am going to make is Gabriel Books going to get beat badly, and I don't care what people say about me or Lacey Daniels, because they are all jealous that myself and Lacey Daniels just too good.

Greg Boone:  Some people say that Lacey Daniels is holding you back, so what do you have to say about that?

Chris Orton: Lacey Daniels isn't holding me back, because she open up my eyes made realize that I am greatest wrestler in this company, and I don't need to prove it. I been in this business for a long time, and everyone sees just how great I am, so I'm going take next step in my career become superior wrestler by beating everyone who gets in my way. Lacey Daniels isn't making me weak more like she understands me more than anyone else, so she isn't holding me back more I'm holding myself back not letting my bad side come out. Tonight on "Extreme", I'm going to show just how bad I can be by hurting Gabriel Brooks by break every bone in his body until he begs me for mercy.

Greg Boone: Everybody knows Shane Mack has beat you, and you haven't beat him, so if you do get another shot at Shane Mack. How you going to beat him retain World Heavyweight Championship?

Chris Orton: I'm going to hurt him like he has hurt me since I join this company, because he believes that I can't beat him, but I don't care what he or anyone believes I can't beat Shane Mack. I stand here telling you and everyone if I get another shot at Shane Mack. I'm going to beat him with whole world watching, and he will have no other choice to admit to the world that I am superior than him period.

Greg Boone: Any comment to Gabriel Brooks?

Chris Orton: Gabriel Brooks, I know you sitting there watching me right now, so let me tell you something. I know you and I hate Shane Mack guts, but the question remains who deserves another shot at Shane Mack the answer is..ME! I had to deal with Shane Mack badmouth me since I join this company, and I never beat the man, so I feel next time around will the moment I been waiting for standing with my arm raise in the victory while looking down seeing Shane Mack cover in his own blood. I want to kill everything that Shane Mack represents shove all the words that he said to me right in his mouth. I don't care what you got to say about me, because I'm coming into this match to win, and I'm going do whatever it takes to win this World title tournament until I get my hands on Shane Mack. Everybody will witness Chris Orton beat Shane Mack to become World Heavyweight Champion, because I'm coming out of that curtain as superior wrestler dominant you until my arm in the air as the winner. If people still don't think I won't win against Gabriel Brooks or beat Shane Mack read my lips...I DON'T CARE!

Chris Orton and Lacey Daniels leave Greg Boone by myself, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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