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The Rock...ette (Johnny Camaro)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 26, 2023, 10:02:57 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:13/04/2010 6:31 PMCopy HTML


Out of Character: o

MARCH 8TH, 2010; Newport Beach, California.

"Finally out of that hell hole called Japan!"  Johnny is sitting on a set off roadcases wearing black jeans, black t-shirt (with an angel on hit holding a circle with the initials JC in them), black sunglasses cover his eyes and his long flowing brown hair reaches his shoulders. "It has been nothing but bad to me. Fans booing me and mocking me in the arena, and people chanting 'we want Mack!' as I was walking down the street. Ya I faced Mack, and all I wanted was to prove that I can match up against him. That's it! I didn't want to out do Mack, I didn't want to say I was better, but I still came out as the bad guy to them. Well no more, I don't care about my fans in Japan! Everyone else, just treat me with respect and understand why I do what I do. All the match meant to be is a friendly battle between two warriors, but the crowd took everythingout of perspective and made me look bad. But I just don't care what those fan say anymore. I still care about my other fans. But I digress from the real purpose of  this promo." Johnny takes off his sunglasses and latches them onto his shirt.

Kid? Me a kid? Buddy, since when is 25 a kid? I am a man, a man that has already done more in my career than you will ever do. Recently I've added to those by winning the XWA International title. But it has closed, so I improve my legacy by adding on XWA's first champion, longest reigning champion, and only champion. So you think that it will be even remotely closeto tough, you're rediculous! To win you will have to be lucky, you will have to train as hard as you ever had. This week, with the title shot on the line I will not lose. You will have to be able to stand up after you've been literally crippled to beat me. He puts on a jacket getting ready to leave.

"You beat SVD, but it was an easy match, I stepped into a steel cage match and won, then stepped into a triple threat match, and still took on Mack! I came close, but not close enough. That's with injuries, now I'm 100%. I can pobably beat Mack! You wouldn't even come close, so The Rock...ette. Nice try but it's a fact that I will win. Peace out!" Johnny puts on his sunglasses and leaves.
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Johnny Camaro

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Re:The Rock...ette (Johnny Camaro)
Date Posted:14/04/2010 7:56 PMCopy HTML



Out of Character: o

"Rock...ette, I've been watching your promos and have been continually disappointed." Johnny's just chilling in an office chair, and is near a computer. "I've been waiting for a long time for you to chant out "IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCKETTE IS COOKING!" folloed by a peoples eyebrow. Maybe even talk about Jabroni Drive. It's disappointing, that is who you're impersonating right? You are trying to be the Rock right? I mean why else would you steal his name? But whatev." He's wearing black jeans, black t-shirt (with an angel on hit holding a circle with the initials JC in them), black sunglasses cover his eyes and his long flowing brown hair reaches his shoulders.

"It's true, I don't care about winning the World title but it would add to my legacy, I said it! Anyway, that's all I see that title as, another name on my achievement list. I am living history in the making! The fact that you won 12 World titles means nothing. All they are are rip offs of each other, there are 100 million World titles in the wrestling business. This one is no different!" Obviously he's trying to get boos from those listening, he knows he can't actually hear them but he still enjoys the anger it will cause. "The fact that you won 12 World titles means nothing, everyone knows that the only one ableto flaunt his acheivements as World Champion is Ric Flair. He's the only one who won a World title morethen anyone when a World title actually meant something. When you had to wait 5 years just to be a contender and another 2 to be a champion. Now, it's as valueable as Bobby's International title, and that's saying something. Right now that's the lowest ranked title! But anyway..."

"I may have only one title reign but I had to battle through everyone else on the roster in a gauntlet just for the #1 contender spot! It didn't help though that I was #10 of 30. I may not have won it if  I was #1. But still, I had more of a battle then you had in all 12. I'm betting that you won the #1 contendership by facing only one man, I had 20 men to go through." Johnny opens a slot in his desk, pulls out and puts on a pair of sunglasses.

"Loven My Sunglasses! But I digress. I know a lot about this business, I used to hang out backstage with my bro (Not Genetically) he taught me about the business and how to get over. I know a lot about this business, that's what I learned a year before I started training. I made sure I was able to get myself over, I took course after course in Marketing to do it. Rock...ette, I think this match we are on even ground as far as background knowledge. I have the advantage as far as talent."

 "My physical durability is so awesome that I am the one envied by the likes of Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Steve Austin. I will stand up and dust myself off everytime you hit me with that lame move you call your finisher. I'm epic, plain and simple. My moves are set to hurt you and keep you down, my finisher is one that can send a person into a hospital for sergery. Rock...ette, you gotta look at this as your last match, it could very well be. I will win and it an assured victory. Trust me, everything that I say is as good as gold! Peace." And the camera fades.


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