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Ya Proved Me Right Again ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 26, 2023, 10:08:12 PM

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Date Posted:14/04/2010 10:01 PMCopy HTML

So here we are down under for another Extreme and another night where one man shines above the rest and no matter what that man continues to incite and rile up, to make them go to any length, the man who pushes hard to try and make stars and does succeed, but with those success do come failures. You can never claim to have faced any man before because no man is the same, were all individuals and you never know, so focus. Passion is not your story of you got to do what you love to do, passion is inside you and unexplainable, it just is and if you have it, you know and everyone else will know once you show them. Passion is being that constant performer, artist, that never holds anything back, that is there for the long run, loyalty, dedication, always willing to learn from anyone whether they broke into the business or their Shawn Michaels, everyone learns from everyone because if you're the teacher, your learning a different perspective of your craft, so an open mind is key for anything you do. One man who has an open mind beyond a shadow of a doubt, that one man stands before us now as the man and that unlike some lies is the truth, like it or not. The man don't pat himself on the back, fuck, more like the opposite, if ya knew the guy, if you tried to get to know him rather than just assume and come off as a liar. Shane Mack ain't shy about his status in this business, he ain't gonna be humble and tell you he sucks and doesn't deserve to be where he is and if you perceive him as cocky, then so be it, but ya better realize it is a lie and move on for perception is not reality! Reality may not always be what you see, like the view of Mack now just sitting on a metal crate in the hallway backstage leaning against a wall, wearing an ol' IX shirt with the title around his waits and his flared leather pants, a smirk on his face and the view is that of the handheld camera being handled by Julie who says.
Mack, snap outta the trance, you got a match soon!
And he does snap out of the sight trance he was in, gets a straighter face kinda and says.
Yea I do and as always out shine the rest and I ain't forgot one bit about who I gotta face, about what kind of match this is, hell, I done explained it all several times now, but some fail to listen, just live in their own tangled web of lies, nothing wrong with it, unless you aspire to be somebody. Drew obviously doesn't and I mentioned him back when he debuted in this company, he is an example of lost passion and it'll be a shame to say I hold a victory over him, but to each their own. I am gad Bobby is showing passion and it is why I chose to help him and Steve, to work with them as a collective group and let them pick my brain as well. All that happened though is myself carrying a team like I always do, a fucking workhorse!
He just grins and shrugs, what can ya do besides what ya do best, work?!
Drew is not known as one of the best technical wrestlers there is, although I have watched him perform and he is good which is I stated I wanted to work with him when he got here, but one of the greatest, he hasn't proved shit! If he feels he doesn't need to here, then that is as I said, a loss of passion because he is like me, working for a smaller audience and each time ya move ya gotta prove yourself over and over again and it can drain ya, I been there and I did it every time, I proved myself everywhere I been too! Bobby is in the stages, he's starting to pick up the slack he was showing during the Predators stint.
Mack pauses for a few seconds and then says.
Its always gonna man against man or even sometimes man against woman, hell, maybe one day I'll have that five star match with a mop that very few of us can have!
He grins slightly now and then says.
No one man is the same as another though, said it before and I'm saying it again, that is something I have repeated unlike the lies about self praise. Not even gonna stress it to someone who don't get it, so Bobby, one day I expect you to beat me and I look forward to it and maybe for this title or maybe just for the hell of it, but whether or not you make it here, well son, that is up to you, so keep on going strong and don't fade out like that camera. Leave a legacy like many others have in this business, like I have, just remember, true passion is not saying you have it, but showing it, proving it and focusing on the one task you set out to do, not getting sidetracked and worrying about who did what and who may do what because that will just drive ya mad for you don't know!
Mack stands up now and waves a cut to the camera and Julie lowers it and says.
Nice bro, nice!
Nothing more is said as we see the view of the floor and hear the footsteps of the two walking, then fade to black, but unlike many who enter, Mack never fades. He always focused and driven, shines the brightest no matter what, no matter who loves him or hates him, he is fueled by what few have, that unadulterated, unfiltered, uncensored, unedited, unexplainable passion!

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