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This Ain't A Match It's A Demolition! - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 26, 2023, 10:13:42 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:21/04/2010 4:46 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
This Ain't A Match it's a Demolition!Tag Team w/Chris Orton vs Megan Sorrow & Juliemmm maybe ...Chris Orton ? lol / Megan Sorrow & MidnightNone .. yet!sorry it's kinda late ... good luck ladies .. let's kick it! :)


Lacey is sat in a chair backstage getting her hair done for a photoshoot for her new t-shirt when she hears a cameraman approaching behind her. She spins around and pulls a face.

LD: Gawd can't a girl get any privacy? .. Ah well I guess as I'm the new No 1 Contender that I have to expect this kind of intrusion now don't I?

She raises her eyebrow with a smirk.

LD: So last week I did exac tly what I said I was going to do and that was defeat  4 other divas to become the No 1 Contender and lookie here .. that's exactly what I did. See some people are finally starting to realise that when I say I'm going to do something I do it! Oh yeah I can talk up a storm about it but that ain't what I'm all about. And you're making a huge mistake if you think it is. See like I've said before why be modest when you can be honest? I don't make promises I can't keep and I always put my money where my mouth is and that's why I won the match. Although let's face it .. there wasn't exactly anyone there who could step up to my level. Amy Summers and Karrie Winter ...

Lacey turns back to the stylist with a puzzled expression.

LD: That was the name of the chick I pinned right?

The stylist nods as Lacey smirks and nods her head once before turning back to the camera.

LD: I said you were filler and that's exactly what you were. That loser vamp with the lame-as-fuck gimmick who was a total disgrace to the title did exactly what I expected and targeted someone else other than me because she knew she couldn't match up to me. She ran from me like a scalded cat! The fact that she took after her own daughter was quite laughable, although I have to say ... well done Megan! You finally grew a backbone and stood up to the freakshow ...

Lacey pauses to clap slowly.

LD: I'll bet it made a nice change from lying on your back didn't it? See what happened when you get a little self-respect Megan ... maybe you can stop being such a sorry-ass and actually become someone who I could respect ... hmmm ...

Lacey looks thoughtful and then laughs as she shakes her head no.

LD: Naw ... after all you're the one who put the Women's Championship in the shit it was in, in the first place. Plus you prostitute yourself to that Nikky Venom and if that wasn't bad enough .. you then whore yourself out to the fans ... all for their cheers and applause. Sad Megan ... very, very sad! I don't need the fans to love me, hell I don't give a shit if they hate me ... I 'm not doing it for them I'm doing it for me! I am going to be the next Women's Champion, just as soon as you step up one more time and put that strap on the line. Then you and me ... well I'll teach you how a real wrestler does things and show the entire SEF world how a true Women's Champ rolls!

Lacey smirks again.

LD: And this week things get even better for me because after my resonding victory last week in crappy old Japan ... this week we're in my backyeard ... the good old Pengrove Saddledome in my hometown of Calgary! Finally I get to put on a show in front of fans who recognise greatness when they see it! So this week I'm going to give you and everyone else a sneak preview of what will happen when we get in the ring together. Actually everyone has already seen that .. the only one on one match we had you're fake-ass mother interfered to give you the win but the tag team match we had .. well now that's a different ball game. You remember that right Megan ... when I synched you into the Sweet n Low and you tapped so fast your hand nearly fell off!  Yeah I remember that real well and this week it's gonna be even easier because last time it was pretty much a handicap match because I was paired with Amy Summers ... and this week well this week I have the best partner a girl could ask for .. this week I get ...

Lacey pauses as she looks past the cameraman's left shoulder as Chris Orton walks into view. Lacey smiles broadly as Chris holds his hand out to Lacey and she steps down from her chair and he pulls her in from behind with one arm around her waist and a big-ass shit-eating grin on his face.  (You know the one he does so well! lol)

LD:  .. the total package, Chris Orton!  As if this match wasn't already in the bag! It's a sure thing now ... put all your money on me and Chris because tonight we show you what the most dangerous couple in SEF today are really capable of! I don't think I'm bigging it up too much when I say .. put the little ones to bed .. this one ain't gonna be pretty.

Lacey giggles as Chris gives her a squeeze and she eyes him flirtatiously.

LD: Now I know some people will be saying well what about Julie ... aren't you forgetting about Julie. Truth be told .. yeah I kinda am because as far as I'm concerned she's for Chris to deal with. My focus is on Megan and breaking her down in preparation of when I take that title from her. So Julie I don't know you and I don't care too ... I know all I need to know and that is you sure as shit ain't gonna be a match for my man ... he will take you apart with ease, so maybe you should do yourself a favor and not even bother to turn up! Because I know right now he's in kind of a pissy mood and even though you're a girl I've told him the best way to work it off is to take it out on you ... all his frustration, all his pent up aggression .. that's what's going to be thrown in your direction Julie ...

Lacey chuckles as Randy does an evil smile.

LD: Good luck with that babe .. cos you're gonna need it! In fact both of you are gonna need it because there will be no taking it easy on either of you .. tonight me and Chris serve up full warning to everyone at SEF .. our time has come and everyone better watch out!

The scene fades to black as Lacey turns to face Chris and leans in to kiss him.

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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