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So Your Mouth Does Have Other Uses - RP2

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 26, 2023, 10:37:01 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:28/04/2010 7:24 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
So Your Mouth Does Have Other UsesTag Team w/Chris Orton vs Megan Sorrow & Juliemmm maybe ...Chris Orton ? lol / Megan Sorrow & MidnightNone .. yet!righ back at ya hun .. lovin' this fued & we ain't even had a match yet! lol


The scene opens with Lacey and Chris Orton snuggled up on a pristine white sofa in a locker room backstage at the Pengrowth Saddledome. The room is obviously way more luxuriant than usual.

CO: Tell me again how you managed to get a locker room this nice?

Lacey laughs as she strokes Chris's arm.

LD: It was easy baby ... I spoke with Bret yesterday, told him we were flying in and could he make sure our locker room was fitted out okay.

Lacey throws her arms out to emcompass the whole room, taking in the immaculate fresh carpet, the fridge, the decorative coffee table and TV.

LD: Eh voila! ... See sometimes it is all about who you know!

Lacey giggles as Chris leans over and gives her a kiss.

CO: Well all I can say it you definitely got friends in high places

LD: You know it!

CO: Now much as I'd love to stay put I've really got some things I have to get organised before we go to air, so if you'll excuse me

Chris gets up and goes to walk away before Lacey tugs on his trailing arm and he turns back with a sexy smirk on his face.

CO: Yeah ... you want something?

Lacey pulls herself up and wraps her arms around his neck as she slowly pulls his head down, a seductive look in her eyes.

LD: Mmmmm ... maybe

Chris leans down and kisses Lacey deeply before pulling back and smiling. He smacks her lightly on the ass.

CO: Keep that thought in your head and I'll be back as soon as I can

LD: You better be!

They both laugh as Chris leaves the room and Lacey throws herself back down onto the sofa. She turns to face the camera with a satisfied look on her face.

LD: Ah you know sometimes life is just too good! Soon me and Chris will be getting in the ring to face off against Julie and Megan in a tag match which we so obviously will win and then soon, very soon Megan will have to get in the ring against me and put that lovely Women's Championship on the line and I will massacre her and finally take what's rightly mine!

Lacey runs her fingers through her hair.

LD: But first let's deal with a new fly in my ointment, the newbie Jade Hart. I have already heard ans seen way more than I ever wanted to from Miss Jade and she may think I'm full of shit but she's the one who can't seem to tell fact from fiction. She just gets every little thing wrong, don't ya honey. If brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow the wax outta your ears!  So listen up good because here is where I put you straight!

LD: Okay where to start with so many mistakes ... alrightly how about this one.  These puppies ...

Lacey holds her hands over her chest framing her tits.

LD: ... ain't nothing fake about em sweetcheeks. If you love women so much you should be able to tell and looking at you fake-ass titties it should be obvious no butcher and his knife have been near these beauties. These are all as nature intended and if you did remember me from school, you'd know that.  But then I'm not surprised you can't remember what I looked like at high school ... must be hard to see anything but sky when you're permanently on your back in a pick-up in the car lot 24/7! Oh and as far as me being a slut goes .. wrong again cupcake! I didn't give it up to just anyone and everyone knew that which is why all the men were chasing me ... like sad little steve weiner does now. See men always want what they can't have, but then I guess you wouldn't know about that would you? Obviously you don't believe in decent men like Harry Smith ... or men period for that matter. Harry was right to drop you like a bad habit ... he has some manners and self respect which is why he doesn't want to fuck everyone he meets. It's not about being hung up about sex, it's about having some class, some respect for your body and not giving out everything you've got like a desperate attention-whore who has shit-all else to offer!  See that's why I'm so grateful I got lucky with Chris Orton, not Randy. Randy is such a wannabe with such a tiny ...

Lacey pauses and raises her eyebrow.

LD: ... talent! mind out of the gutter for a second there, Jade! He's a user and a total man-whore, hey that's probably why you were so good together. Both good for nothing but fucking and always lusting after women!

Lacey laughs at her own joke.

LD: As far as sleeping with Bruce or Keith Hart goes ...

Lacey shudders.

LD: .. not bloody likely! They did help train me but my biggest supporter was and always has been Bret. He is my mentor, my trainer and my guide in this business. And probably the main reason why me and Nattie fell out ... yeah we used to be best friends but when her most famous relative chose me over her, because he could see how much more talented I was than her, she really didn't like it. She threw all those accusations that you have just thrown at me and they were wrong then and they're wrong now. Me and Bret have a father/daughter type relationship, a genuine bond unlike the fake one you're trying to claim by ripping off his daughters name!

Lacey sighs deeply knowing that Jade won't be able leave that comment alone.

LD: Oh and your little comment about me not being the No 1 Contender for long because you couldn't see me beating Megan because she's hungry and wants it more ... please sugar! Megan is shit-scared of me, she knows the truth because I've hit her in the face with it too many times. I am the best diva here, period! When we got at it for that pretty piece of gold I will be the new Women's Champion and that's a fact! See  I'm facing Megan in a tag match ... a damn tag match! She doesn't even have to get in the ring with me and she's so terrified of what I'll do to her that she can't even bring herself to speak about it. That's right the Women's Champ is currently MIA ... probably hiding in the shadows with her eyes shut and her fingers in her eyes hoping that if she ignores me long enough I'll go away like some five year old! .. Stupid bitch! .. Come on Megan ... come out, come out where-ever you are! Promise I won't hurt you too bad!

Lacey laughs as she knows exactly how bad she's going to hurt Megan.

LD: See poppet, if the Women's Champ is that scared of me .. you should be quaking in your boots. I mean I know you're Canadian and yeah, I'll give you props for the fact that you probably can work some in the ring but if you had any brains at all in that bubble head of yours you would take some advice from someone who's been there and done it, ... hell if not from me then from your good friend Justin ... don't fuck with the Hart Foundation or you will end up seriously hurt ... oh and Jadiekins .. that's not a threat, that's a damn promise!

Lacey smirks nastily as the scene fades to black

End of rp2

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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