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Dawn's Official Debut(all read)

Started by Midnight, September 26, 2023, 11:07:46 PM

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Date Posted:02/05/2010 12:06 PMCopy HTML

The camera pans over to a red-haired new diva named Dawn, who was wearing blue jeans,a white blouse and leather black boots. She was in the backstage area sitting in her own personal locker room, behind her office desk she had personally delivered. Her room was decked out in a nice array of artsy type pictures and plants in different area of the room. Dawn got up and sat on the end of her desk and began to speak. Her voice was of seriousness.

"I would like to first thank SEF management for making the best business decision to select me to wrestle in their company. With me as their new diva on the roster, I will be showing each and everyone the ruthlessness and the extreme that will define this company and make it go to the top."

She then relaxes a bit and then mentions a few people in the company.

"Let's start with Ms. Sorrow, the Women's Champion."

She clears her throat slightly and continues.

"I don't know what kind of champion you think you are, but your not a fighting champion. I have watched all the tapes on your match and I hate to tell you this, but you suck badly at wrestling. If you plan on keeping that title, then you better step up your game Ms. Sorrow, because if you still have the title by then, I will be the one to take it from you and not blink an eye. I will be watching you..close up and personal."

Dawn then brushes her hair out of her eye.

"Then we have Julie. The supposed QUEEN of SEF. Queen my ass. I do not see any crown or septor and certainly I do not see a throne. The only thing I see is a washed up hasbeen who only came back because she was broke and decided she would pull a Ric Flair. No one cares for you anymore. Your days in the ring was and is long gone. You should stay retired like broke bitch you are. I got more money then you and at least I invested it wisely. I own my own business, Riverstone Enterprises, and can buy this company SEF if I truely wanted to, but I won't. To put it plainly Julia, stay out of my way, or you will be sipping through a straw from your lips after I've broken your jaw and caused you to have your mouth wired shut."

Dawn gets up from her seated position and then addresses one last person,arms folded in front of her large double D chest.

"And Jade. Jade...I am impressed. I am impressed at the fact your the one woman that has the proverbial balls to put Lacey Daniels in her place. I Hope you beat the wholly shit out of her and end her career. That's right Lacey. I am mentioning you in the worst way. No one likes you. I am wondering why SEF made a bad choice in keeping you around knowing you do nothing for the company but whore around the hallow halls looking for some dick. If I was owner, I would fire you and then blackball you from every promotion in the wrestling world until your forced to work at McDonald's flipping burgers. Your what I call in my line of work, DEAD WEIGHT. In otherwords..your OPEN LEGS INSERT DICK type of gal. I will be watching you and if you so much as look at me wrong, I will knock your pretty little teeth out until you have to get dentures."

Dawn chuckles.

"Ladies....and Gentlemen. You will do one thing and one thing for me...CRY, CRY FOR DAWN! WAH!"

The feed ends and the commentators take over.

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