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universal6 star tag team

Why Xanthus and Corez Suck_____Johnny Camaro Promo Xtreme #1

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 27, 2023, 06:32:40 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:05/05/2010 5:49 PMCopy HTML



Out of Character: It's good to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!

"So once again the past comes back from the dead. Xanthus (or something like that) and Corez? The "greatest tag team in SEF", well clearly they aren't good enough to fight the Infection face to face. You aren't good enough to fight me fairly. This week I have to face these two losers." Johnny is sitting poolside trying to relax but is too pissed at what happened to do so. Thankfully he had sunglasses on, I hear that evil looks give you crowsfeet. Johnny can't ge crowsfeet, he's too beautiful! "It seems like you can do anything now and get a title shot. My Tag Team title means nothing anymore! It is now just a hunk of metal slapped onto rubber. Every title here used to have prestige, you used to have to work for a title shot. You had to prove yourself with a months worth of non-stop showstopping action. It's the reason why Nikky won the International title and it's the reason why The Infection won the tag team titles." Johnny takes off his sunglasses.

"Xanthus, Corez, you're right. A mistake will be corrected, but it isn't the one you think it is. We will correct the mistake that was your career. If you want to waltz in here and get what you don't deserv then you too shall pay. If we win (Which we will) your whole existance prior to your return will be wiped from SEF history. If you want this match you will have to put up your whole legacy in this company, if not, well it seems that myself and Nikky have the advantage. We can count ourselves out, we can throw the match via DQ, hell, we can do anything we want! So "Hardkore Connection" do you have a pair, will you risk it all?" Johnny starts smiling, a evil menacing smile.

"You say how there wasn't a team that could beat you yet you lost them 8 times, obviously you lost 8 times. So don't play that shit move. It's almost as stupid as you saying that you could out maneuver and out preform the Infection! You are a decade past your prime, you are old farts, you are last year. The Infection is this year. The Infection is an honest team, not like you. Your still in your twenties? Give me a break, you debuted in 2001/02, you weren't even legal! So come on, be honest, learn from the good values of Johnny Camaro." He says still with the evil look on his face.

"Xanthus, Corez at Extreme will you have the pair to risk your entire legacy? Will you fight fairly? Will you be honest just like me? And let me tell you now, you will learn why myself and Nikky are the tag team champions and why I'm called the Quintessential Star. " S


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