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Are You Blind, Deaf, Or Just Dumb? ----- Tina's Extreme Promo

Started by Taylor Andrews, September 27, 2023, 07:57:06 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:12/05/2010 12:43 AMCopy HTML

Tina is focused on now as she sits looking high wearing the same as we saw before from her, tight jeans and an Impact X baby tee. She takes a drink of a Heineken and says.
So the stereotypical blondes have decided to spew some more shit from their mouths. Claim their not fake and my tits, Mack, dear, are my tits fake?
And from behind the camera we hear.
Tina just smiles and says.
As he said girls, I don't have fake tits, so get to know me before you jump to conclusions. Now granted, the thought has been in my head about getting them, but really-
She's cut off by Mack.
You don't need them, trust me!
He sounds gleeful almost and Tina keeps smiling and says.
I do and that is why I wanted you as my tag team partner instead of Steve, because I trust you to work with me to beat some ass, to win against two fake, pathetic, jokes. Lacey is ok, she actually has been making a name on her own and as far as the match me her had. I never claimed it was a fluke, I simply said how it happened, don't believe me, go through SEF archives and find out for yourself. You three want to take me out, then do it, but don't claim your any good at wrestling if you can't take me out one on one instead of a tag team match where I am the only one pulling my weight, carrying my team. Your wrong in telling me that I am leaving the arena on a stretcher, you little girls are in for a world of hurt if you think I go down that easy in the ring, hell, even out of the ring as I am selective. Only guy to have a piece of this filming me now and girls, well, besides my best friend in high school there is Julie, Jenom, and Jade, wow, I'm real bad ain't I!
And we hear Mack chime in now.
Yea ya are, now come get your spanking! Or ya can spank me, I don't care?!
Tina just laughs a little and smirks devilishly, then says.
You know these girls mentioned you too don't ya?
Mack just says.
Tina shrugs and says.
They kinda acted like ya didn't know what ya were talking about, that you were being Mack!
Laughing now and Mack says.
Who are they again?
Tina says.
Hayden Smith and Jade Hart, the second one who came into SEF!
Mack says.
Ok, so who again? I know what I know and they have no clue what I know about the Hart's and they'll never know what I know, so let them talk, let them judge me like so many have, but until they know me, what's the point of this? They just like to think they know it all, that they are a part of something they can never be a part of, so let them have their fun, they'll be exposed by their own doing if not by someone else.
Tina shrugs and says.
Just sucks they don't get it. They think I'm scared of this match, but quite the opposite. I'm ready to show these two girls how to wrestle. So what if the women in the Hart family were supposed to be tough, doesn't mean they were any tougher than any other women or even men like they were claiming. Its just an opinion from their mouth and what sounds like a very biased opinion when in truth their in for a long night when they step in the ring with me. I trained hard for five months, and not just for a stereotypical woman, I trained with men, learned the art of submission wrestling, learned to know my presence in the ring at all times, discipline, focus, determination, plus now I am under the wing of Mack. I am here to learn, maybe be one of his brightest pupils and so what if I fuck him, stop being jealous and acting like sex makes you any less of a wrestler when it doesn't. The only whores are hanging out in the so called Dynasty Divas locker room because you whore out your so called family name more than any girl on any street corner anywhere in this world, you're a disgrace to that name and you're a disgrace to women everywhere. Your jealous that everyone would rather watch one of our little pornos more than one of your bullshit promos because at least we give people something to see, you just blow smoke and you don't even smoke. Maybe you two need to and by the way, I learned a lot about that from Mack and it doesn't kill brain cells, so get smart you cheap tricks, get a clue, and get ready to feel the wrath of the real T & A!
Tina takes a drink of her beer now and then sets it down and does a crotch chop and smirks, then Mack sets the camera on the table and says.
So how about some more aroma therapy, then some physical therapy!
But before we can hear an answer the camera is shut off fading the view to black and now we wait.

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