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Taking Care Of Business!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 27, 2023, 07:58:54 PM

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Date Posted:11/05/2010 11:56 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Shane Mack Will Lose!
 Shane Mack
Roleplay #2 for the show! Enjoy!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
"Extreme" returns from a commercial break, the scene opens up with Chris Orton sitting on the couch taping his wrist, and Lacey Daniels comes into the picture started speaking to him.

Lacey Daniel: Hey Babe, I was wondering if I can talk to you about something.

Chris Orton: What on your mind?

Lacey Daniel: Well, Riot came to me about you and I joining him forming a stable, so I wanted to know how you feel about the idea.

Chris Orton: Riot is one of the challengers I am facing on "Extreme", so why should I join forces with him, because if he wants me to join I just want to make sure that he doesn't order me around. If he does we got problems, so why should I trust him?

Lacey Daniel: I don't know maybe you should talk to him yourself, because whatever you decide I behind you.

Chris Orton: Well, I got interview to do about my match involving myself, Riot, Justin Rodgers, and Megan Sorrow. The only way I'll join his stable if he doesn't order me around, and I don't do his dirty work, because this is one of the reasons I don't do stables.

Chris Orton leans forward kiss Lacey Daniels on the lips, and he heads out to do an interview about his match, so Lacey starts texting to Riot about what Chris Orton said, and "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

Kristin Fox

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Re:Taking Care Of Business!
Date Posted:11/05/2010 11:13 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 11/25/2006 9:55 PM

____x.."Riot O'Bannon



Jeff-25.png picture by kristinbenoit97

{{{Riot bangs on Chris Orton's locker room door.  It's opened by Lacey.  He brushes his hair back out of his eyes and tries to give her a normal smile like he gives Jade rather than the sarcastic or wry one he usually gives to people.}}

Riot:"Jade said you wanted to see me.  {she lets him in and points to Orton}  Jade told me as the unofficial leader of our motley crue, {wry smile} That I needed to come talk to you about a stable.  The way I understand it is just like the Dynasty Divas....that Lacey would be in charge.  {he stands in front of Orton, a slight smug look at knowing he is at least taller even though he doesn't believe what Jade tells him, that he is totally hot and his cousin, Lotus telling him that he's almost as hot as Orton, he doesn't see it.}} "You don't know me, but if you did, you'd realize I'm not a leader.....until I met Jade I was a loner.  On occassion I would be forced into things by my aunt and uncle into doing things with my cousins.  Vampire Masques and death metal were never my scene.  I don't mind shedding blood when the occassion calls for it but the only one I answer to is Jade.  She wants me to know a happy family and wants me to get along with you because Lacey loves you.  You apparently like to do things on your own.  I respect that because I too would rather do things my own way, but as I said she is happy to be back with Jade so I can deal with teaming with you if you can."

{He drops back a bit and reaches out a hand.}

◦թιηκ▫ქαղтąşγ◦ at DAF like what you see then click the link and request! Dont be a smart ass and decide to steal cause in the end you'll be the one looking steal once I catch your ass! Dont mess with me bitches!

Riot O'Bannon.xx___



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Re:Taking Care Of Business!
Date Posted:12/05/2010 10:33 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:

Taking Care Of Business!

 Shane Mack, Riot, Justin Rodgers, Megan Sorrow, Greg Boone

Roleplay #2 for the show! Enjoy!

No One!

COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007

(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.

Riot has his hand out for Chris Orton to shake it, so Chris Orton stood there thinking look at Lacey Daniels looking on to see what her man will do, and Chris Orton started speaking again.

Chris Orton: I need time to think about the offer, but I have my answer after fatal four way match is over, so I got interview to do with Greg Boone.

The scene change showing footage of Chris Orton vs Shane Mack on "Extreme" which Orton won the match getting a victory over Shane Mack, so Greg Boone is shown standing by with Chris Orton started speaking into the microphone.

Greg Boone: Ladies & Gentlemen, I'm standing by with the man who beat Shane Mack last week on "Extreme", so Orton tell us about that win.

Chris Orton: Finally, I beat Shane Mack I'm sure he doesn't feel it doesn't prove nothing, but it means something to me like the record books will show Chris Orton beat Shane Mack, so I'm one step closer to becoming the future of this company. You see I done it all in other companies winning titles, earning the respect from the boys in the back, so now I'm focus on entering my name in SEF as greatest superstar and champion of all-time. Steve Weigel ruin my moment to punt Shane Mack head put him out for good, so he better have eyes behind his head I'll get even with him when the time is right.

Greg Boone: Tonight on "Extreme", you are part of a fatal four way match, so what you got to say about that.

Chris Orton: I see this match as two fresh meat and one loser, because I don't know much about Justin Rodgers, but I hope he brings it to the match, because I'm sure he was put in this match to prove himself. Now Riot is another fresh meat after talking to him about joining forces which I haven't decided yet, but I will have my answer after the match, so he needs to show me what he made of. Last, Megan Sorrow isn't worth my time I mean myself and Lacey beat her up pretty good I got no problem doing it again.

Greg Boone: Any last words?

Chris Orton: To all SEF fans who been booing me, you should respect me, because I'm the future of this company rather you like me or hate me. I don't care what you people think of me or Lacey Daniels, but you will respect us as the most dominant couple in SEF history, so when I come out all of you should stand up show me the respect, or I'll spit in your face don't believe me try me.

"You're Going Down" blares on the pa system, Chris Orton walks away from Greg Boone, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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