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Justin Extreme 2

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 08:04:15 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:12/05/2010 5:58 PMCopy HTML

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mike2008_01.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
"I Am The Prodigy."

{{OOC: Switching faces}}

m_ae2bc7e694c57b64d9cd31789a9a999b.gif picture by kristinbenoit97
 {{Justin paces back and forth in the ring.  He bounces back and forth on the balls of his feet and then yells off camera}}

Justin:"Get your ass in here, Silva!  I ain't got all day."

{Ash comes from off camera with a snicker}

Ash:"Slang from the Prodigy!  What would your mother say?"

{justin smirks}

Justin:"My mom's not here but you get in here and I'll show you who your Daddy is."

{A woman laughs off camera.  Maegan comes into view with a baby in a snuggie.  She flips Justin off and heads towards the office area.}

Ash:"Some is amped for an ass whoppin'."

{He takes off his shirt and climbs onto the ring steps to remove his shoes. Justin smirks and bounces back off the ropes and goes to hit a baseball slide.  Ash is quicker and slides out of the way.  He tosses a shoe at Justin}

Justin:"I'm not playin' let's go."

{Ash points to the camera}

Ash:"This is your last promo from Alberta.  You gotta fly out tonight to Winnipeg.  Why don't you do that while I get my gear."

Justin:"Wuss."  {Justin crosses his arms and leans back againist the ring} "Miracle of miracle Chris Orton comes down from on high to grace us with his presence to talk about freshmeat and losers.  You know Orton I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.  You have a lot of muscle asking you to be apart of a group that rules all of the wrestling of the Gulf Coast of the United States.  I get it though.  You are a man who likes to stand on his own muscle.  Usually I do too but SEF is gearing up for a gang war.  I've got my back to a wall because I do not see anyone that I really want to team with.  Nikky Venom seems like an alright guy but he's also a lot like Riot.  Riot and I have shed a lot of blood.  Together and each others.....except the people I would expect to have my back have gone their own way.  I can't call my best friend because he's under contract to another company and SEF has a policy about being an independent corporation built on the back of independent talent.  I'd ask Shane Mack but it seems he's aligned himself with THC.  I haven't had a problem with Corez in three years but after what I saw on t.v. today. I'm damn near about to drop the respect for myself and my opponents that my Uncle instilled in me when he started training my cousins and I, starting at the tender age of three.  See I saw THC's tag match promo againist my brother and our brother-in-law.  I can't say I blame Knox for wanting blood.  Dusty did the smart thing and has taken Emily away from Canada.  I'm sure she'll be back.  She's not the same girl she used to be.  She's mad as hell and while she's no where on a Whitney Marrett level she's working damn hard to be on level with the Dynasty Divas.  I guess, {he glances up as the sound system keys up with 'I Walk Alone'} I guess this station is possessed.  I am alone in this gang war.  In this fatal four way match, I have an idea of what to expect.  I know what to expect from Riot.  This match is going to be extremely violent and all over the place.  He'll be swinging from the rafters or under the ring looking for a ladder.  Orton and Sorrow I don't know.  From the looks of the cage match Megan may not show up.  So Orton if you aren't on the outside looking in while Riot's looking for all kinds of extreme toys then it will be you and I.  Seeing as everyone is second generation in this match let's hope you don't suck like you're does now that he's trying to be a face.  As for Sorrow, you try to punt Megan when she's down then I'll snap your damn leg.  I'll all for equality in wrestling.  Hell, my mom was a pioneer herself holding a women's title and a cruiserweight title in LXWF but I'm for damn sure not down for a bully or for men who get their jollies picking on defenseless women.  Not saying that Megan normally couldn't hold her own but in the event she's already down I'm damn sure not going to let you try to put her out.  So in case you hadn't noticed Orton.  I'm more than ready and despite never being in the ring with you.  I'm not some greendick rookie that you can walk all over either.  I was in SEF before and I've got seven years behind me in active competition.  I may be out on a gang war but in this match.  I'm going to continue my streak because its all about taking the International title off of Bobby James."

"I'd like to throw the bullshit card."

{Ash looks up with a shit eating grin.  Justin raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms across his chest}

Justin:"What the hell do you mean bullshit card?  I'm telling SEF straight I'm winning the Fatal Fourway and then taking the title off of James."

{The camera pulls back to see Jagger Silva.}

Jagger:"You've never been without allies and you know it.  {he's wearing black jeans, sunglasses, and a black beater} "If its a gang war SEF wants then you have a brother not aligned with anyone in SEF's war except by blood."

Ash:"Shit." {They look at him} "I don't want to wrestle."

Jagger:"So be our coach, bitch."

{Ash launches himself up and grabs Jagger in a headlock}

Ash:"Who's the bitch?"

{Justin walks over and kicks Jagger in the ass}

Justin:"Always the little brother."

{Ash finally slings him loose}

Jagger:"Now I look like a bitch. Damn it!  {he runs a hand over his hair} "If it comes to a war, you know you have us and Matt would fly in too."

Justin:"Only if I have too.  Usually its cowards who jump to band together.  We know that Impact X has been together for years.  Suddenly Riot's running to get a heel stable put together like their is some possible border war about to start.  This isn't 1997 and Shane Mack's not Steve Austin and Riot sure as hell isn't Bret Hart.  Hell Riot, you're not even Canadian!  Live in the now boys."

Ash:"Knox expects you to join Impact X."

Justin:"The offer hasn't officially been put on the table.  To be quite honest with you, it all depends on if he's offered a spot to X and Corez.  Right now, I have my goals and even though punk boy wants to do another stable, it's not in the cards for me.  I want the International title and I'll go through whomever I have to in order to get it."


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