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Jade and Hayden Extreme 3

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 08:05:11 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:12/05/2010 6:39 PMCopy HTML

__.xxDynasty Darlings
DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Final Word count: 
{{{Jade and Hayden are in a gym in Winnipeg.  They have just finished what Damage Inc calls the Fighting Fox workout. It's a several hour all inclusive work out that was developed by Hayden's mother-in-law and her friends.  The cool down includes swimming and stretching.  They are now in their stretching portion and are waiting for Lacey to finish her work out so they can go shopping.  Jade pokes Hayden as the camera comes around the corner}

Jade:"Stevie the Bitch finally speaks up.  He actually made some sense in his promo as sad as I am to say it.  Unfortunately what he has to say really doesn't matter much in my estimation.  It's this new girl Tina who thinks a few months of training is what it takes to be successful in this business.  Months?  Oh please honey, try years.  {she rolls her eyes}  You never stop training.  You never learn enough because this business is about being the best.  It's why when we go to the gym we are usually here all day.  There are multiple parts to our training.  We do not just practice holds and submissions.  We practice everything.  We have MMA routines, martial arts to practice, weights to lift, and so on.  Do you think if training and being liscensed or whatever it is in your town to get into the ring makes you a star than we'd have title belts changing hands every match.  We'd have have a million Johnny and Jamie Jabronis in wrestling and getting title shots all of the time."

Hayden:"The truth is that Tina you are delusional.  You have a lot to learn in this business.  Lacey right now is the best this business has to offer.  She brings it all to the table.  She's the Total Female Package in wrestling.  I would even venture to say that she could be better than Whitney Marrett."

Jade:"She is better than Whitney."

Hayden:"It would be an amazing classic match!  As for you Julie, {shakes her head} I have a sister-in-law not much younger than you that I'm sure could tie you up in knots if I wasn't afraid that you'd infect her with some ungodly disease.  I mean she's 17 and not old enough or she'd be here."

{Jade nods}

Jade:"Gabby is so close to graduating.  When she heard about all of the stuff going on here, she threatened to quit school.  Even though she and Dusty look a lot alike.  They are two different babes all together.  Gabby is the mini-me of Justin in that regard.  She has been since she could walk.  Her whole attitude has been about being the best.  Her favorite expression is "Excellence is genetic.

Hayden:"I agree to a certain extent.  Genetics play a major role.  Honestly Tina has the talking part of wrestling down and if she continues training with Mack then she'll do something in this business."

Jade:"It just annoys the hell out of me that she's trying to get Mack to think that we're calling him out.  {rolls eyes}  I have no interest in calling him out.  I am here for family loyalty.  Maybe even the tag titles but mainly I want the world to know that Jade Hart is not some lesbian low budget porn queen, she's the legitimate Real Deal daughter of one of the greatest wrestlers to step into a wrestling ring.  {she tosses her hair over her shoulder} "Real Deal being me, not some fake orphan who is only a Hart because it was bestowed upon her because of all of the charity work that our grandfather and now our Aunt Martha continues to do in Uncle Owen's name."

Hayden:"Lucas is heavily involved in the scholarship program that Aunt Martha is working on.  I also have an invite for the Dynasty Divas to be special guests for this years charity event."

Jade:"Hopefully we'll be able to show up en masse.  {she ticked things off on her fingers}  Chris as the heavyweight champion, Lacey as the television champion, either us or Knox and Lucas as the tag champs, and Riot, {she smiles} my sweet unique Riot as the International Champion."

Hayden:"Justin wants the title."

Jade:"I know but then Riot will take it off of him.  {she thinks} What's his deal about thing about just because we want to form a cohesive unit that it means we're scared."

{Hayden sighs}

Hayden:"I'm telling you he's not talking about the Dynasty Divas.  He's talking about how you made Riot humple himself and go ask Orton to be in a stable.  I thought we made it clear that we wanted Lacey as the leader?"

Jade:"Oh right.  She is the champion and the glue that would bring Orton into a unit with us.  I just thought it would be nice if Riot went to make a normal friend instead of his loser vamp cousins with those stupid Anne Rice fan boy names."

Hayden:"It's their parents that is a fan boy and fan girl.  They didn't chose their names."

Jade:"Lestat kinda lives the life or unlife or whatever goth thing he does."

Hayden:"You need to focus.  Forget about them.  We have a network to deal with them.  They are so not on our radar.  We are in SEF we are to good for NOLA Xtreme.  Poor Riot only worked there because he wanted to pull his own weight since he grew up in his uncle's house."

Jade:"My poor baby.  Hopefully he'll releash some of his aggression when he gets in the ring on Extreme.  He'll really destroy Megan wawa!  We'll probably never hear from her again."

Hayden:"That would be nice."

{Jade hear's a door open}

Jade:"OOh there's Lacey.  {the camera turns to catch Lacey} "Do you have anything to say to that loser skank Julie and Stevie Weiner?  He did most of his promo on you...again.."

TBC: By Lacey or an opponent
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