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Still Waiting To Hear Something True ----- Tina's Extreme Promo

Started by Taylor Andrews, September 27, 2023, 08:14:18 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:13/05/2010 7:37 AMCopy HTML

Tina sits on a sofa in a hotel room now, nice, plush, luxurious room and she wears tight blue jeans and a white tank top with a pink butterfly glittered on the front. She just smiles and says.
First of all Lacey, comparing yourself and Whitney to Bruno and Bret is wrong for Whitney herself would tell you the same thing and her word around here goes way farther than yours ever will because she is bigger than all three of you combined, she's as big a star as Mack! As far as shit slinging goes, I admit I retaliated to what your two friends pulled with me, but Mack never got into it, all he did was spit the truth, something you tried and failed to do. So if you ever want to speak the truth again, then actually do it, but honey, nothing you said is nowhere near the truth and nothing you or your girls can say will ever change that and to quote Mack, that's a shoot, so deal with it skank!
She smirks and reaches forward picking up a glass of milk taking a drink, then picks up a napkin wiping her mouth as we hear Mack say from behind the camera.
Hey, what the hell, stop copying me!
Tina just sticks her tongue at him, well, at the camera, whatever, Mack just says.
Oh, ya like flicking that tongue, how about ya come over here and do that?!
Tina shakes her head smirking and says.
Later Mack, letting the breakfast settle. Now then, Lacey, since you see, to think your so great, then why don't you face me one on one, c'mon, little Tina, can't win a match, your not scared are you? You know Jade, the original Jade to come here, you know she is missing in action and Steve is not working with myself or any of us. I never said my team was ever going to win, that's why I am dead set on schooling every, single one of you worthless skanks and trying to get you in the ring, one on one, to shut your shit spewing mouth, so what's it gonna be skanks, step in the ring and back up your words or continue preaching bullshit like all three of you have done so far?
She shakes her head and takes another drink of milk as Mack stands up and the camera view moves around some as he sets it down on the table and he is heard saying.
Lacey needs to open her eyes and re watch last weeks Extreme!
Then in a click, fade to black. Guess that's it, but when ya speak the actual truth, what else do ya need?

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