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Justin promo for Extreme 3

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 08:45:47 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:13/05/2010 11:04 PMCopy HTML
Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
The Prodigy
{{Justin is walking down the Extreme hallway wearing boots and a pair of tight jeans.  He stops at a monitor to listen to Megan's promo and shakes his head.  He then almost bumps into her}}
Justin:"I never said I didn't wish you luck.  I just don't like going into a fatal fourway where the only opponent that I know well is likely to drive your pretty little head as far into the concrete as he possibly can.  He spent way to much time with a bunch of screwed up vampire wannabes.  I know you got some issues going on now with Nikky being all emo and what not but he seems to have a lot in common with Riot as far as the non-traditional outlook on life goes.  I was actually sorry to see Mack kick his ass but he needs a kick in the ass.  He's all depressed and shit like he's just given up.  Anyway, good luck.  {he walks past her and then turns to check out her form} God I love working here.  {he see Katana waiting for him with a camera crew and gives her a sheepish grin} "Babe."
Katana:"Don't think I didn't see it."
{Justin grins}
Justin:"If it helps you've got a better ass."
Katana:"From where you're standing the ice is getting pretty damn thin."
{Justin's smile gets really big}
Justin:"You are totally hotter than she is.  In fact, let's say we skip the promo and take care of some private matters."
{she smirks}
Katana:"Every day, any time except show time remember?"
Justin:"Shit! Stupid rule.  I can't believe I made that rule up.  After?"
Katana:"I don't know. I have to see if I can find something to tie you down with too..."
Justin:"Whoa, we getting kinky tonight?"
{Katana rolls her eyes}
Katana:"Sure, we'll go with that.  Tie your ass down, kick your ass, and dump a bucket of ice water on your jock.  Sounds pretty hardcore to me.  {Justin winces and she lets out a delighted giggle before dropping his catchphrase.} "I'm just sayin!"
Justin:"Wicked woman! No wonder your mama gave you the middle name of Eve!  Body made for sin and a mind to match!  {he picks her up so he can kiss her and then slides her down and smacks her on the ass} "Got this match in the bag tonight most likely.  Riots probably hanging bat like off the rafters, Megan's distracted because Venom's getting his ass handed to him by Mack in simple face to face encounters, and Orton.  Where in the bloody hell is Orton?  He comes out here, says what he has to say, and then dissapears?  {he smirks}  I'd say Lacey's got him chained to her bed somewhere if she hadn't been out and about with her catty clique.  I don't treasure having to wrestle Megan Sorrow.  She's a bad ass chick in her own right but when she has to work a match where all the guys except maybe Orton are almost a foot taller than her.  Trying to save her some headache and ending the match with the guys just isn't going to work here.  Riot would have to be dead to stop tryig to go in a fight.  I once saw him in a match with his uncle Speirr and Riot's pouring blood ad that sick bastard is licking it right off of his hands, and Riot's still clawing his way back to a standing position.  A kick to the nads, a thumb to the eye, but he's still refusing to give up.  That bastard is like a friggin' zombie.  You'd have to take a friggin Uzi to rip him to shreds and the little pieces that are left would morph like a friggin cross between Terminator and the friggin' blob!  Then he ain't right in the head in the first place so he's going to be all over the place.  Orton- Where are you Orton?  Riot got inside your head?  Did he trick you into a bonding experience in the quarter and let Armond and Radu eat you alive?"
Katana:"Is Radu old enough to run with the Creatures of the Night?"
{Justin glances at her}
Justin:"The whole damn NOLA section of the O'Bannon family is like a bunch of rip-off artists.  {he then wraps a hand around Katana's neck} "Radu is the oldest.  Synn is the youngest and only girl.  Lestat and Armond, the freakin' Anne Rice knock-offs are the ones in the middle that ran with Riot."
Katana:"The psychos all look alike to me.  Even Synn looks like a red haired doppleganger to her mom's washed out Morticia Adams persona."
Justin:"Ahh, the psycho days....not like we don't have any in SEF but mostly those just have their heads up their asses and use the International title to fix their hair.  {he smirks} "Yes Bobby, it all comes back to you.  I haven't seen you around since I gave you that little love tap.  A little blood, a little concussion, and you're not even cursing me out.  Where's your heart, son?"
Katana:"Probably the same place his wang should be."
{Justin laughed and winked at her}
Justin:"This match is going to be fun!  Another step to the International title, Bobby.  Your ass is mine.  {his phone sounds like someone's hit a gong.} Tied into the heel hotline.  {He snickers and looks up at the camera} Lucas, Lucas, Lucas.  You should have stayed nuetral.  You should have stayed in the office.  Stayed home with Johnson or something.  So now you want to warn me that I've pissed Riot off."
Katana:"Whooptie freakin' do!"
Justin:"He's always on the rag about something.  I might actually pretend to be intimidated if you'd said that Orton was coming to beat my ass.  You know the line "devil I know, rather than the devil that I don't?"  I'm no more afraid to go face to face with Riot than I am getting in the ring with my baby sister Gabby and she's just made 17.  Hell, I'm more afraid of getting in the ring with the twins cuz those boys are evil and wanna drop kick the nuts to see if you got a cup on.  Damn, might wanna, {smacks Katana's ass} knock this fine piece of ass up one day."
{Katana gives him a cross look and crosses her arms}
Katana:"Excuse me?"
{Justin shudders}
Justin:"Damn when you say that I get Vickie Guerrero nightmares or daymares.  Sick visions of that horrid interpretation of the Frog splash at Wrestlemania.  {shudders and looks to be physically ill} Shit, I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.  THAT much fat should never be in spandex.  {he pushes past the camera grabs a water bottle out of an ice chest.  He unscrews the cap, takes a drink, gargles, and then spits it out} "Disgusting.  Yech! {he makes a face.  then comes back with a raised eyebrow} Yes, I might wanna see you, {he gives her a smug look} pregnant with my kid, k?  Is that what you wanted me to say."
Katana:"No, I want you to say it the way.."
{He puts a hand over her mouth}
Justin:"Say a lot of things then, {he lowers his voice} off camera.  Cuttin' my nuts off here.  {she gives him a look and then turns a bright smile to the camera.  he gives her a weird look and then looks at the camera all serious}  My cousins just had babies and my family has always been obsessed with baby mania.  My sexy wife would give me beautiful kids but that's not the point tonight is it.  {he grins}  See?  I don't sweat 50% of my opponents.  Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll be so concerned with this new stable idea that they'll play who's dicks is the biggest and take it into the bowels of the building.  Then since I'm not down with girls in hardcore {pauses} matches then I guess Megan and I will have to put on a hell of a match of the year technical match.  Haven't wrestled a woman seriously in awhile....{Katana laughs} In a match, Katana...{more giggles} Look, you wanna do this promo?  I'll stand back all robot like and let you be my translator like that messed up Japanese chick in the kimono used to do for the old bastard in Greenwich!"
Katana:"I doubt anyone would like what I have to say."
Justin:"Which is?"
Katana:"You're in a match with a couple of bitches and a chick who's more man than either of the other opponents and more woman than they'll ever get with.  Then again, it doesn't matter.  The Prodigy always walks away with the W."
{Justin chuckles}
Justin:"Short, sweet, to the point.  Yet, SEF is different.  I have lost a couple times in the past but I don't see Nick Torres and I don't have a contracted tag partner so as long as Xanthus stays away from my niece then I have no reason to cross paths with Corez.  We are like two planets on the same rotation we just operate in different levels of the stratusphere."
Katana:"Oh please don't tell me you're comparing Torres and Corez to those losers running with Loki and Hayden."
Justin:"Of course not.  Neither one of them could lace Torres boots and Corez would kick their ass for looking at him the wrong way.  Hell, I'm surprised Riot can even find his boots."
{Katana snickers}
Katana:"Jade does everything for him."
{Justin smiles and rocks back on his heels.  Camera lets out an ouch as he tries to follow Justin.  Justin winces and leans back on some equipment}
Justin:"No problem.  I'm used to tall people.  Things are always bigger in Texas.  {he takes a sip of water} "I'm amped for this match.  I really am.  I love to compete.  I just wish I could say that I expected this match to be more than an elimination.  Once the trash gets taken out then hopefully Megan and I can give a decent show but until that happens.  {he gestures with a hand} It will probably be a blood bath."

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