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The Prodigal Son ----- Mack's Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 27, 2023, 08:55:29 PM

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Date Posted:15/05/2010 12:48 AMCopy HTML

Its early morning on Friday and no doubt this was taped earlier, so yea, whatever. Inside the hotel room of Impact X and Mack is up sitting at a table wearing the same ol' shit as usual and if ya don't know, that's your fault. Xanthus and Corez lay on the bed with Jade while Tina and Jenom come out of the bathroom together and the camera they use is sitting on the table turned off, whoa, what the fuck? Tina looks kinda sad it appears and sits at the table along with Tina saying.
So your ok with this Mack?
He just shrugs and says.
Well yea I am, but what would it matter anyways? Ya gotta not care so much what people think, let them sit in their own misery, you got family to go help, so go help them!
She smiles and Jenom says.
Yea, especially since its your mother, she needs you!
Tina just says.
Thanks for being so cool about this.
Jenom just smiles and says.
I'm heading out myself anyways, I had my little bit of fun I wanted, so if you want we can ride together to the airport?
Tina smiles and says.
Alright, sounds cool to me.
She turns to Mack says.
Thanks for the fun and learning experience, I'll never forget it and I will be back one day.
Mack just shrugs and Tina gets up giving him a hug, then Jenom gets up and so does Mack. They hug now and kiss each other, then Mack says.
Tell Whitney and Julie, if ya see them by chance, that it won't be too long!
He then reaches down for the camera and hands it to Jenom saying.
Make sure Julie gets this back, strangely enough she kind of forget to take with her. Should be full of nice videos for her!
Jenom grins and takes the camera, then her and Tina head out of the hotel room with a couple bags, Mack seeing them out the door, then comes back in and picks up a pillow off the floor whipping at Xanthus' head causing him to pop up and yell.
Then he falls back down and Corez stirs now sitting up and stretches. He sees Mack and looks around saying.
Whoa man, wasn't there two more girls in here last night?
Mack smirks and says.
Yea, but they had to go, Tina had a family emergency, major one and Jenom, well she wasn't here for long anyways. You three are on your own for a while, I gotta go do something with an ol' friend, but we'll hook up and come Extreme its Impact X with a clean sweep in the Prison Yard. Anyways, I'll see ya later, tell Xanthus to practice his puckering, so he can suck my cock!
Mack grabs his nuts and laughs as Corez gets up now laughing and heads for the bathroom. Jade is stirring and getting a robe as Xanthus finally rolls up, but falls to the floor. He shoots up rubbing his head and waves bye to Mack who heads out the door carrying a duffel bag over his shoulder and we follow him out now to the elevator. He walks in and the view soon fades to black.
*Thirty Minutes Ago*
Late at night in a small studio somewhere we find Shane Mack now wearing what he wore earlier, fine. Loose blue jeans and sneakers, green shirt with peace sign and wings and a black head-bandana. He wears a headset and has a mic in front of him, sits on a stool. Next to him on a stool holding an electric guitar is Kid Rock wearing loose blue jeans, a white tee and both their eyes appear pretty glazed over and we soon hear the music to Kid Rock's song Prodigal Son playing through the system in the studio, Kid Rock plays the guitar riff for it and Mack now lets the lyrics flow as if he's been doing this is whole life.
Cause growin up I was never, the logical one
Packed my shit, left home like the prodigal son
With a bottle of jack and my shotgun strapped
I went looking for fame and yo I never went back
Filled with spite staying high as a kite
I was dealin and stealin everything in sight
Pool hustling trying to make that green
I've been ramblin and gamblin since the age thirteen
Working like a bitch, like a god damn tank
Some disagree because my rents had bank
But all that's gold don't always glitter
So I'll take another puff from my one hitter
I'm a slave to the trade, paid to shine
Blow all my cash on cheap women and wine
Cause money, money, money ain't shit to me
But I gotta make a lot just to be free
I'm here and I'm there
I'm D-Mack bitch and I'm everywhere
I'm here and I'm there
I'm D-Mack hoe and I'm everywhere
Many nights she comes to me and fills me where I lay
I hope to God one day she gonna see the love is not that way
She holds in that morning time and never lets me go
I hold on back one day she gonna see and come into my show
Please God please, I'll pay any cost
If you'd just stop the world cause I wanna get off
There's too much hardship and too much pain
There's too many mother fuckers tryin to get in my brain
I've been to your mountains
I've been to your seaside
Everywhere I went somebody's wanted a free ride
But parasites can't fade the Mack
Cause suckers that step in my way will get shot
I hold key to my own success
Suckers that step will be put to rest
I hold the key to my own success
And suckers that step will catch a bullet in their chest
So pass the buddha the funky tie hooter
Watch me rip because I'm such a slick shooter
Not a generic dime a dozen jobber
Never was in a posse never wanted to be
I'm here and I'm there
I'm D-Mack bitch and I'm everywhere
I'm here and I'm there
I'm D-Mack hoe and I'm everywhere
Many nights she comes to me and fills me where I lay
I hope to god one day she gonna see the love is not that way
She holds in that morning time and never lets me go
I hold on back one day she gonna see and come into my show
A pause by Mack now who has his eyes closed and his nodding his head to the beat as Kid continues to rock out. Mack starts rhyming again.
N-N-Now I've been walkin the earth since the beginning of time
And won't leave till I've received that seventh sign
All this talk their gonna drop the bomb
But life keeps going on and on and on and on
The world's end don't worry me
And I'm gonna get where I'm going, just don't hurry me
Cause I'm in no rush and I can't stand rushin
Everything is slow motion like I'm trippin on tussin
Fussin with the girls, they waste my time
Thrashin and bashin going out of my mind
Crucified by the critics, everyday
Cause I really ain't got that much to say
I'm a slave to the trade, paid to shine
I don't wear a watch and I don't keep time
I live my life just like the skipper
But only at night because I'm a day tripper
Twitchin, shakin and I got more style than The Nature Boy
Visions of red shoot through my head
And I wont stop trippin till the day I'm dead
I'm here and I'm there
I'm D-Mack bitch and I'm everywhere
I'm here and I'm there
I'm D-Mack hoe and I'm everywhere
Many nights she comes to me and fills me where I lay
I hope to god one day she gonna see the love is not that way
She holds in that morning time and never lets me go
I hold on back one day she gonna see and come into my show
Yeah...Yeah...Yeah on down
Hey...hey, hey...hey, hey, hey, hey
On down, on down, on down, down, down, down, down
Well, well, well, well
Hey heeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Yeah your fuckin with the D-Mack honey
Get back on the streets and get my money
Money, money, money, money, money, money
Get my money
Yeah you fuckin with the D-Mack baby
You can have my car if it will drive you crazy
Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy

Yeah your fuckin with the D-Mack honey
Get back on the streets and get my money
Yeah you fuckin with the D-Mack baby
You can have my car if it will drive you crazy
A pause now again by Mack and the music switches to that of The Prodigal Son Returns, the song from Early Mornin' Stoned Pimp in '96. Kid keeps rocking out on the guitar and Mack soon lets it flow.
P-P-P pass the buddha, pass the buddha
Cause I wanna get, P-P-P pass the buddha
P-P-P pass the buddha, cause I wanna get off
He pauses again and smirks, nods some and continues on.
All the fuckers that are tryin to dis the D-Mack
You can get shot, but first I'm gonna get hot
When it comes to shining I got a new Caddy
Cause you got about as much flavor as a fuckin rice patty
Babe, ahh don't quit your day job
It lights the way ahh
But in the ring I'm God
And workin hard for your moneys what I x'ed hoe
Cause I wont sell my soul for some wax dipped in cheap gold
A pause and the sound of something snorted or inhaled deeply is heard, then Mack continues.
Par 4 motherfucker whatcha gonna do
1 wood 7 iron and I'm on the green at 2
With 1 putt I lyin a birdy in the hole
I drive the show putt for dough
So give it up hoe
I get a lot of funny looks
I aint stealin your gimmick, my man
I aint to fuckin crook
Your playin dummy with your pride
And you cant tell me shit about a funny vibe
And all that jive your preachin, it's borin
I saved my soul, you save the fuckin rain forest
And I'll meet you in hell
The prodigal son Shane Mack I roll well
Mack pauses and in the background through the system Only Time Will Tell is heard at a whisper and then a growl and then Mack lets it go.
Well it's been coast from the midwest
Smokin grass and sniffin lines
And at first glance you wouldnt guess no
I even make my own homemade wine
Moonshine, Red wine, stir it up, drink it up
Roll it up, light it up, toke down, pass around
Cut it up, light it up, sniff it up, rock it up
Gimme a pipe and I just might smoke it
Object it, select it, clean it, protect it
Suck it in, tie it up, stick it and inject it
All night, that's right, pop it drop it
Set it on your tongue and then trip til ya peak
Whispers of LSD is heard through the system as the music fades and Kid Rock finishes up his riff, then sets his guitar down. He and Mack nod to one another and take off the headphones, then Kid says.
Nice brother, sounded real nice I thought.
Mack just smirks and says.
Hell yea bro, thanks for getting together and letting me use your song, appreciate as I always do!
Kid nods and picks up a Heineken and holds it out as Mack picks up his own and they toast, then drink up. Mack picks up a blunt and a BIC sparking it up. He takes a deep drag and passes it over, the view slowly fading to black now.
*Present Time*
Mack sits in the studio alone now, his eyes show he's high, but they also show that discipline, that determination to be great, that focus and patience to wait and strike accurately and precisely. He now says.
Our first back in the states in a couple months and were in New York City, the Hammerstein Ballroom, an ol' favorite of ECW and we got two prison yard matches booked. My boys THC got the first in a tag team match against some new chumps they got beef with. Myself, I headline in the second one against mister wannabe Mack himself, I mean Jesus!
He laughs and says.
Johnny Camaro, its you and I one more time son and this time ya finally got a shot at the World Title, so will this be it for Mack, will this be your time, will you pull off the biggest upset there is, your biggest win ever? Or will you go broke like your buddy Venom?
He shakes his head in disgust and says.
I hope not and I doubt it. You got more fire than that Johnny, your alright for an arrogant prick, for a early version of myself. I'd say younger, but not really much. Four years younger ya are, but over a decade of experience more is what I offer to this match. A young man am I with more knowledge than most ten years above me and that's a real ill shoot, but a shoot none the less. You better be ready for this Johnny, this Prison Yard, its like nothing you have experienced so far in SEF, it is one of a kind, you won't find it anywhere else. Trapped inside those tall walls of steel and staring across at another man trapped as well, both fighting to be the one World Champ, the top of the ladder and the only way to win is by crawling up and through barbed wire that will make you bleed if just look at it wrong and then climb down, simple as that really!
He smirks at that and says.
Its real simple to say Johnny, just climb up and over, just like a cage match...right?
He smirks deviously now and says.
Its more brutal than you know Johnny, it's a true test for you to take and one I look forward to seeing you pass. You best show what you got Wednesday night, you better step the fuck up to me or all you been doing is for nothing, all the runs in under the little mask, all the preaching and panting, its all for nothing if you can't back it up, so c'mon Johnny, lets go out there, come dance with the devil in my playground, come get some of Da Original Pimp of Extreme!
He stands up now and picks up a Heineken heading out of the booth and we see Kid Rock out there and he says.
Ready to fly Mack?
He just grins and says.
Yea brother, lets head out, then et up early in the morning and do it all over like no one else can!
They both get slick grins and walk out of the studio now, the view fading to black now and this time for good...well, at least until the next promo!

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