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Justin's Extreme promo

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 10:32:48 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:16/05/2010 10:34 PMCopy HTML
Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
The Prodigy

{{The SEF camera crew comes up on ranch style house in Dallas, TX.  It's not a huge house or property but there is a fairly good size pasture where a beautiful glossy black stallion and a chesnut bay mare, both pretty good size our out grazing.  Two huge dogs, one a german shepard and the other a more black than black and tan doberman surround the crew growling.  They do not get out of the van until a sharp whistling is heard.  Justin comes out of a red barn dressed in jeans, a hip holster with a Glock 9mm,  cowboy boots, black wrap around sunglasses, work gloves, and a black and white bandana.  His Aston Martin Vanquish is missing but a huge black dodge ram hemi quad cab is parked near the barn with the gate down.  Justin pulls the gloves off and tosses them onto the tail gate of the truck.  He removes a gallon of water from the back of the truck and takes a drink before taking a t-shirt from the back of the truck and wiping his face on it}Justin:"You know once upon a time I didn't keep dobermans.  When I lived in Edmonton I had huskies.  As my mom and uncle, later my dad, all began to gain prominence in this business the need for trained guard dogs became necessary.  Unfortunately, we still can't explain why my uncles dogs were unable to warn or put some kind of dent into the death of my aunt and uncle.  Now, Zeus and Ares here are just a few of the pack bred and trained by my dad's unit so that anyone who comes around will be met with a seriously harsh welcome.  If they'd been inside the main fence, {he gestures to the two story house} you would have been able to get out.  However the alarms would have went off in the barn.  I'm not as paranoid as my parents are.  The likely hood you would have gotten this close without an invitation well, its a huge ranch, and from what you've see from The O'Bannon Clan already, well let's just say genetics speak for themselves.  I'm surprised Talon doesn't move his whole family into the loft of the barn that is the center mark of my parents farm and Knox/Riot's parents farm.  For all we know he could be sitting up there as we speak with a sniper's rifle.  This is Texas, boys you can't just sneak up here without reprocussions.  Now, had you tried to show up at Knox's?  That crazy bastard would have let his dogs tear you apart. {he takes another drink of water and sits on the tail gate of his truck.  whistles again for the dogs who jump in the truck.} "Seems like SEF is taking me seriously though.  They keep putting me in matches to prove myself.  To see how I handle the pressure.  {chuckles} I thrive on pressure.  Now I have a four way match with a guy I've never heard of, a guy who seems to cry more than my god child, and trust me he's a new born and he cries a lot, and my older brother.  I don't know where my brother sits on this other than we were talking on the phone when the card was shown on Sports Center.  All I got was 'shit, i gotta go.'  {he smirks} I don't think he was expecting any serious competition here.  I think he just expected to come in here hustle a couple tag matches and watch Hayden's back.  Now he has to pull a match againist Nikki Venom, some rookie, and his little brother who he has gone to great lengths not to wrestle me in a match.  Why?  He's never shown his kid on SEF t.v. and there is a reason for that.  No, {he snickers} some idiots would think that its because of something sick.  It's actually because unless he's in his school uniform then he's wearing Prodigy gear.  See Uncle Justin is his favorite wrestler.  {he laughs} Why?  Lucas was suposed to be retired.  He was suposed to be coaching an American version of Matrats.  Johnson actually works there and uses quite a few of my move sets.  He even wrestles in jeans like I do.  Great kid.  I'm really going to be sorry that I'm going into this match with my brother.  I don't want to have to beat him to badly.  I don't want to scar the kid.  If I get lucky then my brother won't do anything stupid.  Maybe he'll remember family loyalty and the tag gold we've won together in the past.  {he shakes his head}  I'm not delusional because I know that this is going to be very messy.  I don't trust Venom any farther than Katana could throw him.  I don't know this new guy at all.  Hopefully this Cage guy is a straight up kind of guy.  If I have to then I'll go at it alone...even if it means taking out my brother.  You missed a lot of in ring time when you were a Marine.  You got some leave and had my back here before.  We had some success, raised a little hell, and then you went back to base camp.  You know, Gabby made an interest comment.  You should have been at Sunday dinner at Gram and Grandad's.  She wanted to know why you and Knox weren't using Soldier Boy since it was your whole big thing.  I won't go into the rest.  I'm sure the little riff she had with Dusty will get back to you since you've gone to the O'Bannon way of doing things.  {he cracks his knuckles} Once we get into the ring, you know what mindset I'm going to be in.  WIN!  It's the way I've always been.  I don't play the half ass game.  If I did I wouldn't be the Prodigy.  I'd be Venom.  {he spreads his arms out} As you can see I'm the complete opposite of Venom.  If I was completely American, you might say I look like the guy next door, The All-American boy.  See I view Venom like I view Riot.  They are both dangerous rabid animals that need to be put down or put behind bars.  Sick twisted....."  {he looks up.  he turns to listen.  Gravel crunches.  He pops the snap on the holster left hand on the glock's grip.  He relaxes as he sees its the Aston Martin.  It pulls all the way to the house.  The garage door starts to slide up.  A few minutes later, Katana is seen wearing skin tight True Religion jeans, ankle boots, jean vest, and black Armani shades.  The garage door starts to close and Justin relaxes as the dogs jump out of the truck and run to her} "They know Mommy's home.  {he snickers and turns back to the camera} "On Extreme expect nothing different from me than a victory.  A lot of assholes want to jump me from behind but as you can see, I'm still standing.  I walked out of Winnipeg under my own power.  I want I am my own man as I said time and again.  I do not want apart of any gang war.  I know battle lines have been drawn.  I see members of my family on one side and I see other people on the other.  I asked Corez a question and now I'm being lumped in with Knox who only wants blood.  He is extremely possesive.  I think its a Marine thing.  Lucas was the same way when he was released from his time.  They will be okay.  {Katana stands on tip toes to kiss Justin.  Then she props a hip on the corner of the tail gate.} This woman has my back.  I know it.  I trained her for this life.  She's all I need at my back."
{Katana brushes the hair back off of her forehead}
Katana:"Hayden, I don't know where your mind's at but don't think I won't hesitate to knock you on your ass if you think about interfering in this match.  {she smiles} Come to think of it, this could be fun.  If Megan comes to the ring with Nikki then we can take turns slapping you around."
Justin:"I don't know if they are together anymore."
Katana:"Well, just because Venom has changed the way he thinks about things but it doesn't mean he's changed the way he feels about Megan.  You of all people should know how that goes."
Justin:"I do know.  We did have fun showing Matt and Sara a hard time."
Katana:"True, but at least my reasoning was different than your's."
Justin:"For whatever reason, I know that I'm not going into this match alone.  They just think I am.  {he turns back to the camera} "This match is actually going to be fun."
{Justin takes Katana by the hand and they saddle up the horses.}
Katana:"I'm sure you can let yourselves out."

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