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An Impact X Chat

Started by Da Gangstas, September 27, 2023, 10:39:08 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:17/05/2010 6:23 PMCopy HTML

Sitting in a hotel room somewhere, the name unknown, city, room number, who gives a fuck, no one knows except those inside who happen to be Impact X and some no name cameraman. We see Mack sitting at a table smoking a joint with Xanthus, the room not a as big as usual, just big enough for two regular beds and a table with a couple chairs, a tv and a bathroom, basic layout of most hotel rooms. Corez and Jade lay on the bed making out and Mack says.
So X, what are ya boys planning to do after Extreme?
Xanthus lets out a gulp of smoke and says.
Fuck man, I got no clue what I'm doing! Why, ya want me to stick around?
Mack just shrugs taking a deep drag and hands the joint back to X. he takes a hit and Mack lets out his saying.
That's up to you bro, I was just curious, I care to know about my friends.
X just nods agreeing and hands the joint back to Mack who pinches it and inhales a little, then snuffs it out saying.
Ah, fucking enough huh?!
X smirks and says.
Yea, I feel good, fucking man, I don't know, think I should stick around after Extreme?
Mack just shrugs and says.
Its up to you bro, really, I mean fuck, I enjoy ya hanging out, hell, I even brought back Impact X, whether its short lived or not I don't care, its fun!
He smiles and Xanthus just smiles back saying.
Yea it is, fuck man, we'll see how Extreme goes, maybe its worth sticking around, but at least we get to restore credibility to the Tag Titles and I appreciate what ya did with the group, you're a great man, thanks for everything ya ever gave me!
Mack just nods accepting it humbly and Corez now gets up as he and Jade are finished, least for now. They sit up on the edge of the bed and Corez says.
So you still thinking of leaving after Extreme X?
Xanthus just nods yea to him and says.
Why, you ain't anymore?
Corez just smirks and says.
Fuck no man, I got shit to do around here, I got bitches to put in place, plus I got a chick here who for some reason wants to be with me, and of course Mack I am sure don't mind me hanging out!
Mack just nods yea and they both smirk as does Xanthus who says.
Yea, yea man, I know, I'm not for sure on anything is deal really, so who knows what Wednesday is gonna bring. One thing fur sure is that your both gonna be watching me to see just what in the hell I do, so bro, Corez, ya better sit down after that match and watch it all the way through cause I know where your focus is gonna be, stomping some bitches to the ground!
He smirks and Corez does too and says.
Fuck yea man, Knox and Riot don't got a fucking clue and ya get what Justin been saying now, acting all innocent when he's the one who acted as if I did something before actually letting me explain myself, he just don't get it like his family or whatever that bunch of clowns is supposed to be!
Mack nods his head in agreement and says.
Yea, seems like many people don't get it, but there are some who do and most have the capability to get it, just gotta help them, guide them, teach them as I do, you know how, after all, I taught you two a lot, least I think I did!
He shrugs and smiles as they both nod yea and Corez says.
Oh yea brother, without you we'd probably be light years behind where we are now.
Mack just says,
Xanthus says.
Fuck yea we would! I know I wouldn't be alive if you hadn't pulled me outta my slump a few years back, slapped the stupid off my face and took that cocksucking needle out of my arm, I owe you my life Mack and that is a fucking shoot!
Xanthus looks all serious now, he means it and Mack just says.
What would you have done if the roles were reversed?
Xanthus just shrugs and says.
I woulda tried to do the same, you now that, just the roles weren't reversed, so I owe ya bro.
Mack just laughs and shrugs saying.
Whatever, get me a beer and were even!
Xanthus laughs and hops up heading over to the other side of the tv and opens the fridge. Corez now says.
Grab me one too bitch and Jade, hey, speaking of bitches, where is Steve at Mack?
Xanthus flips a middle finger that way and grabs four Heinekens, shuts the door and walks over setting them on the table as Mack says.
Beats me, I don't really enforce the guy being my bitch, never was what I wanted out of the deal, his idea, but if he wanted to hang around and be my bitch he'd reap rewards of knowledge, I think he would at least, maybe not!
Xanthus pops the tops and hands them to Mack who passes a couple to Corez and Jade, then takes one for himself and they all raise their beers to each other and take a drink, then Corez says.
He'd gain knowledge for sure not to mention excellent weed indeed and some good goddamn beer. That Guinness though man, fuck, not too much of that!
Mack just shrugs and laughs as Xanthus says.
Gimme a Natty fucking Ice, well, a couple thirty packs of it and I'll show ya a good time!
They all laugh and Mack pulls a blunt from off the table and sticks it in his mouth, looks to the cameraman and says.
Yo buddy, ya want to take a break and partake, grab a beer too?
We see the view nodding yes and Mack just smirks as he lights up, puffs some smoke and soon the view fades from the haze to black.

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