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Pay back, One title at a time (Johnny Camaro Extreme)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 28, 2023, 08:53:34 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:19/05/2010 3:10 PMCopy HTML




Nikky walks up to Shane Mack and starts talking to him. They enjoy a laugh together when you can see Johnny walk up next to him with a bat. He careful places it between Macks legs, Mack doesn't noticed because Nikky is chatting him up. Johnny reaches carefully around to the front of the bat. Mack looks down confused but is too late to react as Johnny thrusts the bat upward hitting Mack in the nuts.

"Strike one! Mack two more and your done. So Mack, you think that your petty match will scare me, its an over grown cage match! Ya there's barbed wire, but I've landed in barbed-wire tables before. It hurt like hell but at least I've done it, I know what to expect. There is no essence of fear for me hitting the said barbed wire. Thank god, everyone makes it seem so bad. Once you feel it, well once I felt it, it didn't seem as bad as it could have been. But I digress. Mack, you and your Impact X bitches like attacking people from behind, well now me and Nikky are returning the favour."

Mack is still down holding his nuts in writhing pain.

"Too bad your ego is too big for you to learn anything Mack, this really would be a great thing for you to learn. What goes around comes around. You attacked Nikky, and I got revenge for him at Extreme, then The HC had to fuck it up. For some reason, I got booed and they got cheered. This is what happened with Nikky! Someone attacked him and he attacked back, now of course they were both verbal attacks but still Nikky got booed. Peculiar isn't it? How I can get booed but you can't. I worked just as hard, I was as active as you were. But you got the push and the cheers, and I got nothing and 'under rated' chants...That is until I started taking matters into my own hands, that is."

Johnny gets down and starts paint brushing Mack, to add insult to his testicular injury. He gets down close to him and whispers into Macks ear...

"You know Mack, this is just the beginning. I will take you title, your status, your fans, and your two bitches, Tina and Julie. The best part is, there will be nothing you can do to stop me!"

Mack is still hunched over, Johnny stands up and smiles.

"I must have really got you good. Knowing you, you would have gotten up and beaten me by now. Well Good! Now there is more to talk about Macky. You and your clan have been marching around here for a while thinking you're the greatest. The addition of The HC didn't help. You thought you could do whatever, well now I will stop it..."

Johnny starts talking softer.

"...You've been very forthcoming about your assualts, and you've managed to do it to two guys who really didn't deserve it. Well now everthing is stopped. Me and Nikky will continue to beat you down until you can't make it to Extreme. Speaking of which, why did you get off about Nikky being bad at Extreme? You superkicked him and smashed his head against concret! He probably has a concussion, but he still showed up, he still fought! He may have been owned but your backstage cheap shot attack caused him not to fight his best. I went out and help a friend in trouble. He was hurting because of you and your cheap shot! Call it a win if you want, but we know the truth is that you couldn't have been able to get any offence if you didn't attack Nikky!"

Johnny kicks Mack in the rips and continues speaking. He lets out a sound of pain.

"At Extreme I will take your title, I will leave that cage with my hands in the air with your title across my waist. Speaking of which..."

Johnny shoves the bat on top of Mack's throat disrupting his beathing, Johnny leans on it but doesn't add any pressure.

"Might as well take it now! You aren't going to need it...Oh and let me sing you some lyrics of my own..."

Johnny grabs the title from Mack's waist, and clears his throat and starts singing. He starts out by humming the first couple of bars of Mister Everything by Lyrical Chemist (ooc: this may be a hard song to find if you want to listen to it)

"Who is he?
Mister Everything!
Johnny Camaro starts controlling the ring,
He's the next best thing!
Golden Boy status,
Now watch the competition get pinned to the mattress!

The time is mine
Let it go to the judges.
With these weapons of mine
I'll split your head open like a C-section

Dirty game set that could beat Ric Flair
A pin fall for 1,2,3!
You out playa!

I'm bringing the ruckus
For anyone it involves.
Time to get locked,
Like they want to bust this!

Throw your hands up
Get them up

This for the people up in here
Live  in here askin'...

Who is he?
Mister Everything,
Johnny Camaro starts controlling the ring!
He's the next best thing
Golden Boy status!
Now watch the competition get pinned to the materess..."

He stops singing with his heavenly voice and slaps Mack one more time.

"You get the picture, but I will leave you with a little something..."

He grabs a boom box on one of the road cases, he pops in Revolutions Per Minute by Rise Against and puts on Like The Angel. The Infection leave the scene of the crime. Impact X walk by and see Mack laid out and hurtin in the nut-el region. They console him and try to help him.

C H R I S T 
"I am Survival of the Fittest."

Unfortunatly Johnny fell asleep a little later and had a dream. This is that dream

"Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy that!" He says to the camera that is pointed at him. Hero by Skillet is playing in the elevator and Johnny's grin gets bigger. "Ironic isn't it. This is playing after I beat Mack. He is the one that needs a hero!" The elevator reaches the basement where Johnny's car is parked. As the doors open a doctor runs in and barely gives him time to leave. He barely left anytime for Johnny to notice the doctors panicked look when he saw Johnny. "And there is Macks hero! Ha!" He starts chuckling to himself, he stops when he notices blood covering his hand.

"Shit!" Another doctor runs up, his man purse of medical stuff flopping beside him, and presses the elevator button then looks at Johnny. He starts searching his bag for something. "Thanks but no thanks, it's just a cut. I can drive to the hospital from here." And with that Johnny walks away, he laughs to himself because he has Mack's (or what we can assume is Mack's) blood on his hands, he searches for his keys, he grabs them and unlocks his car door, he gets in but doesn't start it up. He waits a second to put the title in shotgun, but throws it in the back after seeing the rest of Impact X driving in. They don't see him and park right in front of the elevator just missing the doctor. They all rush out and get into the elevator which has arrived, leaving their car running and empty.

"When have I ever missed an oppertunaty to get even twice in the span of an hour? Never!" He starts the camera up again and puts it on his dashboard. Johnny reahes in the back and grabs another bat there, then gets out and heads toward the open and empty car. He starts by putting the car in drive then starts smashing up the front of the car. After the front was wrecked he starts smashing in all the windows and windshields. Finally he goes back to his car only to get a spray paint can. He comes back and sprays "The Infection Will Spread!" on the interior, and writes "Mack Is DONE-ALAZ!" all over the extrior of the car. Now the distruction is done! But somethings missing. But what?...Of course! Johnny walks to the wall and starts wiping the blood off of his hand. He wipes it randomly across the wall, then stands back to admire. "Shit! I put the Anarcy A symbol! Fuck!"

Johnny heads back to his car and starts it up. He throws her in drive and drives to the exit, as he does the elevator opens up again and Mack is on a stretcher. "My job is complete!" He thinks, watching as Impact X freaks out and Corez hits the front end causing it to slowly wheel backward hitting the lower half of Mack's stretcher and a doctor. Johnny squeals out of the parking lot and watches as Impact X notice he was there the entire time.

"Rampage is fun" Johnny said noticing that the camera was still on the dash. He takes it off and turns it off, then he places it in shotgun and grabs the belt, also placing it in shotgun. He turns onto the backroad highway and speeds up. He drives on a couple of miles down the road before turning into a parking lot. "My private oasis. I love it, no one knows where it is, nor will anyone. Time to relax...Infection style!" He pulls in and parks his car then gets out and goes in. As soon as he goes in Nikky yells "Is it done?" "I've got the title right here!" Johnny says as Nikky runs out of the kitchen excited. "Finally revengence!"

"What the hell!" Johnny wakes up, it was just a dream. But it seemed real. Was it...probably not.


Da Gangstas

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Re:Pay back, One title at a time (Johnny Camaro Extreme)
Date Posted:19/05/2010 6:28 PMCopy HTML

The camera view cuts to the outside of Impact X's door and we see Smokey McWeed come running into view banging on the door yelling.


And in response we hear Xanthus yell.


And laughter follows by several and then the door opens and its Corez saying.

We don't know what happened to him man, after that brutal assault and all.

He tries to fight cracking up and Smokey says.

Damn dude, ya should go bust some heads, then Mack can get us high!

He grins and Corez laughs, then says.

Why dude?

Smokey looks wide eyed now and says.

Its Mack, help a brother out!

Corez laughs and just opens the door all the way and motions Smokey to walk in and the camera follows and Mack is seen laid up on the sofa across the room, Corez, Jade on another perpendicular to his and across from her is Xanthus on another. Smokey walks over sitting next to Xanthus while Corez closes the door and sits by Jade. Smokey looks at Mack who is laughing and asks him.

So you ok?

They all laugh and Mack says.

Yea man, I'm fine, fell good, high naturally, but fucking fine, why?

Smokey looks confused and says.

Well after what Johnny did to ya or was it a dream?

Mack laughs and says.

It was a dream bro, I been sitting here for about a half hour now and before that I was working with my brothers, hit the gym this morning and made some appearances, SEF had its typical autograph session as it does everyday and we were there as always, however I will say that Johnny out a lot of effort into that imposter he had play me, but that title, damn, he shoulda spent more money.

Xanthus says.

Maybe his ass went broke from shelling it to get a copy of yo ass. Shit, he shoulda just asked me, I'd a did it for free to rib yo ass!

He and Mack laugh and Smokey says.

Guess the only way Johnny Camaro could do anything to ya is in a dream huh?

They all laugh and nod in agreement as Mack says.

He was creative, sort of, kind of came off with more nonsense that what that one shithole in Florida puts out!

They all laugh at the shoot on tee an ay, then Smokey says.

So what about what Johnny had to say about ya, the prison yard, Nikky Venom, your thoughts?

Mack just hands a Heineken to Smokey and takes a drink of his own, then says.

Yea, I know, I caught it all on the little monitor over there and really, the best way to respond to what he had to say and own him is simply this!

Mack makes a jerking off motion over his cock, then stops and smugly smirks as he says.

I have more of a point giving myself a hand job than Johnny and Nikky do together and that can be quoted as a shoot unlike anything Johnny had to say! Nikky Venom took the truth to heart and let it anger him enough to publicly bash me and the fans said, hey, fuck you asshole, don't you dare lie about our favorite wrestler, so then I punked him out, bitched him out and put him down, but he never got a concussion, so spare the lies. The only thing that caused Nikky to lose to me, to get owned, was hi slack of desire. I have earned something Nikky nor Johnny had and that is respect of my peers and my fans because when I speak I spew no bullshit. I simply tell it like it is and if ya don't like it, turn it off, don't watch, ignore me, do what everyone else can't do, ignore me, c'mon Johnny, Nikky, fucking tune my ass out. May not get under my skin or anything, I don't give a flying fuck about it really! As far as the Prison Yard goes, the idea was not mine actually, I never said you should fear it, so what is this talk about that? Perhaps some hidden feelings you really have for the match and hell son, if it was truly a dream which is the only way ya coulda did what ya did to that imposter, then it is feelings of fear you have for stepping inside of a Prison Yard with me, hell, maybe inside of a ring period.

He looks a little serious now and says.

Johnny, what awaits you tonight is something you truly have no clue about. You have never anyone like me in any match like this. This is exactly what a prison yard is, just a tall fucking cage with barbed wire that will mangle when ya go through it to escape the insanity inside, the brutality that you have not experience yet!

Mack gets a sick sorta smirk now, his eyes light up and he says.

I made this match just as I have made quite a few, using my blood and sweat and very rarely my tears. A cliché it is to say, but it ain't no fucking lie unlike the bullshit you had to say! You just don't get it Johnny, you have no concept of reality, your too stuck in your own little world not even realizing your own little world is not above, but it is below myself and a number of others as well!

He glances to Xanthus and Corez showing he means them two and then says.

Johnny, you can stage all the plays you want of smashing cars that belong to someone else, probably your own car, or beating down imposters made to look like me, do it all day long and all night, do it all ya want, but fact remains that didn't touch any of us or are so called car.

He scratches his head and says.

We ride in limos anyways, so again, get a clue bitch! Ya think your waling out with my title, ya better go have a match, no, better yet, dream of a match against the imposter of myself and that is the only way you will have a chance at beating me in any match, especially one allowing anything to happen like the Prison Yard. Its nothing like anyone in SEF has seen, Knox has no clue what he is store for against Xanthus and Corez and you Johnny, you don't have the imagination to think about what tonight is gonna be like because you have never experienced it, not yet. It will be your greatest and worst for your gonna be in there with a man who can carry even your ass, but your also gonna be a beaten man, not just the whole blood and brutality, but your gonna be looking up, staring outside the walls of the Prison Yard at me holding this title higher than anyone else ever has, with more honor and pride than you ever could, with more guts for damn sure!

He pauses and lifts up the SEF Title and Xanthus shouts.


He laughs and so does Corez, Jade, and Smokey while Mack just laughs a little and says.

They shoulda just locked ya four in a in a Hardcore Hell instead, true hell without the fire, then again, who says hell as fire, who says it even exists?

Corez says.

Christians, Catholics, uh, whatever else their called or, ah, fuck, I don't know very much about that shit!

Mack just shrugs and says.

That's why I was asking. But hey, forget this shit from Johnny and Nikky-

Xanthus cuts him off!


They all laugh and Mack says.

Ya remember who ya took the straps off, remember those two chumps who were wearing your titles?

Xanthus nods yea and says.

Sort of, yea, we still beefing with them too?

More laughter and Corez says.

No, not us, mainly Mack and Johnny, he's all pissy cause Nikky couldn't get over what Mack said about him when it was true, so he went out and bashed Mack with lies and the fans turned on him.

Xanthus just takes a swig of his Heineken and says.

Whatever bro, they both suck anyways, just end his career Mack!

Mack just laughs and says.

Johnny has something to him that he could let out and make great. He needs to care more and Nikky really does! Thing is though, something really fun about how Johnny dreamed up this scenario, maybe even literally and his singing sucked!

He looks to the camera dead serious now and says.

Johnny, you find it so peculiar of how you can be booed and I can't when you're the one who just was revealed to have been the masked man, the same one who back at Wrestle X cost Nikky Venom in a match against Bobby James. You say you work just as hard as I do yet that is a lie as I never no showed an event in SEF history nor have I no showed an event anywhere before SEF and now will I ever no show an event unless for some reason I physically can't. I've worked many, many times in SEF with minor injuries, sometimes major, depends on the injury, I never let anything or anyone keep me down for I am the only one who can do that just as you're the only one who can keep down Johnny Camaro, so shut up and suck it up son. You rhyme for no reason and ya can't even make it flow, you act like a hustler, a playboy, but your really just slow, and that son is the way it is, its why you can't go! Ya can't stand toe to fucking toe with the made man Mack that quite simply owns you every way there is and that's a shoot, so Johnny.

He smirks and nods to everyone else, then does a crotch chop and he with them all yell.


Then they take a drink a beer and Mack says.

So you, brother with the camera, drop that shit and partake in a little doobie break, if ya want, no pressure if your not into it.

Mack yanks out a blunt and a BIC as the camera is set down fairly quick and then we see Mack flick the BIC and fade to black. Oh my, Mack faded to black, man, what if that happens to him tonight, to his career? HA HA, damn, this narrator needs to get some of that blunt and start thinking straighter cause Johnny's just a joke, by the way, Mack was called Jesus long ago, peace bitches!

Johnny Camaro

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Re:Pay back, One title at a time (Johnny Camaro Extreme)
Date Posted:19/05/2010 10:21 PMCopy HTML




Johnny is in the downtown region of Toronto, Canada. He is holding Mack's World Championship, and looks a little concerned.

"Everynight I have beautiful ladies follow me home, In the mornings I usually have 5 staring at me at bedside, and one beside me asleep in the bed. I'm used to that. But what really creeps me out is the fact that Impact X were watching me sleep! And somehow they knew I was dreaming of beating they're ass'. They were in my locker room watching me sleep! That's a job for the Impact X hos! Watching me sleep!"

Johnny's concerned look turns to a grin.

"What funny though is the fact that Mack is trying to cover his pain and move on with his day. Mack, I've seen you waddel around backstage when there's no one around! I've seen you get on the ground and hold your nuts, you aren't fooling anyone."

Johnny starts impersonating Mack's nut waddel, after which he lets out a hearty laugh.

"So anyway, here I am in downtown Toronto. It's 8:30 a.m. and people are making their way to work. I however am not, you see, I'm making my way to 'Russel the Jewelry Buyer's' store. Here, I am getting this title apraised so I can show you that I have your belt. So I will have this belt and the title WORLD CHAMPION. A name plate with nice handwriting that my mother writes (She has beautiful handwriting), new music, new video showing me with my title. Most importantly, I will have my own deleux Ultra-Hype Champion's locker room, to which I will make with the pay increase I get from having this title."

He shrugs his shoulder which makes the title start to flop.

"Once I win this title for real, nothing in Showstopper's Extreme Federation will be the same again. Once I win this title it will bring this show to new hights, it will put us on the same level as WGEF or WWE...F...World Wrestling...Entertainment! That's what it is now. But I digress. Assholes like you and the rest of Impact X will respect me, for I will show tonight that I 'The Quinessential Superstar' will escape the prison chamber unscaved. Hell I could just throw you ontop of the barbed wire and walk over you to the outside! I don't even need to do anything to it!"

He starts laughing at the thought of it. He then stops and gets serious.

"Although, I've got to hand it to you. 8 years and many titles. You are the true definition of L.U.C.K. You are Labouring Under Correct Knowledge. You knew when not to risk getting hurt and you knew to stop when your desire is gone. But you came back and won many titles. Good for you. But in the words of ex-WCW failure 'You know Goldberg...Well I'm going to be bigger!" except I really will. I have a Hype-alaz arsenal of technical, high-flying and brawl tpe moves. Not to mention my Hypeness twisting knee neckbreaker. I'm resilient and I will beat you at Extreme Mack. Before that, I've got work.

Johnny walks upto 'Russel Olivers Jewery Store' and talks to Russel Oliver

R.O-"Hi kind sir. Can I buy you used jewery. Oh Yeah!!! I Buy your used gold! Oh Yeah!!! So What can I get ya?

JC-"Mister Oliver, what I have here is the Showstopper's Extreme Federation World Title belt. Have you heard of them before?"

R.O-"Oh Yeah!!! Mack's the best!"

JC-strike one "So you know SEF. That must mean you've heard of me."

R.O-"Are you apart of SEF? I didn't know. Oh Yeah!!!"

JC-"I'm The Quintessential Superstar, The Christ of all Wrestling! I'm Johnny Camaro! I...whatever. So anyway, I have the World title here, please tell me it's value.

Russel Oliver takes it and inspects it.

R.O-" I would guess between $15-$20. It's plastic.

Johnny Camaro grabs him by the throat and pulls him in close and says...

JC-"What is it's value!"

R.O-"I..I...I s..said..s..s..sommeewheerree...$50,000-$100,000.

JC-"That's what I though you said."

And Johnny shoves him back.

JC-"Now who am I?

R.O-"Johnny Camaro?"

JC-"Nicknames first!

R.O-"You are the Quintessential Superstar, you are Thee Christ of All Wrestling, and you are Jesus Crist Superstar."

JC-"Now what's my name!"

R.O-"Johnny Camaro."

JC-"Damn straight!"

And with that done he walks away from RO.

"Now about this shit you have been spewing out of the hole you call a mouth. I have no feelings of fear. I head into everything head first and let the fear drown in the blood of my opponents. I wave off any nervousness, and look at me now. I'm once again Main eventing yet another show! You may have made the match but I made the arua of death the stench of Extreme, hell the pure essence of Extreme. The Curbstomp match! Throw 12 guys in a ring with no rules, pin falls give you the oppertunaty to win. Then you need to climb the Titan Tron and risk being pushed off into stacks of flaming barbed wire covered tack infested brutality that doesn't stop. You want to feel the true feeling of pain, step inside the curbstomp with me. Hell throw your Prison cell around the ring! I've been through many of those matches and servived. I will with this, and I will step out a winner!"

He holds his 'real' title in the air as he walks right past a couple forcing them to break their hand holding.

"And as I look back into that ring Mack, I will see you crying as you learn I was right, as you learn I was always right about you. You don't have what it takes to take me on. You may have before, but I will win this time! Just like when I beat Bobby James, WCC, and like how I will target and eliminate The HC!"

Johnny goes all Serious-mean-angry- faced.

"By the way Mr. Mack. Why bash my singing. It was ten times better then your shit, and it was 100 times better than Kid Rock. Singing Sweet home Alabama all you guys want, trying to be successful. Hell, Rock couldn't last a day here. As for you Mack, you are trying to be The Rock. You are looking for work where you don't need to take a bump. But you failed! Don't do it again. The only one in this company with acting ability, singing ability, wrestling ability, and Microphone skills. everyone else is looking to be the Rock, well Mack, The HC, time to get out of your world."

Johnny starts smiling though.

"Still, I'm in the T-Dot! I need to enjoy myself. I'm here for only a short time more. Peace."



"I am Survival of the Fittest."

"," S


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