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Justin after Extreme 171

Started by Kristin Fox, September 28, 2023, 09:05:27 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:23/05/2010 11:52 AMCopy HTML

Sent: 7/21/2008 11:00 PM
Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Justin,Katana etc
Justin vs Johnny Camaro
Text Here
Justin after Extreme
People Mentioned
Katana/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{We finally see the inside of Justin's home.  You can tell that a woman has had free range on designing the interior.  Even though it isn't completely feminine.  We are walking a hallway that has cherry wood floors polished to a high sheen.  We can see on side a sunken family room.  The carpet is a deep plush chocolate color and everything coordinates perfectly.  There is a sectional but you can tell that center part is used a lot for more than just sitting on.  For some reason one section of the couch is covered with WWE action figures and a Hell In A Cell is set up on the coffee table.  We turn in the other direction and see a normal kitchen block table with four chairs and a swinging door that must be leading to the kitchen.  There are white and brown stairs leading up and some at an angle leading down. There is a built in stereo and Disturbed's Sickness cd is blaring through the house....quite obviously one of Justin's favorite bands band.  From the downstairs portion we hear someone hit a whammy bar taking some serious liberties with the song being played, "The Game."  The camera heads down that way.  First we the two identical twin baby brothers of Justin, Lucas, and Dusty Rodgers.  Identical brown buzz cuts dressed with sleeveless denim shirts and jeans, each boy with a different color bandana, one black and one blue.  They are jamming out.  We come in farther and see Katana sitting on a couch tapping her foot, an Economics book in front of her and a notebook.  We see the person jamming out on the guitar is Justin.  He's bare chested, wearing jeans, a bandana, and workbooks while wailing on a Les Paul, one of an apparent collection that he has taken extreme care to hang in cases on the wall.  He has a couple vintage and some custom.  He is sitting on a stool, apparently entertaining his baby brothers.  The cd is on random and when Violence Fetish then twins freak out.  Justin chuckles and takes a sip of water before popping his knuckles again.  When the camera crew is about to step into the room, a low growl is heard.  Justin looks up, pauses, and waves the crew in.  Katana claps her hands and the dogs get up and lay at her feet.  One of the twins snickers and grabs the remote.  The cd is lowered and Justin's guitar is louder on the amp than the cd.  Justin shakes his head and stands up to their cheers and really lays into one of his favorite songs.  The twins are trying sing along with the song but its coming out more like  repeatedly speaking "Bring The Violence, its significant, dim the light if you feel it."  When the song ends, Justin puts the guitar away}

twins9.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

The Twins:"NO!"
{Justin chuckles as he reaches for the remote.  He turns the cd off before putting the guitar in a case that he locks}
Justin:"I gotta cut a promo now."
Twin One/black headband:"They can wait.  You always make everyone else wait."
{Justin glances up at him with an eyebrow raised.}
Justin:"Rayne, Making Aunt Taryn wait is a hell of a lot different than making SEF wait.  I make Aunt Taryn wait because it gets on her nerves, besides she's only Loki's age so...its kinda like making him wait."
Twin Two blue headband:"I hate Loki."
{He crosses his arms and kicks at the table.}
Katana:"Hey! Watch it, Ranger!"
{He starts to say something and catches the glare Justin is giving him}
Ranger:"Sorry Katana."
{Justin walks over and puts his hands out so they can slap him five}
Justin:"Look, I don't know what's up with Lucas. {He kneels down so he's closer to their level}  "What's going on is a problem between him and me.  I'm sure he'd still hang with you.  Hell, I bet if you called you guys could sting go hang with Johnson."
Ranger:"Hell no!"
{Justin grabbed him and covered his mouth}
Justin:"Mom's going to see this.  You wanna get me in trouble?"
{Both twins start laughing and jump him.  He catches the one he's holding and twists him into a head lock.  The other sends him back on his ass.  Justin manuevers him so he's over his shoulder.  He stands up with the two of them.}
Rayne:"Put me down!  {he starts laughing, hanging off of Justin's shoulder} "Put me down."
{Ranger's got his arms wrapped around Justin's laughing too.  He starts kicking his legs back and forth....Justin is down, both kids go rolling.  Justin turns away from the camera with a grimace.  Katana jumps up and rushes to him}
Katana:"Babe? Are you okay?"  {the twins try to get him again.  She waves them away} "Stop!  I think you really hurt him, Ranger."
{Ranger yanks off the blue bandana and throws it down.}
Ranger:"Jus?  Did I get your nuts, man?"
{He gets in real close to Justin.  Justin is super fast and grabs them both, knocking Katana over.  She hits the table and winces.  Justin looks up at her cry of pain and his eyes widen.  She arches a brow at him and jumps on the dog pile.}
Rayne:"Oh God, now were really in trouble!!!"
{She's on Justin's back but she's tickling both twins...until Justin stands up.  She shrieks and clings to him.  He swings her around and holds her.}
Justin:"You okay?"
Katana:"Yeah but you aren't.  Faking that?  That hurt me.."
{Justin smirks and holds her down.}
Justin:"Get her double trouble!"
{He's got her arms braced down with his and he's almost sitting on her legs.  The twins are tickling her and she's trying to get away.  After a few minutes Justin lets her go}
Ranger:"No Jus!"
Justin:"Now your on your own.  {He rubs his knee where he'd actually been kicked and moved backwards as the twins tried to get the better of his wife.  Finally he grab each of them by the back of their shirt and hauled them up.} "Alright, time out! You guys take it to the other room.  Set up the cell and remember, you damn well better not leave me with Miz. I hate the bastard."
Rayne:"We can't.  You fed it to Ares."

{Justin starts to say something but the dog in question, the german burps.}

Justin:"The damn dog will eat anything.  {shakes his head} Take the boys outside before he hacks it up in the house."
{Ranger gives an evil laugh}
Ranger:"Rather it come out the other end in the pasture, isn't that what you think of Miz, Jus?"
Justin:"You need to learn to keep your mouth shut, man.  {He puts the boys down, whistles for the attention of the dogs, and grabs a pretty messed up tennis ball and tosses it to the boys} "They love this nasty thing.  I'll be out in a bit.  We'll run out to Dad's ranch in a bit and scrounge us up some players for some baseball, k?"
{The twins chorus yeah before running out, the dogs almost taking the camera crew out.  Katana picks up her homework and stands on tiptopes to kiss Justin}
Katana:"We got issues later.  {he grins} I'm serious that shot was serious low."  {her cell rings with 'drop it like its hot, drop it likes it hot} "I knew Payton was messing with my phone yesterday I didn't know she changed my ring tones} "Hello?  Yeah sorry Gabby, P changed my tones.  {she points at Justin and swats him on the arm} "Big trouble mister."
{When Justin's alone, he motions to the couch.  He goes back to the stool and leans againist it.  All the cutting up and joking is gone.  He finaly looks up at the camera and he's pissed}
Justin:"Lucas you wanna say I don't have any time for family.  That I've turned my back on family.  Apparently, I'm not the one who's holed up on South Padre with his crew, the one who picked and chose amongst his family and friends to decide who he wanted to call family.  I guess you see what Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum think of you.  They are only two and a half years older than your kid and no one even knows how to get in touch with you.  The three of them were very tight up till a couple weeks ago.  You're even trying to get things set up so your youth federation is withdrawing from the junior's league that we competed in.  For the twins, they see it as a stepping stone to emmulate us.  In case you got your head cracked to hard then you must have forgotten how much they idolize us.  A bunch of girls seperate us from them.  The girls got to do the whole I don't know hair and make up deal.  We were....well I was out of high school and you almost were when they were born.  I guess that's what it is.  You're jealous of my genetics.  Well forgive me for God chosing to allowing my birth parents to want me, to bless me with above average intelligence, its not like I can make God do anything, I mean, he's God....I told you once that I'd never out you, but I went and was watching tape.  Not just tape of our peers but of Dad, Talon, Uncle Chris, the whole crew.  I never realized what Dad said to Mom.  I didn't know until just recently that the only reason why Dad and Cynthia adopted you is because we look alike.  {the camera slipped a bit and Justin paused while the camera man recovered}  "That's right, I know why you're jealous Lucas.  Not just because you're adopted but the only reason Dad pulled you from Barry's children's home is because we looked alike.  Get over it!  All but one of Barry's kids are adopted!!  Do they care? No, like the original crew, their adoption was only a technicality.  Dad was adopted!  I guess you can't move on until we're locked up in a prison yard together.  Hell, maybe some strings can be pulled and we can get the National Guard to come in and surround the ring, get the whole fucking United States Marine Corps so that no one can get in to us.  Otherwise you would have been a man and came to me face to face.  We could have slugged it out.  {he shakes his head} I really don't get you Luke....I used to idolize you man, you had to have realized that.  You got to have a real high school experience.  You got to hang out, go to party, prom!!  I didn't.  I wasn't old enough to go to prom.  The girls were to old.  I could have taken Somoa sure....but how would it looked to have a couple kids who could barely see over the punch bowl trying to dance in a room full of kids old enough to drive.  I understand that! I didn't even get to be busted for trying to sneak beer to my buddies on the team.  Why?  By the time I was old enough to try that crap I was half way finished with college.  The guys around me were old enough to buy it themselves.  I can't do anything about that.  {he pauses fuming} "You are trying to make me apologize for things that are out of my control.  I'm sick of it.  You know what else that really, really gets me?  You fucking coward?  You couldn't come to me as a man.  First you try to take out Katana with a 2x4 and then you hit her with the Loki Cutter?  What the fuck's wrong with you man?  You KNOW she means everything to me, more than any fucking title!!  Yeah, she's okay, Maegan and I made double damn sure that she was going to be one of the elite women in this business!  I even got her to start training with her dad.  You know what a blood thirsty bastard he can be when he's wronged.  {He gives a sick laugh}  He's out for you now. You think what he did to my knee a few months ago was bad?  Why don't you think back to the days of New Japan and what happened when mom got her wrist broken just because she was at ringside with Uncle Chris?  {he smirked} That's nothing compared to what's going to happen to you.  You have a bounty on your head now.  All you have is Knox and Riot...I don't even know how long Riot's going to be with you because you know as well as I do how his head works.  Did you forget who Dusty calls her, {he looks down} what's the word?  I think Stryker said it on Smackdown last night....I got it.  {he looks at the camera} Dusty and Katana are besties.  Dusty is the only one who can talk to Knox.  Same with Jade.  Jade's the one who steers Riot's insanity.  It's the way of the O'Bannons.  They choose their women wisely.  They are the only ones they trust.  In Riot's mom's case....Beth Nigh I think her name was....she didn't cut it and had something wrong with her too.  She didn't make the cut.  Once the engagement goes on their finger its like they become the director of the insane asylum.  They don't trust easily and when they do.  God help anyone that crosses them or their wives. {he pauses, takes a drink of water.  He's shaking trying to control the rage that is building within him.  The last three years of intense martial arts training struggling with the raging Commanche temper that was handed down to him on his dad's side} Luke, you knew exactly where to strike to get my attention.  I know that I fled to China because I couldn't handle the grief and the tragedy.  Katana was the one to bring me back to our family.  She keeps me sane so yeah, I see where the O'Bannons are coming from.  Katana is my whole freakin' world. {he lowers his head} The powers that be better book us a match where we're locked down because I'm coming for you.  If not, {shakes his head} "I'm going to be the one who's out to make a young widow.  Hayden's always looked great in black.  She's going to look radiant at your funeral."

{Justin gets up and starts to say something else.  The sound system comes back on.  A husky male voice is singing Please Forgive Me by Bryan Adams.  It's pretty good but its not Bryan Adam's.  Justin takes a deep breath and the fists that he didn't remember clenching, slowly unfold.  It's clear he knows why it was put on.  He looks up at the camera a strange calm on his face}

Justin:"Like I said.  My wife knows how and when to calm me down.  When it comes to getting my hand on you Lucas.....{he swallows hard} Mom if you're watching this...I'm sorry.  Call Father Bobby...make sure he can give Luke the last rites.  Never should have came after Katana, I would have met him, anytime, anyplace....given him any match.  {he reaches out to shake the camera man's hand} "Tell your crew to stay back and zoom in on the match when it happens.  It's going to be bad, real bad.  You guys could get hurt.  I'm out."

{He runs a hand over his hair, its getting long, and heads out of the room as we fade to black.} 

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