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Time to take what should be mine

Started by Matt Ward, September 28, 2023, 09:32:06 PM

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Matt Ward

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Date Posted:27/05/2010 8:22 PMCopy HTML

   warning: What you are about to read may not be for the innocent or people under the age of 13 that have very fragile minds. This roleplay will mention sex, drugs and anything that may contain violent thoughts that would not be thought up be the corrupted media who spread lies into your head.If you think you are going to lose it, hit the back button or hit the "x" button on the corner on the screen. If you can handle it, move on but I warn you that you made your deathwish   
titled• Taking what should be mine
inspiration• Lime Wire playlist
allies• no one in sef
gold• none
glory• none
Mindless thought• time to get a shot at the world championship
next installment• Myself

Riot O'Bannon,Justin Cage,Knox O'Bannon,Nikky Venom, and Lucas Rodgers are all going to be bidding for the chance to be world champion in SEF, but the champion Shane Mack is going to try and stop them. Latley Justin Cage has been on a losing streak as of late, this six pack challenge match might be the thing that can turn Justin streak arround, So what are going to be the thoughts of the crucal convict of SEF. The SEF cameras are rolling as Justin Cage is standing outside of the arena as he begins to speak.

Shane Mack you might be the SEF champion for now but come at the end of Extreme you are going to be looking at the man that will be the new number one contender for the world title. Nickky Venom, the new rated r rockstar, he dude adam copleland called he wants his gimmick back. now on to the O'Bannon boys you think you are the next generation me or the young bucks or even the hardys well imitation does not lead to flartery.

Justin Cage walks arround as he stops and begins to talk about lucas rodgers

Lucas Rodgers what are you the brother of that no good green bay packers quarterback arron rodgers. Tonight you mine as well not even show up because i am going to destory the five of you and pin mack to get my shot at the SEF world heavyweight championship.

Justin Cage walks into the arena as the cameras fade to commerical

Disclaimer: This layout is made by New Era Productions at Shadow Illusion Designs for the use of Matt Ward as Daniel Simmons in Intense Violence Entertainment (IVE) If you are caught claiming this as your own, will be hunted down faster then a pack of meat at a grocey store on fouth of july.

Kristin Fox

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Re:Time to take what should be mine
Date Posted:27/05/2010 9:20 PMCopy HTML


LucasBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97


{{{{Lucas looks like hell.  He's sitting in a hospital ER getting his ribs taped up.  He's pissed and bored: a bad combination.  He jabs the little tv by the bed on and here's the Justin Cage promo}}}

Lucas:"What are you stupid boy?  You think you're hard because you spent time in jail?  Ok, maybe you are.  I know how to deal with guys like you, like I said before.  I was an MP but what really pisses me off is that you think that I'd be related to some stupid f'n green bay fudge packers.  I'm from Dallas, son.  I hate Green Bay.  The best thing Favre did was drop their stupid asses!  I've been a Cowboys fan all my life.  You did have one thing right.  A retarded brother I think you said.  Yeah, I have one of those.  He's a little punk ass bitch who ironically shares the same first name as you.........Justin.  He's a whiny little bastard who thinks he can put me and my boys in here and get away with it?  Not likely.  I just didn't think he was sneaky enough to put this sneak attack together.  He thinks he's smart enough to plan something like this, but execute it?  No, he had to have more help than what he brought into my home.  Am I mad?  I am fucking pissed!!!  You think you are going to come into my home and treat me like a bitch?  No, you've been the bitch since the first time I saw you......a poor pathetic momma's boy.  I'm surprised she let you be tied to her apron strings so long.  Everyone thinks that they are going to walk into SEF and just be the man.  Now I'm not going to quote some old fuck who thinks he's God, no, and not some wannabe who thinks he's Jesus like Camaro.  You have to make an impact in wrestling.  I made an impact last week on Extreme.  Mack knows my name.  He knows that I am the man who is planning on taking his title.  It's just another rung in the ladder to entice Justin to step in the ring with me like a man.  I am the star here, little brother.  You just haven't realized it.  All of the work, effort, and goody two shoes signing autographs and kissing babies but you still aren't even in a contender's match.  You're out there kissing the ass of all of these fans and management but they use and get rid of you.  I am in a contender's match and I haven't done half the shit you've done.  I guess we see who they respect, a man who doesn't take shit from anyone and takes what he wants out of life.  I took on the alleged SEF Power Player, the only true SEF superstar Shane Mack, and I walked away.  Just like I will walk away from Extreme."


((This has been an official *Lucas Rodgers * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison


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