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The Dark Prince Arrives

Started by Knighthawk, September 28, 2023, 09:34:38 PM

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Date Posted:28/05/2010 4:43 PMCopy HTML

The time has come when The SEF has seen every possible super star come and go.They have yet to even dream of The possibiltys of someone with an imagination thats so twisted and torn if you could hear his thoughts you would scream bloody murder.We find The Dark Prince arriving at SEF.No one knows what this man is cabale of doing as he walks through the entrance heading to his locker room.As he tosses his bag to the floor he sits and no sooner he does his cell rings.

Knighthawk::Yes I arrived ,no Im not coming back to England for A long time now piss off I done told you its over!

He clicks his phone off and tosses it as theres A knock at the door.He gets up to Answer it.The camera crew are here to do his promo.The dark prince glares at the camera and begins to speak.

Knighthawk::Hello The name is Knighthawk.I been sitting back home in my hometown of London and watch the weekly show for years past.And I guess all of you are just wondering just what I think of this companys Stars Male or female and the talent here impressingly ...Terrible.I have not seen so many blood no good wankers in all my life.It is high time Sef had A real man arrive thats more talented,better looking and does not show any remorse for the punishment he inflicts.That man is the man of nobility your looking at The Dark Prince Knighthawk.I love to torture my victoms to beg me to finish them off.And all you wanker fans worldwide soon very soon will have the pleasure whether they want it or not will see my face more then you ever wanted and there is not A damn thing you can do about it.Now get the bloody hell out of my room!

End of Thread

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