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Justin's Extreme Promo

Started by Kristin Fox, September 28, 2023, 11:20:33 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:31/05/2010 11:58 AMCopy HTML

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
International Title BR
For the girls think 17 yr old Britney Spears, Alexis Bledel, and Emma Watson
Justin Extreme 173
People Mentioned
Katana/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{Scene opens on three teenage girls in Lake Jackson Parochial school uniforms.  One has honey colored hair with brown eyes, one has black hair and blue eyes, and the third has brown hair and brown eyes}

The blond:"So I'm telling you guys this match is totally messed up.  My brother vs my sister vs my brother-in-law vs a whole bunch of people in a battle royal."

The brunette:"Do you think Justin knows yet?"
The raven haired chick:"I'm sure he does. {she points} "There is an SEF camera crew headed this way."
{The blond rolls her eyes}
the blond:"Hi, I'm Gabby.  Justin is back this way."  {She starts to walk away and then turns back to the other girls} "Aria, Emma, don't leave without me. I'll be back."
{Gabby leads them to an area of the Damage Inc gym where Justin is talking to Jagger and Ash}
Justin:"I have nothing to do with that.  The only thing I can do is try to make sure none of the idiots hurt her.  I sure Knox is livid!"
Jagger:"Bobby Blow Job is going to use that againist the two of you."
Ash:"You have got to have a contigency plan."
Justin:"I didn't say I do not have a plan.  If I didn't know better I'd say Lucas set this up as a way to trap me, but I don't even think he's crazy enough to put this together."
Gabby:"Hey Jus?  The crew is here."
Justin:"Thanks Gab, {he looks at the camera} Don't even think about it fellas, she's still 17."
{Jagger watches the tech turn to watch Gabby walk away}
Jagger:"HEY!  {He walks over to the tech} "Keep your eyes to yourself! That's my baby sister."
{Jagger takes Gabby by the arm and escorts her out of the area.}
Gabby:"Jagger stop, that hurts!"
Jagger:"I'll loosen up when you girls are out of here."
{Justin shakes his head and Ash leans back againist the wall with his arms crossed}
Justin:"I wonder when you guys were going to get here.  This match is full of people that I've known for years.  {He snickers}  Some, most of their lives.  {he shakes his head}  I think it's a little messed up that an SEF International title battle royal includes my baby sister, who, {he grins} is a little hell cat when she's in the women's division but she's just now attempting to get the level that every other woman in SEF has attained and she's a little late to the party as far as the girls in my family goes.  If Knox wasn't in this match I'd admit to a little distraction on how to get her out of this match before anything serious went down.  Knox is probably foaming at the mouth that she'd be put into this match.  The likelyhood of her getting hurt....well, {he holds his hands up} Lucas has made sure that her safety is out of my hands.  As for Knox, I'll help you get Dusty out of the match before she gets hurt but other than that?  I've been busting my ass since I got here to get a shot at the International title.  So we've been in this place before Knox.  I know what to expect from you.  Now Jade, {he grins}  I have never been in the ring with you but I have been the ring with Harry, TJ, your brothers, {he laughs} hell I've been in mixed tags with Nattie and Maegan!  I have an idea of what to expect but don't think I'm going to take it easy on you just because you're a girl.  I made that mistake once with Maegan and it almost guilded me.  {Ash snickers about how viscious his wife can be} "Shut up Ash, {he glances back at him}  My other opponents?  Weigel and Megan Sorrow?  Megan, I've been in the ring before and impressed by your tenacity and your guts.  You've put on a hell of a show with Lacey before and as a former champ I can see great things in your future but the International title is my destiny...no, its my legacy.  It's the very reason I came back to the SEF.  I made a promise to my uncle that I would put aside the petty bs and cocky nature of my past and live up to my families expecations, to continue the tradition the family has for excellence.  This battle royal is an excellent opportunity to seize the title from Bobby James.  He's going to be so distracted with his personal animosity and history with Weigel that they'll probably eliminate each other just so they can beat the holy hell out of his each other.  Then the rookies....you know Cage, I have to admit, you fought your way up from the depths of hell, man, I got to give you respect for that.  You might actually be my most difficult opponent because you have all the hunger and nothing to lose.  You came from nothing and are doing your damnedest to make a name for yourself."
{Ash moves away from the wall and picks up a remote and points it in the direction of the camera.  The camera turns to see a flat screen hung on the wall as Knight Hawk cuts his promo for the match}
Ash:"I've been saving this because of how much personal amusement I got from it."
{Knight Hawk goes off about people from Texas}
Justin:"No he didn't.  {Ash starts laughing}  Well, Knight Hawk, you proved nothing to anyone that you can surf wikipedia for information.  That's put together by the fans and its only partly accurate.  First off, you need to pay more attention to tape, you..."
Ash:"Don't say it.  If you say it, Hayden will be in here faster than you can imagine....what about Harry too...."
Justin:"Fuck! I can't tell this tool have incredibly stupid he is without insulting one of my heroes and one of my friends.  IF it was just Hayden, I've said worse to her and about her to Lucas.  Are you sure you are from London, you {he takes on a British accent with his slight Canadian undertone} "It seems ye watched to many chick flicks from the 80s, laddy! I doubt my info on Wiki has changed in the last six months. In fact, I need to kick my little brub 's jacksie {he shoots a glare in Jagger's direction as he heads back into the room} for posting what he did but in case yer blind or just bloody glaikit, then ye didn't notice that I married a switched on babe who posed for playboy!  I am Canadian by birth and Texan by choice...my barney and strife 's choice. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here....If not for my barney and strife I'd still be living fancy a monk in Asia.  {Justin pauses to consider his next choice of words.  He smirks and throws up his hands} "Listen Knight Hawk, the last thing I need is lip from a spack who looks like that bitch from That 70s show...what his name...{turns to Jagger} You know who I'm talking about you live your life trying to emmulate Kutcher from that show."
Jagger:"Talking about Knight Hawk I see.  Knight Hawk looks like Foreman."
{Justin nods}
Justin:"Yeah you look like that bitch Foreman who was always getting punked on by Hyde and everyone else even the little foreign dude and the hot chick who looks a little like Mia....{he shakes his head} Oh my sister Gracie would get a kick out of you.  {he turns serious} "Consider yourself spot on, you barmy bloke.  {He points as Katana walks in Juicy Coutoure short work out shorts and a matching half spandex top}  "Speaking of my barney and strife, the ravishing Katana Rodgers.  {she frowns at him and glancing at the camera} "You don't know jack shit about anyone Knight Hawk, still pretty wet behind the ears I'd imagine."

tron4.gif picture by kristinbenoit97

{Katana smirks}
Katana:"Knight Hawk, {she cuddles up to Justin} "Let me assure you from the last three years that I've shared this man's bed, he is nothing but straight, in fact, {she holds up a little envelope} "His cousin Maegan can attest to it since she was with me when I saw my obgyn this morning."
{Justin's face loses some color}
Justin:"You can't be serious."
Katana:"Not the reaction I expected but considering your past, {she reaches up to pull Justin's face down closer to her level} "I am 6 and a half weeks serious."
{Ash and Justin are quick to react with anger even though Jagger is a little slow}
Jagger:"Six weeks?  Wouldn't that mean you signed with SEF when,"
Justin:"FUCKING BASTARD!  {he shoves past his brother.}  "Move. {he demands of the camera crew, Ash at his heels}  "I'm really going to kill him this time."
Jagger:"OH! {his eyes get wide} "Luke attacked you...{he grabs a his phone as we fade to black} "Dad, Katana's pregnant.  Justin is on his way to find Lucas...and he's not alone."


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