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Extreme RP Part 1

Started by Bobby James, September 28, 2023, 11:24:06 PM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:31/05/2010 3:35 PMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARDS!!!
The heat of an almost summer shines across an afternoon sun on     Memorial Day.  Its not quite the near unbearable temperature of late July or early August but just enough to garner a nice sheen of sweat to anyone outside for over ten minutes.  Its on a day like this that Bobby James is training still.  Not partying at a bar-b-que or knocking back cold ones with his buddies.  No that might be for later but for right now at the apex of the suns heat during mid afternoon he is getting his body ready for what might happen to be one of the toughest outings of his career in The SEF.  In a short order actaully just two days time he is putting his hard fought and hard won title The International Championship on the line against men and women alike.  A ten wrestler battle royal.  Nine other people that may think they have just what it takes to take the strap of gold from him.  Those thoughts are definetly crossing his mind as he jogs through the well to do Boston subdivision that he currently lives in.  With one hand holding a small bottle of water and sweat streaming across his face while he jabs the air doing a boxing routine while carrying on a pace that most athletes hesitate at.  Other thoughts bombard his mind like the fact that other wrestlers and even many members of the staff questioning his championship qualifications.  Bobby sneers thinking of the people who just look past him as a fluke champion as some one who was handed the ball and let it drop.  But alas that's just not the case here.  No in fact its quite opposite but Bobby knows that and has an answer to all of the posers , doubters and naysayers.  He just shakes his head as he slows down to a light jog while he continues to shadow box for a bit until he has gotten down to a medium paced walk.  Bringing the bottle of hardly cold water to his mouth he uses his teeth to pull out the stopper to take a long sip as he starts to speak.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- First off ... before I talk about my opponents in a battle royal for my title...

Stopping for a moment he to catch his breath.

" Bobby James " -- Nevermind this I need a cool down walk.  I can't be cramping up before a big match so your just gonna have to keep up with me camera boy.

Bobby takes another drink of his water before closing it up and walking again at a slow pace as he starts to speak again.

" Bobby James " -- Alright here goes it.  See I do love how Frankie threw his weight around and put me in a match against nine other people.  Sure some of them don't stand a chance and others might even be deserving.  But that fat useless bastard sees fit to toss all of them in my way of retaining my championship gold.  On national television he has the nerve to call me out and tell me that I've tarnished the legacy of The International Championship.  What a crock of shit that truly is.  Just how did I let the title lose its value?  By constantly asking people to challenge me?  Is that how I did it?  For weeks after I won the title I held open challenges.  Waiting for someone ... for anyone to accept and step forward.  I told Nikky Venom that he could have a rematch against me.  Nikky won my respect and that's a hard thing to get.  He gave it his all.  Pushed me to the limit yet I came out on top.  Hell he even did answer my challenge of a title rematch yet no one on management saw fit to put him and me together Frankie.  Did they?  I gave that fool Orton a chance to go one on one and like the true ignorant moron he was he pushed it aside.  I've spent years in wrestling watching people fans and wrestlers alike mark me off as just another wannabe or a flash in the pan who managed to get lucky yet for nearly ten years.  For ten years I've given it my all and I continually got spit in the face by my peers and the people I wanted to entertain.  And I said screw it.  It changed me.  I spent years pleasing others and you know what screw that.  I came here with one goal well two goals actually.  I signed with The SEF to get the gold and the glory and I did just that....

Bobby pauses for a moment to take another drink.

" Bobby James " -- And for a useless management tool with no real ring experience to tell me that I've dropped the ball.  A guy who sits around spending his whole life drinking beer , sitting on his ass all day , getting his rocks off to internet porn and tossing his weight around backstage has no right to talk to me about whats important in life.  Frankie you know nothing of real responsibilities.  So yeah I had a rough couple of weeks when financial , personal and family responsibilities kept me from constantly running my mouth in The SEF like Mack , The Rodger's Boys , The O'Bannon boy's and others as well.  Unlike others my life has more to it than just talking shit for people like you.  Yet to question my desire and willingness to compete while you know I'm down and out is just a kick in the ass.  Its funny a guy like you to question my heart.  Do you even have one?  Maybe you do just when it involves The SEF since you have nothing else in your shallow life to do except to troll around backstage giving out orders and keep people in line.  But really this isn't about you as much as you or I think it is.  Its about nine other people.  Those men and women who give more in the ring than you.  People who want to be champion just as badly as I do.  For you to question the legacy I'm leaving behind also questions the people in this match.  My legacy hasn't been tarnished by my what you would call dismal performance over the past few week.  Oh no my desire to hold on to the gold hasn't rescinded or has my fighting spirit.  I'll get into that ring and do just what I know is the right thing and that's give it my fucking all.  I'll go into that match like I always do with guns a blazing and all cylinders firing.  This battle royal is just a stepping stone towards a shot at The World Title.  A deserved shot not one that others have gotten by talking shit or attacking the champ.  Oh no when not if Boston's Best gets his shot it will be because I earned it.  Because I will have held onto my championship gold during the battle royal.  I made a statement by outlasting nine other people and I'll take my shot at the pay per view on July Fourth.  A triple threat against The Man Shane Mack our reigning champion and The Real One Steve Weigel.  A man who was at one time like a brother and most definitely partner but as of now is nothing more than just another opponent.  Come July Fourth me Mack and Weigel will trade blows for both titles and the best man will come out on top.  But to get there I must survive and survive I shall.  You can put money on that Frankie I know I will be a betting man come Wednesday night.  So boys I'll get to you tonight when its not so hot cause I have some more training to do.

Bobby carries on running at a medium pace as he prepares for one of the great challenges he has had here in The SEF while the camera goes blank.

TBC By Me Only
This Layout Was Made For Bobby James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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