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Shattered Reality (all read-knight hawk especially

Started by Kristin Fox, September 28, 2023, 11:25:04 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:31/05/2010 4:25 PMCopy HTML

LucasBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97L

{{{{We open on Shattered Reality's male members.  Lucas is sitting staring out a window while Knox is having a freaking tantrum behind him.  He's raging about Dusty and Jade being put in an International title match with him, Justin, and a bunch of other men.  Riot is watching him amused.  Lestat comes in shaking his shaggy head at the mess and grabs him and throws him againist the wall}}

Lestat:"Oh great now you are throwing a tantrum.  I never saw that coming.  I always it was going to be the emo bitch watching your little tirade with that amused fucking smirk on his face but no it had to be the suposedly bad ass Marine Recon Specialist. Hell, the lowly Marine MP is chllin' acting like shit hasn't hit the fan."

{Lucas turns}

Lucas:"Les, you are hear as a bodyguard for my sister not to come in here and act as a nurse maid to anyone.  Besides, he's figuring things out in his own way, while I'm over her considering options on how I'm going to beat Mack and keep my sister from getting crushed by that stupid criminal Justin Cage or getting molested by that pervert Steve Weigel."

Lestat:"You wanna protect your sisters? Then why don't you watch this British Bastard who's talking shit about what's her face?  The sister younger than Gabby but older than the twins."

{Knox kicks a fucking chair back up and sits in it}

Knox:"That's a toss up don't you think?  Gracie's a year older than Dusty, then Gabby's 17, and Peyton's 15."

{Lucas sent him a sneer}

Lucas:"That little bitch is NOT my sister!!!  Gracie is Justin's fucking problem not mine.  Hell, she could walk out in the middle of the fucking highway and get hit by a fucking bus for all I care.  In fact, I wish she would.  She thinks she is so fucking special because her dad trained with Kurt F'n Angle!  Who the fuck cares?  I trained with fucking Kevin Von Erich, The British Fucking Bulldog, and Bret the fucking Hitman Hart!  Who gives a flying fuck about that over inflated egotiscal bastard Kurt Angle?  So Payne and Angle did the whole circuit out of Pittsburgh together!  Did Payne win a fucking medal? No!  Is he in line for the hall of fame?  Who the fuck knows?  I know that The Von Erichs and several members of the Hart family are in the Hall of Fame.  My wife's damn grandfather has an Order of Canada and was admitted into the Hall of Fame this year! You think I have time for the fucking Payne family? Hell no!  I have to figure out how we are going to get Mack distracted long enough for me to hit him with the Loki Cutter."

Riot:"Would this be before or after I hit him with the Reversal of Fortune?"

Lucas:"I really don't care.  Now Lestat what are you babbling about?  Some British bastard mentioned my sister.  Go preach at the choir over there, he's already throwing a tantrum because Dusty's in a match for the International title."

{Lestat sneers at him}

Lestat:"If it was Dusty I wouldn't have brought it to your attention.  Knox is already mad as hell that he called her some kind of whore but just for the record the bastard has at least one thing in common with you Lucas if not for the fact he thinks ever single female in the Rodgers family old enough to walk was a whore.  He even called Justin a pedophile."

Lucas:"I never said Justin was a pedophile. I just hate the little over achieving bastard's guts!!"

Lestat:"Hell, I can't tell the two of them apart man!  It's the one that hangs out with oh what's her face.  The only not legal Fox kid."

Knox:"Not legal fox kid....That would be Emma....{Lestat looks at him} Fuck off, Lestat.  I know her name because its so close to.....wait....let's back up a minute here.  {He runs a hand over his bald head} "I am not one to complain if someone wants to talk shit about Kristin or Katana or whatever but you said every Rodgers female?  KnightHawk already has an assbeating coming from talking shit about Dusty.  Where in the blue fucking hell would he even know that their were more Rodgers girls....other than the ones actively competing on a national level?"

Riot:"It's not like Lucas just lets anyone see his juniors division and then he has the kids competing either by first name or gimmick.  There is no real name association for reason of protecting the kids."

{Lestat growled and sounded very much like the Wolfman he's been nicknamed}

Lestat:"IF you'd fucking listen, you stupid bastards!  Shut your fucking traps and I can save your asses and that of those stupid little girls you two bastards are so found about.  Normally I wouldn't fucking care what garbage Justin is going to spill but I'm flippin through channels.  The first thing I see is three chicks dressed like school girls.  I'm thinking Japanese porn or whatever.  Then I realize I recognize the chick with almost black hair being a Boudreaux.  {Riot starts to speak} NO shut the fuck up okay?  I'm getting to it. I'm not sure what the fuck her name is, its the adopted one that a few years or whatever older than the one Crystal got knocked up with!"

{Lucas stands up frowning}

Lucas:"No fucking way!  Why were The Angels on t.v.?  I didn't authorize anything for those girls!  They just graduated high school, besides Matt said that he was going to be taking Emma back to Japan with him for the summer so she could have some fucking culture or whatever before she went to college this fall and...{his blue eyes narrowed into evil slits}  Gabriela, tell me what the fucking bastard said about my baby sister.  Tell me exactly!"

Lestat:"I'm trying to fucking tell you.  He called her a screwvenir and a harlot thinking she's one of Justin's chew toys."

Knox:"That's fucking disgusting!"

Lestat:"You're fucking telling me.  I thought he was pretty fucking funny calling Justin a fag who had to get his little brother to knock up his wife."


{{Knox got up and grabbed his bag}}

Riot:"Where the fuck you going?"

Knox:"If Justin was at Damage Inc or at home or wherever it was that Gabby, Aria, and Emma were and he found out that Katana was pregnant....do you really want to be here AGAIN when Justin rounds up his own posse to come in here?  {he turns to Lucas} "The only reason he didn't kill you before was because someone called DPS and your grand dad showed up with our fathers like we were in some drunken high school brawl.  Who was it that almost broke your jaw, huh Loki?  Ash.  You don't think the fact that Maegan is just now off of a mandatory six week postnatal what the fuck ever cuz they just had their first kid is not going to send him into a blind rage as well?  You took out a pregnant woman with a two by four.  Justin is going to be fucking insane.  If he kills you then Riot and I will walk out of Extreme the Bad Ass O'Bannon boys.  It's kinda bitter sweet that it used to be you and Justin cleaning up the title opportunities.  Hmm, you think that trust fund of your's will go straight to Johnson or do you think Mike will get it subdivided and sent to Dusty?  I do love spending my mother-in-law's billions."

Lucas:"Go fuck yourself Knox.  If she was pregnant or if they were trying you and I both know he should have kept her ass away from SEF.  Kept her ass down at St. Mary's doing whatever grad school shit they have there.  In fact, if it was such a big fucking deal don't you think you're grand dad would have called us bitching us out?  Isn't Colonel O'Bannon the head of Can Am Associates?"

Knox:"No, Amelia Knight is...Andrea's cousin or whatever.  You going to stand here and what on him Lucas?"

{Lucas smirks}

Lucas:"Now that I have Mike Jr in my pocket?  Yeah I believe I am."

Knox:"What about the British fuck who thinks Gabby is a slut?  After what happened to Dusty, you know damn well Gabby and Peyton are on lockdown and not a single man is around near them."

{Lucas gives him an evil smile}

Lucas:"Justin's calm demeanor from all his fucking training is starting to fall apart.  To think he blames Jagger for editing his wiki page and claiming he was over seas to hide his fag like tendencies and film those god awful b-rated Mandarin films.  I could care less that Knight Hawk wants to get under Justin's skin.  It just helps me get to my ultimate goal, ending his career.  He can flaunt his money around all he wants and he has his own freakin key to a pepsi machine.  One fucking machine.  So he's a millionaire.  I think this would be when that little freak Shannon Moore would look down at his little book he carries and hold it up so the marks could get a chuckle.  Dilligaff..."

{Riot grumbles}

Riot:"Stole it from me.  I have Dilligaff airbrushed on the wall at 13 and then he comes down with WCW during Mardi Gras and wants a tat?  I should have put rip off artist across his fucking forehead.  Not to mention he goes back to North Carolina and opens the Gas Chamber? Yeah whatever. Loki you may have the whole do i look like i give a flying fuck look but I do give a fuck and if Omega hadn't shut down.....well I'd have asked your cousin to let ME take the shot at the Omega Kliq."

Lucas:"I'll deal with Knight Hawk on my own terms.  I might have to cripple him too.  He wants to talk about his millions?  Then I guess I'd have to say he needs to do better research.  He's British, maybe he should talk a look at the family history.  So I got lucky my dad married Kristin and I got a trust fund out of the deal.  Not as much as her natural born children but then Kristin's old bastard of a father has this purist rule.  Like I could give a fuck that Kristin went to the same prep school in the Swiss Alps that what's her face...{He frowns thinking} Princess Grace's kid, the royal whore princess or whatever her name is and maybe the old bastard got in on the ground floor with his family's money to buy stock in Microsoft.  {he chuckles} I have to agree with Kristin though.  She says only those who are born to money or make their first million act like its a big deal."

Knox:"That's not what she told Dusty.  She told Dusty that most rich people act that way.  It's the fact that her brother and the Harts raised her that makes her unaffected by all the money she has."

{Lucas glares at him}

Lucas:"Whatever.  My point is he thinks he's going to impress me because he's a millionaire?  Kristin bought Hayden and I a house for a wedding present that was worth three times more than that.  You know I'm surprised Jayden hasn't sank her hooks into this noveau riche guy instead of that bitch Weigel, but then again Mack must have some sort of plan.  I mean he's rallying his whore to pussy whip his bitch so he has them both under control.  It's not like Weiner and J Ho are going to stop Hayden, Riot, and I from making sure Mack takes a long vacation from SEF.  In fact, {he shoots a smug look at the camera}  Knight Hawk, calling my baby sister a harlot was a mistake, but I am willing to offer you a trade for an apology.  I'll give you 5 million if you make a dent in my pretty boy little brother's head.  {he snaps his fingers and Mike Greene Jr walks in with a folder of papers.  Knox gasps} "You think I didn't have a contingency plan?  You don't think I know what's going on around here?  I knew who Lestat was talking about because Justin doesn't give a damn about how much he shows our sisters off.  Jagger had to be the man and get Gabby off of camera and away from this sick SEF fans.  Ash couldn't even do it and he's what?  An amature MMA and Muay Thai champion?  {He holds up the folder}  I have a contract here outlining the simple terms, Knight Hawk.  You like to talk about how much money you have well here's a simple way to make 5 million.  {he opens the folder and holds up a bundle of papers in legal jargon} I had Mike here send a courier to the SEF offices with a sealed envelope to be opened by you and your fleet of attorneys.  The long and short of it is, we both hate my little brother, "The Prodigy" Justin Rodgers.  I have plans to take the title off of Mack so I can not deal with my arrogant little brother.  The contract basically states you keep your hands off of my little sister Dusty, {Knox nods} but you make sure that Justin doesn't walk out of Extreme under his own power, and you get 5 million big ones.  You think you're the only one with money in wrestling?  I only like to pull the benjamins out when absolutely neccessary and destroying my brother using money earned off of stocks from his grandfather's (Fox Technologies) computer corporation.  {evil smile} I find that 100% neccesarry.  In fact, I'm concerned so very little with money that if my terms do not meet your lawyers, then we should have a meeting to discuss the terms.  {his blue eyes glitter with malice} You see Shane Mack, I'm willing to make sure my brother never walks again, what do you think I'm willing to do to your junkie ass?  God or the Universe whatever you believe in, have smiled on me this week.  They have not only made sure that my Shattered Reality family walks away with not only gold, but golden opportunities.  I will pin you on Extreme.  I will be the SEF Champion because I am the future of SEF.  I've actually hand picked Knox to be my second in command, as he'll undoubtly be the next International champion, and in around about way, Lacey is family and already a champion.  {he glances at Mike}  Why don't you throw in a title shot at the world or international title?"

Mike Greene, JR:"I'll have to make it contingent on the grounds that you and Knox will be the champions.  Otherwise it wouldn't be legal.  Now, {he turns to the camera} "Mr. Knighthawk, my fiancee and I going out on our own with Hayden Rodgers and Jade Hart to make our own legal and sports marketing agency.  Contacting my former employer would be dangerous to everyone as..."

{Lucas rolls his eyes}

Lucas:"Why don't you cut the crap and say you quit working for Justin's mom?  {he sits back in his chair} "Knight Hawk, I await your officer."
((This has been an official *Lucas Rodgers * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison


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Re:Shattered Reality (all read-knight hawk especially
Date Posted:31/05/2010 5:44 PMCopy HTML

. . W a r n i n g . .
For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further. We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all. This is your first and only warning. So click the lil red X on the right hand corner to not view this!

night Hawk
[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)] The Dark Prince
[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color]
[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)]Will Put You Out Of Your Misery!

[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)]Wins/losses[/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color]
[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)]Hometown[/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color]
[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)]o/o[/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color]
[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)]n/a[/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color]

[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)]. Knighthawk has been watching the promo cut by  Shattered Realitys members and is somewhat amused and intrigued by the offer that was made by Lucas.Knighthawk looks down at his $100,000 rolex and decides he has time to go by their room to talk.Im sure many would think he would just call but when it comes to money,and inflicting pain on others Knighthawk loves to do his business face to face.He approaches the door and does not knock but opens it and walks in suprizing the rest.

[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)]Knighthawk::No need to rise in my pressance,I just got word of your offer to take out Justin Rodgers for 5 million dollars.As you can see I dont have any Lawyers with me as I dont need one for this.But Let me get this clear though you want me to put A dent in your brother Justin?Thats cold but what would be even colder is not only putting A dent in him but hurting him so bad that he will be sipping soup threw A straw for the rest of his life.I have many tricks up my sleave and I am A man of no remorse as I have said many many times.So you can count on this Lucas after wednesday the next time anyone will be seeing Justin is in the hospital for sissy crybaby wankers.And I will pardon your baby sister Gabby from the mentality of onslaught from this day forward but however even though your paying me to cripple your brother None of you will expect or see it coming when it does happen on Extreme.I have A little something that he does not know about that is being flown here from London.In fact I  will not reveal this to noone till the merchandise arrives and when it does it will be all over for Justin but the crying. But while Im here is there any more business you would like to discuss because if there is not Im going to be on my way because their is certain arrangements I need to do to prepare for Extreme.[/b][/b][/color][/font][/font][/font][/color]

[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)]Tbc by whoever[/b][/b][/color][/font][/font][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color][/b][/font][/color]
[font=VladTepesII (Vlads Dad)].::DiScLaImEr::.
This Layout Was Made For Whitney Marret by Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at 
armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

Kristin Fox

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Re:Shattered Reality (all read-knight hawk especially
Date Posted:31/05/2010 6:14 PMCopy HTML

(Date Posted:05-31-2010 3:25 PM)
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LucasBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97


{{{{Lucas snaps his fingers and Mike snaps to attention with an expensive silver pen.}}

Mike Greene Jr:"If you'll just sign here, Mr. Knighthawk."

{He offers then pen so that Knighthawk can sign near the orange arrow sticky} 

Lucas:"Yes its cold but for most of my life I have been hearing how special my brother is.  How intelligent and so fucking special. I could give a damn that he was a child prodigy.  So his mother was busy and paid another child prodigy to take care of him.  Big deal at least she had him and didn't hold him as ransom in an alimony suit.  I do my damnedest to keep my younger siblings out of the spotlight until they are old enough or in the case of my sister Dusty, married off to someone who is more than adequate to provide for her protection.  Justin parades them around as trophies.  There is one more thing.  We are in the process of getting Dusty out of this match.  Do whatever to whomever you please as I'm sure you will with or without my demand, but she'll be out as soon as the bell rings and you are free to do whatever you want to anyone as well as our agreement."

{Knox comes into view of the camera. Facing Knighthawk}

Knox:"I'll have Dusty out the minute the bell rings.  I have that covered.  {he smirks} I know the way to get her out and then we can all go about our business in the battle royal."

{Lestat waits until he leaves}

Lestat:"I don't trust him.  He's like Desmond Wolf and my brother Radu's love child.  He has no soul and no concious."

{Riot looks up}

Riot:"Did Radu come out of the closet or is he just a goth who enjoys pleasure anywhere he can get it?"

Lestat:"Fuck off, riot"

((This has been an official *Lucas Rodgers * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison

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