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Date Posted:31/05/2010 7:55 PMCopy HTML

Just laid back on a sofa in a nice home, luxurious living room and Mack just sports blues jeans and that trademark bandana and nothing else. He looks nice and relaxed, got a bong on the coffee table in front of him and a pint of Grolsh and he says.
Lucas Rodgers, Riot O'Bannon and Hayden Smith this time around. Lucas and his old lady along with whatever Riot is to them, I forget as its not important just like Riot the poser, he still can't unique, so fuck him. Hayden, so your finally stepping up in the true SEF world where restrictions are not to be. You can boats and brag and talk about your supposed "family" all you like, but fact is it don't matter who your related to. If you were Vince McMahon's step brother twice removed his third cousin by blood, well in your case step sister, fuck me, it don't matter Hayden. What exactly is it that you...YOU have done that is worth mentioning, that is worth coming in here and building a legacy on, building a dynasty on?
Mack leans forward and grabs his beer taking a drink, then leans back with it and says with a smirk.
You and your whole pack have no real credibility to go on here in SEF, so ya talk about family like their gonna get you somewhere, but they can't. Only those here and now can make you, so do it or die trying! Lucas, ya failed last week to get a shot at my title and now ya get a second chance because SEF is all about it, plus it doesn't hurt that I want to face you and push you until ya break or push back. As far your claims, your hopes of trying to take me out, thinking you and your goon buddies can put Shane Mack on the shelf. You had best prepared to be let down because you and the Rodgers, the O'Bannon's, the Hart's if they would even help ya, couldn't take me down. The whole damn armed forces couldn't do it and they like the Hart's wouldn't because yea, it is good to be me and that isn't something I claimed to be, that is something I earned and made true unlike anything you all have preaches thus far cause you have proved nothing. The Dynasty or this Shattered Shit is far from great. Until you earn the right to be great as I have you aren't even close to my level, so step in line and bring them all down to the ring cause boys and girls, your gonna fuck need them all to take me on!
Mack gets a slick smirk on his face now and takes a swig of beer, then says.
If ya think Shane Mack needs to use anyone's money, but my own, your sadly mistaken. If ya think you got more money or more ties, your sadly mistaken! Fact of the matter is, you don't know dick about me or my life. You constantly preach and preach and brag and boast as if you have all this and have done all that while I live out each and every day having it all doing it all. Call me a junkie all ya want, but its just another lie spewed about the man who tells it like it is, who calls it down the fucking bitter truth middle and the only man who can do a real shoot! I've ran with the top pack all around the world and hung with the so called lowlifes everywhere I been. I am here and there and fucking everywhere. I rolled high and rocked low, been to the top and crawled the bottom, yet I will be the first to tell I don't even know because the truth is no one does fucking know. I am comfortable with myself, I am content, I know who I am and I proved it every night as I have done for sixteen years now and I ain't even thirty now. I never ran with a clique, never had much use for a posse. I got my true fucking friends, but I set out on my own and made my own way. I've blazed up with the law many a times, ran with the big dawgs of the game, partied with all of any class. I am a free spirited muthafucka and you never met anyone like me and this what being a true individual is all about, so try it sometime, especially you Riot cause lying about me and then copying me and poorly at that will get you nowhere, but on the mat tapping like a bitch and if you don't believe me, then try me son, you got no clue and that's all you ever proved!
Mack takes a drink of beer and now says.
Alright, so enough of the cheap tricks who bring more drama than McMoney ever could, damn I miss that little bastard! Anyways, Steve Weigel, you bitch, no seriously, you're my bitch and ya know, I never even wanted one man. So here goes, you got a match coming up against me, so you need to step it up brother and maybe this will help. Maybe I can motivate you by saying that if you can win this fucking battle royal, take that International Title Bobby shit all over and shine it up to restore some fucking dignity, then your no longer my bitch and here's even more incentive, your no longer my bitch until Wednesday, if you lose the battle royal. So I'm giving ya an early start, all you gotta do is win the battle royal and your free from your own stipulation. So there ya have it, now I'm gonna go burn the calories of today's cookout off with a little-
He stops and in the view walks a girl about sixteen it looks like and she plops down on Mack's lap. He just acts like she squashed him and the girl who is blonde and sorta skinny lays back on the sofa and slaps Mack saying.
Oh please dad, your tougher than that.
Whoa, dad, what, wait, is this his daughter he found out about a few years agoo? But wasn't she revealed to not have been is daughter? Hmm, we don't get to see her much and she just wears faded blue jeans and a white tank top. Mack slaps her legs and says.
The way ya just slammed down on me ya coulda hurt me badly, put me out of action, in a wheelchair perhaps, then you would have to push me all over and take care of me.
He's laughing and his daughter does as well and rolls her eyes saying.
Your silly and Whitney wants you to come out in the backyard, we both do, so come on ya big oaf!
She gets up to her feet and grabs his arm trying to pull Mack up who yanks her down to the sofa tickles her a little. She just giggles and squirms away from him saying.
Ahhhaa, I'm telling Whitney, she'll beat you up!
Mack just laughs and says.
Yea, like either of you two girls could take me.
She jumps up and says.
You know we could you big, old softy, now come on, the sun is setting.
She grabs his arm and Mack lets her pull him up now and hugs her, then lets her go and says.
I'll be right out, let me turn this thing off.
The girl runs out now and Mack looks into the view shrugging and says.
Well, SEF, I'll see ya soon and my opponents, I look forward to this, I hope ya can deliver a challenge, but you better be ready for the biggest fight of your life, seriously!
He smirks and says.
As for you Steve, remember, you got today, tomorrow, and Wednesday free from being my bitch, your off duty brother and if you can win the battle royal, its permanent, so take advantage of the opportunity, its you have to do to make it here, not waste opportunity!
Mack steps forward reaching to the side and fade to black.

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