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dynasty divas 173

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 09:16:46 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:31/05/2010 2:16 PMCopy HTML

__.xxDynasty Darlings
DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Final Word count: 
{{The Dynasty Divas are sitting in a lavish resort drinking what appears to be Pina Coladas or something icy like that.  Hayden is wearing oversized sunglasses and is talking into a blue tooth}}

Hayden:"Look Carly, that's your job.  You decided that you weren't going to follow Barry and Crystal into wrestling.  You flip flopped from education helping Barry with his little orphans and then decided suddenly that you wanted to be a sports agent.  In case you didn't realize, you don't represent the Dynasty Divas or Shattered Reality.  Jade represents all of us.  Lacey has her own representation and if she decided to change it wouldn't be you that she'd have represent her, it would be Jade.  I am well aware that I am in a handicap match with Shane Mack.  In case you were to obsessed with Mike's jock to realize {she rolls her eyes} that my partners are my husband, Lucas and Riot O'Bannon?  This is a team effort in case you didn't realize that either.  I would probably give him the pin if he came down to it but the point is taking down Shane Mack by any means necessary.  If that means getting in a fist fight with Maegan and having to hire a replacement to work my match on the last Extreme then fine.  There was no way I was going to get in the ring with Lacey.  Our group is more than just a unit because we are the most talented and best looking that SEF has seen in a long time, we are family.  You should realize that.  You are the sister and sister-in-law of wrestlers, you're marrying a wrestler, whose sister married into a wrestling family.  Are you so dense that you are immersed in wrestling despite your denials that you are not interested?  Then why did you call a meeting and want us to be in a new organization that you claim you want to put together?  No, I'll tell you why.  You think that if you get the Dynasty Divas then you are going to get the entire Shattered Reality plus Lacey and Orton.  {she throws her head back and laughs} You are delusional!!  Why walk into a new place that has never had champions and join battle royals for the new titles?  That isn't a challenge.  SEF is a challenge.  Why?  In your scenario, it would be similar to every other organization that has ties to Damage Inc or to Fox Inc's staff.  We would be expected to carry the load and well we are tired of that life.  We want a challenge, hello?  When was the last time my father in law or any of my in-laws for that matter put me in a match where a shot at the heavyweight title was on the line?  NEVER!  Okay, I'll give you that.  I would never lower myself to slum in NOLA Extreme. If I was to wrestle in New Orleans it would be for Old Skool Wrestling Entertainment where Lucas and I could get hardcore fighting Rodney Mack and Jazz for the rights to be one of the greatest wrestlling couples in the world, even though I already am one half of an amazing power couple and I only surround myself with people with equal or higher standard than myself.  Besides Radu scares the hell out of me.  I don't know if he is generally demented or if he just really idolizes Charlie Manson....yes stupid, that Manson, not the masked luchadore from Mexico!  Gawd, are you really this dense?"

Jade:"I think she is."

{Jade takes a sip of her drink as Hayden turns to her, getting a sympathetic look}

Hayden:"In case you hadn't got the press release we are expecting to uphold the quality of entertainment on Extreme yet again.  At least Lacey is going to get somewhat of a challenge this time even though I know she'll beat the snot out of The Ho Patrol."  {Jade almost chokes on her drink} "What?"

{Jade pulls her blue tooth out of her ear from where she was listening to a streaming radio program.}

Jade:"I think you guys are going to what to see this.  {she motions for the waiter} "Turn on SEF on demand."

Lacey:"What's up?"

Hayden:"Yeah, I like irritated Carly.  She's so phony."

Jade:"Well it seems like skank a teer Jayden is in Missouri giving a press conference outside of....{she screams in disugst} "DON'T LOOK! I'm scared for life."

{Unfortunately its hard to ignore even if you don't look what Weigel and Jayden are doing.}

Hayden:"I'm going to be sick. Turn it OFF!"

{A few minutes goes by while the girls get their revulsion under control.}

Jade:"EEEW, if I knew that was going to happen!  {she shudders violently} "I never would have had it turned on...but she was talking trash to you Lacey!!!  {she is still freaking out in disgust} "That was worse than the scene in Van Wilder with the bull dog!"

Hayden:"EEEW, don't remind me!  I had nightmares for months after Jagger got us to watch that stupid movie!"

Jade:"I will never get that image out of my brain!  I thought seeing Amy kiss Wiggle was disgusting.....{she looks like she's going to drive heave} "Focus....International title........Bobby James....kinda hot.....Justin hot.....my man...Riot with a world title very very hot........me with the International title  defintely devastatingly hot..."

{Dusty walks up}

Dusty:"Doing all of these things while your best friend is the television champion........priceless."

{this finally helps them recover}

Hayden:"Okay that was kinda lame but perfectly timed."

{Dusty takes a sip of her drink}

Dusty:"Did I miss something or was Jade just going down a list of fantasies she'd like to have?"

Jade:"Don't make us relieve it and for God sakes if someone asks you if you've seen the Jayden promo say no and cover your eyes and go lalalala like you were a kid and your mom and dad were all kissy and..."

Hayden:"When she was a kid?  Have you been to their house lately? Josh and Kristin are always kissy, touchy, and feely.  Why do you think they have kids who range in age from 12 to my sexy Lucas?"

{dusty waves it off}

Dusty:"Anyway, I had to get out of my house.  Knox is going postal!  It's not like we are in a hardcore match againist each other.  It's just a battle royal.  {she sits down next to Jade}  "So my big brother is in it?  Justin won't hurt me.   I mean he might manhandle me and force me out of the ring but then at least he'd let me in the ring.  Knox is threatening to tie me up in his dad's basement or handcuff me to Jagger...."

Jade:"Personally of all your brothers I think you could take Jagger....he'd be easier than the twins."

{Dusty smiles}

Dusty:"I think so too.  He's the butt of Justin and Ash's jokes.  Mostly I want to get my hands on Knight Hawk, he thinks that....you know...I'm not even really going to dignify what he thinks about me with any kind of response."

Jade:"You have a point. Who does he think he is? A british Louis Gossett, JR?  I mean what real man quotes An Officer and A Gentlemen?  I mean Navy guys are they even real men? I mean the women in the navy are tougher than they are.  He wants to kiss ass and talk about how much he respects my dad but he expects that despite the fact he is also a great trainer he's going to walk all over me?  {she raises an eyebrow and points to the camera crew thats been spying on them} Listen Hawk, you don't think my dad trains well?  Hmm.....you aren't completely familar with the hierachy around here or any real history so let's start simple.  Do you watch the WWE?  Have you seen my cousins?"

Hayden:"This Knight Hawk guy is a disgrace to anyone with British heritage.  My brother is one half of the Unified Tag champs and he and his partner, TJ are the WWE Unified tag champs.  Uncle Bret trained them.  Not to mention the television champion, the new queen diva of SEF, {she gestures to the smiling Lacey Daniels} Lacey Daniels who is one of the two non-related and personally chosen proteges of the Excellence of Execution.  Only Lacey and TJ were found worthy enough to be personally trained by the greatest wrestler Canada has ever produced."

Jade:"My daddy!  {she smiles}  You Knight Hawk, you don't realize what you are walking into.  So let's see if I can dumb it down for you.  The International Title battle royal features the current champion Bobby James.  What you are walking into is what my fiancee, Riot calls a cluster fuck.  {she sticks her tongue out at Hayden} I know its not lady like but its the best word and this is the perfect definition.  You are going againist a bunch of people who for the most part are very elitist."
Dusty:"Look, it's like a hornet's nest.  My baby sister Peyton is a wrestling gossip blogger or whatever, she's 15.  She claims that she has proof that there is more than one wrestling family.  Weigel and Joe Daddy are suposedly brothers.  Then you have my brother, Justin and my husband, Knox.  I could care less about some criminal or how he thinks he deserves to be in a match for a title shot but Jade and I go way back since we are going to be sister-in-laws in a couple of months.  In case you are to stupid as we seem to think you are, my husband Knox's older brother Riot is engaged to Jade."

{Jade waves her hands in a tada fashion}

Jade:"Dusty and I will work as a team despite what I know Knox and Justin are both going to hate.  They are both so sickeningly over protected that the do not think Dusty can handle herself in SEF.  My question would be why not argue over the fact that you both signed contracts here.  You knew the rules and the risks Knox.  In fact, I have an amazing idea.  Dusty since you are family, both as Hayden's sister-in-law and my future one.  I would like to ask Lacey if she would allow you the honor of helping us train you so we can officially invite you to join the Dynasty Divas.  Since Kristin legally adopted you when you were a little girl, then you have third generation stats applied to you as an active competitor on her side of the family and third on your dad's side for being in the business.  We also have to change that somewhat girly gear that you have.  I like that outfit that you wore with Knox that one time you made an appearance with him at NOLA Extreme.  The leather stuff.  We just need to put some pink with it."

{Hayden leans back with a contented sigh}

Hayden:"You know you have my vote Dusty, but Lacey is the leader and she has the final say.  {she glances at the camera} "One way or another SEF, Extreme is going to go well for us.  A member of Shattered Reality will walk away with a World Title Shot for bring down Mack, a member of Shattered Reality will be the new International Champion, and like always Lacey will retain her television championship in another classic match.  {she laughs} I know Mack likes to claim that its good to be Shane Mack but really, {the other girls join her in laughig} I think its better to be a member of a Dynasty."

©vindictive soul Made for ??? by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...

Lacey Daniels

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Re:dynasty divas 173
Date Posted:01/06/2010 5:30 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:




Dynasty Divas

Triple Threat vs Amy Summers & Jayden Hartley

Chris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Smith/ Megan Sorrow & all other divas

TV Champion

just a little headfuck lol!




Hayden, Jade and Dusty are looking at Lacey in anticipation as she pretends to be thinking really hard about letting Dusty train with them. The serious expression lasts about 10 seconds before she busts out laughing.

LD: Of course Dusty's gonna be one of us ... like I would ever stand in the way of that happening. Dusty honey, I think you'd be an awesome addition to the Dynasty.

Everyone breaks out into smiles as Dusty gets up and comes over to Lacey for a hug. Lacey gives her a squeeze and pulls back.

LD: Oh but Dusty ... this (Lacey gestures around her at the pool and the cocktails) ... is just the fun part ... later today the hard stuff starts ... girl you are going to hurt in places you didn't even know you had!!

Lacey, Jade and Hayden laugh at Dusty's slightly concerned face.

Jade: Don't worry honey we've all been there and you'll come out the other side all the better for it

They all nod their heads as Lacey reaches into her bag and grabs out her phone. She sighs deeply and frowns.

Hayden: What's up Lace?

LD: Oh nothing ...

Jade: Still no text from Chris ...

Lacey scowls and shakes her head and then a sly smirk comes over her face.

LD: Fuck it!

Lacey lifts the phone up and snaps a quick photo of herself lying on her lounger and sends it off with a quick dash of her fingers.

Jade: Sending a little something to nudge Chris's memory ...

Lacey turns to face her.

LD: Nope ... something better! ... A little reminder to Steve Weigel of what he's missing

Jade, Hayden and Dusty's eyes open wide in disbelief as they all make noises of astonishment and disgust.

Jade: What the hell ...

Dusty: Are you nuts ...

Hayden: But why would you ...

Lacey laughs and holds her hand up to quiet them.

LD: Because it's a mind fuck that's why! ..

All the girls still look slightly puzzled.

LD: Look at what Jayden just did ....

Hayden: Uh yeah rather not think about it too much if you don't mind ..

Lacey giggles.

LD: Yeah but she's after Weigel right?

Jade: Well yeah .. so?

LD: And Weigel is Amy Summer's ex right?

Dusty: Mmmhmmm ..

LD: So both girls got a hankering for the Stevemeister ... Amy wants him back, that's obvious and Jayden's so desperate for him she broke into his house to ride him ...

Jade: Yeah we get all that ... so?

LD: Thing is ... Steve doesn't want them ... he wants me but he knows he can't have me ... why?

Jade: Cos you have taste?

They all laugh.

LD: Yeah but also because I'm not a whore ... anyone with half a brain can see that. They are both dying to be with him and he's dying to be with me ... so that photo is just a little headfuck for all of them. It's to keep me on Stevie's mind ... now Jayden's hanging around him she'll probably check his cell phone ... insecure little bitch she is and what's she gonna find ...

Grins start appearing on the divas faces.

Jade: A photo of you in your bikini ...

Hayden: Oh she is gonna be so pissed to see that ...

Lacey smirks.

LD: See it's not just about destroying them physically ... I'm going to fuck with their tiny little minds so bad that by the time they get in that ring come Extreme they're not going to be able to think straight ... I want them completely and utterly distracted ... hell by the time I'm finished messing with their brains ... they'll probably want to kill each other over Stevie. The last thing they'll be thinking about is my TV title ...

Jade: Nice! Very, very nice!

Lacey smirks as she taps her head.

LD: Up here for thinking ... down there for dancing .. know what I mean?

They all laugh again as the scene fades to black


"Yes I am as good as I look"



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