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Your Daddy Can break the curse

Started by Joe Daddy, September 29, 2023, 10:01:30 AM

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Joe Daddy

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Date Posted:06/06/2010 6:25 AMCopy HTML

It's possible for the dead to return to life to feed on the living. Soon after burying a loved one who died
mysteriously, you must watch as other members of your family begin growing
weaker, as if life itself is slowly being drained out of them.

One by one, they too begin to die. Finally, when you yourself begin losing
your strength, you are forced to face the horrible truth, that your dead loved
one may be a vampire.

You go to the grave and exhume the body to look for the
tell tale signs and discover it has hardly decayed, its hair and finger nails have
continued to grow, its stomach is swollen, and, the most telling sign of all, a
stain of blood surrounds the corpse's mouth.

Upon further examination, you discover the heart itself is filled with blood. With trepidation you must cremate the heart and decapitate the corpse. Soon
afterward, however, you and your surviving family members begin feeling
better and eventually recover fully. The curse of the vampire has been broken.

 P R O L O G U E
The last time we saw Joe Daddy in the ring he had given up, given up on wrestling as we know it. He had said his days in the ring we're over and he had better things to do in life. He was quoted saying, "There is nothing left for me to do in this industry that I have not accomplished yet." He was right, but with that said it is rumored that he is coming back and to the SEF. He is already scheduled to be taking on Knighthawk, but without seeing him around hearing him the doubters think its just a publicity stunt to bring in more money for the company. A company that lacks in entertainment with the way management handles itself. A company that prides itself on being Extreme being no differnt than companies like WcW. We all know what happened there and is that the outcome for SEF? One man alone will try and change this, and one man will try and make the wrestling world what it use to be. Next Sunday June 13th a night like no other. What kind of match will we see? Who will be victorious? Who will be the last man standing at the end of the night when its all said and done? A cradle piledriver that can end a life a Daddies slam that can put your lights out for good. Two great moves, two devistating finishers but only one man can emerge the winner. 
R O L E P L A Y - B E L O W

Samantha Winters looks into a mirror smiling at herself knowing at that moment she is the best looking woman not only in this industry, but the entire world. She looks down at her breast and rubs her hands across closing her eyes taking in the moment. A man comes up from behind her slapping her butt hard. She stays in a bent over position for a minute as the man looks perplexed as to why she's not slapping him. She finally turns around to get a look at the piece of man meat that touched her on her bottom. The man smirks waiting still to be slapped but she does nothing.

Samantha Winters: Who are you hot stuff?

Joe Daddy: I'm Joe Daddy maybe you've heard of me.

Samantha Winters: You know you can be my daddy anytime you want and much much more.

Joe daddy thinks to himself before speaking putting two and two together.

Joe Daddy: You must be the slut around here.

He waits expecting her to say something but only a smile from her.

Joe Daddy: Well you know you could always get on your knee's and pleasure your daddies needs.

He smirks expecting a slap from her now, but she gets on her knee's and begins unzipping his zipper.

Joe Daddy: What the hell do you think your doing?

He waits patiently for an answer.

Samantha Winters: I was only doing what you asked.

She continues unzipping as her face lights up grabbing at the insides. Joe Daddy slaps her.

Joe Daddy: If I wanted a slut to suck my dick I'd go to a strip club. You know you're worse than the greyhound bus I'm sure everyone gets a piece of you.

Joe Daddy walks off leaving the bewildered Samantha Winters crying. The camera follows Joe Daddy down the hallway.

Joe Daddy: I can't believe that bitch. She better pay me to touch my stuff.

The camera goes back to Samantha Winters for a moment who is still crying on the floor. The camera pans back to Joe Daddy as he turns down another hallway bumping into Nick Miller.

Joe Daddy: Son, you best be watching where you're going. Do you know who I 'am?

Nick Miller: Should I?

Joe Daddy: Of course you should. I'm who made wrestling what it is today.

Nick Miller looks at Joe Daddy closely for a minute.

Nick Miller: You don't look that old.

Joe Daddy looks a bit aggravated.

Joe Daddy: See that's the problem, smart ass people like you.

Nick looks a little confused at first.

Nick Miller: I was just saying if you're a legend shouldn't you be a bit older?

Joe Daddy: Where does it say you have to be a certain age to be a legend?

Nick stutters a bit.

Joe Daddy: Speak up a bit son.

Nick Miller: All I was saying ...

Joe Daddy: No one cares what you're trying to say. Only one person standing here is important and that's me can you get that through that thick skull?

Joe Daddy looks down at his abdominal area smiling at himself whilst brushing his hands on his smooth skin.

Joe Daddy: I don't want to make you look bad like I'm going to do with this Darkwing duck this next Sunday. He wants to be something, be someone, but face the facts to be someone you have to beat them and not just in a match. You need to beat them till they know without a doubt that you are the better man. Darkwing this next Sunday I'm not going to just beat you I will humiliate you and make you look like you're this great athlete and you can thank me later for that. Cause when anyone steps in the ring with their damn daddy they look one hundred percent better.

Nick Miller: How can you say this? Do you even know this guy?

Joe Daddy: It's not a question of if I know him, but it's if I need to know him. The fact of the matter is he's like the rest of these people backstage with might I say two exceptions Steve Weigel and Bobby James.

Nick Miller interrupts Joe Daddy.

Nick Miller: How is that?

Joe Daddy: First off don't ever interrupt me, okay? Secondly I've known those two men since I started my debut many moons ago two brothers basically who together made a mark on this industry unlike any others have.

Nick Miller: How can you say that especially after being out for so long?

Joe Daddy: Oh, now you act like you know who I 'am. Well let me tell you something boy. No one can compare to us three you could say we are naturally Better By Design.

Nick Miller: is that like some catchphrase or something?

Joe Daddy:  It's not a catchphrase son it's just what we are. I know the truth hurts but someone has to tell it.

Nick Miller looks as if he's about to walk off.

Joe Daddy: Where do you think you're going?

Joe waits for a response but nothing.

Joe Daddy:  That's what I thought.

Nick Miller again tries to walk off but Joe Daddy turns him around and kicks him in the gut. Nick falls over holding his stomach.

Joe Daddy: Don't disrespect me. I didn't say I was done talking son.

Nick tries getting up but falls back down.

Joe Daddy: Now to my match this next Sunday. I hear all this hype about this match. Can we get someone to play one of the commercials about the match?

The screen flickers for a few seconds than you hear a voice from god it sounds. The commercial begins.

~ An epic battle of proportions, two men destined for greatness battle it out in one ring in one match. Joe daddy verse Knighthawke this next Sunday, check your local listings for channel information. ~

The camera again focuses on Joe Daddy and Nick Miller who is still down clutching his stomach.

Joe Daddy: I can't understand what they are smoking. Destined for greatness? I 'am greatness! And to think this will last one match, well the staff whoever made this match their momma, dada, grandma, grandpa even the popcorn vendor and his buttery fat wife needs to know this won't end in one match. It won't be pretty at all. I know Bobby I stole your catchphrase but that's what brothers do. Haha.

Nick finally gets to his feet.

Joe Daddy: It couldn't have hurt that bad Nick.

Joe smirks holding in his laughter.

Joe Daddy: I think maybe I should get going Nicky boy about time I made an appearance in front of these people. I know they don't deserve to be graced with my presence, but I'll be the better man and let these people get a view of greatness.

Joe's smile widens and in the background you can hear the crowd booing.

Joe Daddy: These people here sicken me. I can smell their stench from here.

Nick Miller walks off shaking his head at that comment from Joe Daddy. Joe begins walking off down the corridor.  Benny Benassi's Who's Your Daddy begins to pound loud on the p.a. system. Two minutes into the song finally Joe Daddy struts out onstage admiring his biceps posing with his legs spread out and laughs to himself. Fireworks send him down the stage as he continues his strut towards the ring. He walks with confidence up the steel steps as the crowd can be heard jeering at his entrance. He motions for a mic and soon enough one is tosses to him.
Joe Daddy: I'm out here to address a few issues. Let me start out with my brother Steven. I heard you say a week ago that you never saw a god. Now this I took kind of personal bro. You see when we hung out in the past you always said to me bro I want to be like you. I said why Steven? And you would say the way you work these woman. I said what do you mean. He said don't play stupid bro I heard those four woman last night screaming out your name and saying oh god Ohhhhh God. So to say you never saw a god well that's simply not true. See I'm god in my own image right here right now. I mean just look at me.

The crowd boos heavily at that remark.

Joe Daddy: I don't want to hear it! If I asked for you peoples opinion I would say so just shut your traps.

The crowds boos get even louder.

Joe Daddy: You don't have to like me or what I say I don't give a damn but you will respect me.

The jeers continue.

Joe Daddy: You want me to walk out of this industry already?

The crowd cheers loudly.

Joe Daddy: That's what I thought. Now listen cause I know it comes hard for you trailer park pieces of trash. *crowd boo's grow louder* This next Sunday I'm in a match that will be a walk in the park. The easiest match of my career. I will walk in knowing that I'm going to not only win but dominant this match. Think about it he stands no chance at all. Not some two bit Darkwing Duck wannabe will beat this Daddy man, nu uh no way no how. See once I hit the Daddy slam its lights out and game over. All it takes is one move , one minute, one mess up by him and he will have a night he will never forget. Now see was it that hard to listen? Okay maybe for you people it was but I don't want to waste my precious time talking anymore to you waste of space retards. I have better things to do. So if you will excuse me Daddy has some business to attend to.

 Joe daddy walks off as the titantron fades to black with the SEF symbol flashing across.

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