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Knox Promo for Extreme 174

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 10:19:04 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:08/06/2010 1:57 PMCopy HTML

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.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Knox Extreme Promo 174read itStaff Sgt Marine ReconBlank 

"The Lethal Weapon"
{We open on Knox in a gym doing inverted situps on a chin up bar.  Dusty is taped up and hitting a weight bag really hard.  She is in a black halter tied up and soccer shorts, her hair in a french braid.  Her arms show more muscle definition.  You can almost see Staff Sgt. Knox O'Bannon tattooed over the small of her back almost perfectly.  The camera crew comes in and Dusty turns.  She is shiny with sweat, her stomach now redefined, and the gold hoop in her belly button flashing.}

Dusty:"Hey babe?  The crew is here."

{Knox does one more sit up and grabs the bar so he can flip off.  He lands on his feet as Dusty hands him a towel.  He wipes his face and then takes the water bottle she's offering.  He opens it, takes a drink, and hands it back to her.  He then smirks at the camera}

Knox:"You know Knighthawk, you and your brother have been very busy.  You are out here running your mouth instead of getting your ass in the gym and working out.  Hell, you're not even in a lab doing any Frankenstein experiements.  You know I don't remember saying specifically that you were a vamp, Vlad.  I know that I said that my aunt and uncle live the life pretending to vampires.  They are so sick that their food is so rare that the blood that they sawed off the horns and hoofs before wiping its ass and putting it on the table.  Not that you lived the life."

{Dusty rolls her eyes}

Dusty:"You know I read that book that Synn was talking about.  It's a Darkhunter novel by Sherrilyn Kenyon.  The immmortal slayer and his mortal lover are in this goth club and a guy comes up and says his name is Vlad and that he is named for his father.  {she takes a sip of water} "Valerius Magnus, a former Roman General gives this rather droll account of the history of Vlad and his son, Radu....who {she rolls her eyes again} "inspired Knox's uncle to name his oldest son, Radu.  He wraps it up by saying Vlad's daughter was living in Florida with her husband and they had no kids."

{Knox rocks back on his heels with a smug look on his face}

Knox:"See?  I just pointed out that you blood line was dilluted by time and lack of people of noble blood willing to sleep with someone with that kind of history.  So you are no more a royal prince because of being related to Tuatha Dé Danann just because my family is Irish."

{Dusty nods}

Dusty:"I read a book about them.  Lisa Marie Moning."

Knox:"Romance novels?  Really?"

Dusty:"Where do you think I got the ideas?"

{Knox gets a huge smile, that is totally unlike him.  He then smirks and crosses his arms}

Knox:"I'm a very happy man.  {dusty laughs} "So you see Vlad I have very little care for what you are or you are not.  You do not frighten me.  However you did say one thing that I wanted to address.  I'm Justin's bitch?  I've never been Justin's bitch even when we were best friends, but then again I know what you were referring to.  I saw that Justin is bringing Ash in.  {Knox actually laughs} "They are just saying that they see you as little of a threat as I do, Vlad.  It's the fact that you are together and out for the Fox side of the family.  Fortunately for me, my wife isn't a Fox on her mother's side.  She's a Montoya."

{Dusty stops him}

Dusty:"My sisters and my baby brothers are.  You don't think I'm going to just let you hurt them."

{Knox shrugs}

Knox:"So I guess Justin and I are on the same mind set on this matter.  I wouldn't let you get your hands on my wife because I don't want to see her hurt.  That's why I talked her out of competing in the battle royal.  On the other hand anyone going after defenseless siblings and it would hurt her just as much.  She's not as ruthless or as cold hearted as Lucas.  So if the O'Bannon Lockdown happens to be torqued tight enough to tear some ligaments or a joint out of socket then Justin will have to consider it a marker that I can call in, anytime.  Which, {he snickers} Would be as soon as he defeats Knighthawk at the ppv.  I'll be calling that marker in as the first contender for the International championship."

Dusty:"Where oh where is my opponent?  You know Megan I know that your boys Nikki and Johnny are out indefintely.  You know Cymbalta can help.  It didn't help me but I had stress issues to with Knox being over seas.  Effexxor XR is a wonderful thing.  {she pauses and taps her chin thinking} I've been thinking.  If you are on Lithium for your depression you probably sleep all the time.  I hope you haven't been sleep eating.  It would be pretty {she grimaces} nasty if you come out here pretending to be all sexy like Paloma or that nasty bitch in the teddy that was on TNA the other night. {Knox looks like he's going to be sick} "I'll whip your fight ass.  {she pauses} "You know you might not even be my biggest concern right now Megan.  It seems that while you could either be sleeping all the time or training to get back to optimum fighting shape that its not you, my opponent who is running their mouth at me.  {she crosses her arms now, wedding set catching the light of the camera and glittering} "If you'd been paying more attention to what I was trying to train you instead of fooling around with the ring crew, the fitness trainers, and assorted other male staff members then you'd have been better prepared for the advanced training that Maegan and Sara tried to train you.  Did you forget that Sara helped train you too before they both got pregnant?  Oh and before anyone tries to cast dispersions on them they were married before they got pregnant.  Maegan even has proof.  She had matches here in the SEF while she and ASH, yup Justin's back up were engaged.  They got married shortly after they left SEF.  Seeing as their son was just born a few weeks ago and they have no other.  {she smirks} "Any one with half a brain can do the math that people are not pregnant for three years or more.  So Jayden whenever your ready?  {she uncrosses her arms and makes a just bring it motion} You can make a move anytime you want.  I'll be waiting."

{Knox massages her shoulders}

Knox:"She's more than ready for YOU, Jayden.  As for you Weigel, I see that your boning her now.  If your new chew toy decides to convince you to intervene, then let me urge you to reconsider the offer.  It's not like Jayden will deny you private time.  She's got a sex addition and right now you're the only one willing to get naked for her.  I had a bit of a problem with Dusty stepping up because I was worried about her getting hurt, but other than Dusty's mom, who doesn't train anymore then Lacey is the best indy wrestling has to offer.  She's SEF's current 'It' girl.  Dusty's going to be just fine in most matches.  Although I wouldn't want her in a match with this new guy Axel or even againist her brothers.  She's going to fit in real well with the other women.....{he frowns} No, I take that back.  She's going to fit in real well with the Dynasty Divas.  The other girls around here for the most part are disgusting psycho whores."

Dusty:"Psycho is right.  Amy Summers, a world of hurt is about to be unleashed on you for your whole cemetery thing you had going.  I pity you." 
The Lethal Weapon

chrisdaniels.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The Lethal Weapon" Knox O'Bannon
Weight 240
Height 6'2
Finishing Move OBannon Lockdown
Trademark O'Bannon Buster
Managing/Dating  Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon

Disclaimer : This is a layout made by Luke You may use it because it is a free layout created by him. However, if you want to use his layout you have to promote his work and keep the disclaimer on so he can make more and better layouts than this. Thank you for using a layout created by Luke


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