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Your All Boring

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Date Posted:08/06/2010 7:03 PMCopy HTML

Just kicked back in a hotel room somewhere in the northeast most likely is Shane Mack sitting at a small table that is against the wall with a window over the table. It's a basic room, queen size bed with a TV across from it. Mack has on one of his Ultimate Rebel shirts and his trademark bandana and a pair of faed, loose blue jeans. He sits sideways to the table leaning against the wall and straight across from him is the door, past the beds is the bathroom, blah, blah, anyways, smoke is in the room, Mack looks like Mack, so its time to flow like only he can and he does just that!
Alright, alright, so where the fuck do I begin?
He scratches his head and moves out of seat to a small fridge pulling a bottle of Red Stripe out. He gets back in his seat and pops the bottle open, takes a drink and sets it down, then says.
I could introduce Axel to the word, though after how he showed up on Extreme I may not need to, plus I don't have a fucking clue where the guy is! He said he'd be at Extreme this Sunday and I could count on him and given the past when he as here I can take his word on that, so he'll be at Extreme and our opponents can count on a tag team match like they ain't never had before!
He smirks and takes a drink of beer, then says.
Lucas, Riot, Knox, whoever, whatever, fuck you and your whole family! Ya all come in here and brag and boast and yea, Justin may not be near as bad as ya all, hell, the kid actually does want to fucking learn and ya want a shoot from the man who always tells it like it is, then here goes. Axel ain't the only one I help to improve. I worked with everyone who came in here and still do and Justin is one I been trying to help, but some people ain't got the open mind I do, so its harder with some. Lucas now, he ain't bad either, just going a different direction and Riot, while he's a poser and now he seems to want to chastise me for bringing in Axel to watch my back and claims Xanthus and Corez abandoned me yet I knew from the beginning they weren't here to stay, just fix a mistake. Just so happens that while they were around they happened to own Knox and Riot because Knox couldn't handle the thought of someone else loving his wife before he did and that is a shoot no matter what way ya slice it, so accept it and shut the fuck up and move the fuck on!
He takes a drink of beer, then says.
Lucas, ya wanna get under my skin, then son, you better formulate a plan, but don't focus too much on how to take down Axel cause he's just here to watch my back from group assaults cause I ain't dumb. You want me one on one, then earn it son, get a fucking opportunity and seize it cause ya just had two and wasted them by not stepping the fuck up! Ya made a statement last week and now in this tag match ya got another chance cause SEF gives opportunity to everyone and those who have the desire will seize it while those who don't will just seize up and fade away into the nothing they are. Earn a shot Lucas, c'mon son, don't be a joke like so many others, run the flow and make the show, step to the Mack or get put down on yo back. This is a tag match, so naturally ya better prepare for both of us, but as I said, don't focus too much on Axel and not enough on me or it'll be a mistake that costs you more than you realize.
He takes a drink of his beer and looks around the room, then smirks and says.
Axel is a man of few words anyways, so I guess he don't have to be here, but he's a big enough man, he doesn't need to say a fucking word about Lucas or Riot or anyone here in SEF. He came back to try and make something of himself, to work his way up, and he came to me to teach him, to guide him and hell, I'm a help like I always do. My track record for those I have mentored sure don't suck considering they've all went to the top. I took a lot and made myself one of the best there is and I always give back all the fucking time and because of it I got more respect in my little fucking toe than anyone on this roster has at all and that is a fucking shoot, so fuck all ya all who can't handle the truth, especially mister poser boy Bobby James. He was spewing some shit about how he's made it based on facts, but he has yet to be real since arriving in SEF, he has yet to prove who Bobby James is, he has no legacy, he has nothing as he has earned nothing. Well, he does have his dog that he teaches some pretty fucked up tricks, I mean hell, dogs are just like their masters ya know!?!
Mack laughs some, takes a drink of beer and says.
When Bobby actually starts to make sense and get a clue, get it, then maybe he'll finally establish who in the hell he is and prove that Bobby James can handle it in SEF cause so far he's proven he can't handle shit! He couldn't hang on the same team with myself, but then it can be overwhelming hanging with a bigger star. He couldn't handle being a champion, couldn't handle shit, can't get facts right, just lies and bullshit that matters not one bit in this business, end of story.
Mack finishes his beer and sets the empty bottle down, then says.
Steve Weigel, even worse than Bobby, claims he is just being himself nowadays, but if so, then why try so hard? Being yourself is easy unless ya don't have a clue about anything. Maybe its easier for me because I know and you don't. Regardless, Steve needs to get straight and concentrate, focus on what he wants and no matter what it is, go for it. He has to stop caring what others think and just prove himself no matter where it takes him. He, Bobby, and so many others need to do that, unless they don't wanna make it. Justin Rodgers as I noted, he needs to learn a lot rather than think he has it all figured out because of what his family set up for him. And I agree with Lucas, Justin does come off as a kiss ass. I know he's just trying to be respectful and I respect him for that, but I ain't lying, just being myself and being honest. Justin has the tools to make it and he showed he wants to in that battle royal. Now as far as being in a coma Lucas, only when I had to sit through any of you and Riot's promos. The weed ya need to get a clue about cause its obvious you don't have one and Riot, a history lesson about your family? What does it prove? Nothing! Who are you? What have you done? Ya talk about refuting what ya say and I just fucking did because what you spewed had no point to it. Your nobody special, you have done nothing extraordinary, at least not here and until ya do it here, what I said is the truth cause you haven't proved shit to anyone around here. All you and Lucas, and the rest of them do is spout family history like it automatically makes you somebody here. Well newsflash, it don't! A family legacy is something YOU have to live up to, it can actually make it very hard to make it in this business when ya have a family legacy to live up to. Ya have more opportunities, so its balanced out and is no harder than making all by yourself, but it ain't no easier and that's just a fact, learn to accept that shit. You guys spout as many lies as Bobby James that has just as much relevancy to the ring, absolutely none!
Mack shakes his head at that shoot disappointed in the lack of desire from them all and just says.
Now your all trying to play the card of me being married into the business and Bobby, I appreciated the compliment of being compared to Triple H, unless of course ya meant I was Stephanie which I'd rather be in her instead, eh, but that's another deal. Fact is Bobby, it just ain't true and what makes you think it was true about that couple? Because some smarks said so? Because the gossipers kept pushing it down anyone's throat who would read it? No one has any proof, just hearsay, rumors and ninety percent or more of all rumors are false because they need to be proved there true and rarely ever are proven true. And in case none of you have the brains to figure it out, let me let you in on a little secret. When Whitney motioned to me and said thanks for the help in getting SEF back it was a direct thank you because I made it happen because I could. Sure, I know how it looks, I know people talk, but I also know that they don't know, I know that none of you know or else you wouldn't be spewing these lines of bullshit because you would know they are just that, bullshit! I've proved time and time again that it ain't true, every time I step in the ring I prove it its not true, I prove that there is only reason why I am where I am and that is because I made myself unlike any of you are willing to do. Bobby is caught up on Frankie and lost his title because he lost focus and got owned by a man who doesn't even wrestle just as Bobby even pointed out, so what the fuck?
Mack laughs and shakes head in disgust, then says.
So ya lied about Frankie, YOU disrespect him and he took a shot at ya and got even, grow up Bobby, you got bigger problems and hopefully that wanna be Daddy Mack, I mean that Joe Daddy guy can keep ya focused on your match with me!
Mack grins and just says.
Anyways, what's this about my asshole father in law Lucas?
Mack scratches his head and laughs, then says.
If your referring to Fate or as you know him, Richard E or Dickie, eh, whatever. If ya mean him, then all I gotta say is that ignorance is no excuse or maybe your just too dumb to pay attention?! You boys want respect, then earn it. Ya want a win, earn that. Spewing lies about me getting favored here will get you nowhere as its old news, no one cares when that shit is said. I made SEF the home of champions and controversy, Riot, you don't have a clue as to how to be half of who I am and your delusions only prove you never will. As for Axel, you don't know him very well if ya think he's here to scare ya, to intimidate you. He's just a big fucking monster of a man who is here to learn and watch my back, to hurt people like you two who think ya know it all when ya really don't know anything outside of your safety zone that is your family, you know nothing that happens here and that is some truth you'll probably never get because you refuse to accept it just like you'll never get respect until you earn it. Riot, were all considered weird or abnormal or perhaps another word like unique because we are all individuals. What makes people think others are more weird than another is not getting it and that is your deal, you don't get it. You speak of controversy and speak of me as if ya know me, but you know nothing of me or about me except what you see in the ring, what ya see in my promos, and honestly, you could know me if ya wanted to. Instead ya stick to your lies because its safer for you that way, you get to pretend I am someone else that you could actually stand a chance at beating, but come Sunday night reality will settle in and you'll be exposed for the fraud you are and Da Shows Ova for you!
Mack just shrugs and grins, then says.
Lucas, I hope your amazed because that makes one of us for refuting what was said has been easy and I did just for you, so hope ya feel special too, extra special!
He laughs and says.
Your telling me you'll do everything you can take my spot now, oooh, so prove it son. I've proven those very words true for myself and I do what it takes to keep my spot. I get a gang a people coming after me and I reach out for help and I can get help because I got that respect and its all because I do promos just like that, straight shooters. I'm more of a shooter than you could ever hope to be and not just verbally! You all preach and preach and preach about your training, this and that, but what defines you, what makes you? You can receive training from the best in the world, all of them, go to every country, every city, every province, every state, go everywhere and train everywhere and still be the biggest pile of shit walking the earth and I met a few people like that in my time that no matter how much they trained they never learned shit. Not saying its either of you, but not saying its not either! You have proved nothing much, just that your willing to double team, triple team, but now its two on two and my partners size is what ya refer to, yet no one else seems to care about that. No need to get hostile already boys, he hasn't even tried to scare ya and as I said, its not his goal yet it obviously is happening or ya wouldn't have taken that approach and that's fact, accept it and move on or stay stuck in a rut, get kicked in the gut and just like Riot gets in the end will be the same for you Lucas, no, no, maybe instead I'll simply make ya tap and if ya don't believe I can, then step the master son and I'll blast ya one. Now I gotta get a moving, keep the show flowing like only Shane Mack can and that's a real ill shoot, so get yo ass in line and get ready to shine with the best because facing me is facing the best and yet another shoot, so fuck ya all and...
He jumps outta his chair doing a crotch chop and yells.
Mack smirks and grabs his nuts, sneers and backs the camera up to the door, then says.
Out bitch, I got shit to do!
And the door is opened, the view backing up and Mack turns into the bathroom now and the room door is closed, so fade to black.
However, after a few seconds we soon see a dark red light and hear water dripping and running slightly, like a stream almost, hmmm, odd. In the dark red light comes the view of Axel's masked face and he says in a low, gruff voice resembling that of a man dying of cancer.
I will be at Extreme and your all going to realize you don't have a clue when I bash your heads into the mat, the cement, anywhere I choose to bash your heads in I will do so because none of you can stop my wrath...NONE OF YOU!
And then he moves from the light which soon fades out and no more sounds as the view now truly fade to black.

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