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Always The Main Attraction...The Headliner...The Showsteala

Started by NBD, September 29, 2023, 10:34:43 AM

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Date Posted:06-13-2010 2:38 PMCopy HTML

Hours before Extreme the crowd is packed into the arena for a pre show to the big weekly event and in between matches the sound of Skid Row's Slave To The Grind jams over the pa system and the crowd immediately knowing what this means jumps up high and screams out loud with cheers, yelling out.
And Shane Mack is soon seen stepping out in a cocky strut with his hair down, World Title over his left shoulder and a black, collared shirt unbuttoned showing his chest and stomach similar in conditioning to HBK from the late 90's. Sports loose blue jeans and a pair of brown hemp sandals. Mack looks around the arena and spins around moving down the aisle some, falls to side on the guard rail and the fans just engulf him. Mack pulls away and falls to the other side where they do the same thing, the decibel level in here insanely high as Mack continues on down the aisle playing to the crowd arrogantly kinda, but hey, he earned the right to do so, you do the same if ya want this! Mack gets to the ring and leaps up on the apron, then steps into the ring and circles around with his arms spread out, then does a crotch chop and catches his title, drops down in a muscle pose like HBK and slaps the title to his right shoulder. He pops up doing half a crotch chop and the crowd are just eating this moment up, millions of flashes have gone off probably, every person on their feet and Mack circles some looking out at all of them before grabbing a mic from Samantha and stands in the center of the ring. He raises the mic and the crowd lowers the cheers knowing its time for a real shoot o be delivered like only Mack can do in these parts. Mack just smirks and, his eyes glazed we can see and he says.
Whasss uuupp all ya all muthafuckas?!
The crowd goes nuts for that old classic line Mack used to deliver many a times and he just nods yea and shrugs, then lifts the mic and they quiet for him as he says.
Alright, alright, had to do that for old times sake, but now back to well, now, the present, tonight's main event match against Lucas Rodgers and Riot O'Bannon, a tag match this time and I got the big monster Axel to watch my back and be my partner tonight. He's focused on making an impact for sure, no one can stop him and that's my partner, so Lucas, Riot, maybe I outta just take a seat at ringside, get a beer and some popcorn and kick back while he whips both of your asses?!
Mack smirks and the crowd is mixed about that. Mack just shrugs and says.
Yea, yea, I know, it'd be much better seeing me in this ring whipping ass myself and making one of these two bitches tap the fuck out because Riot, Lucas, it don't matter which one of you to do, but one of you will with me in this ring and rest assured I will not be sitting on my ass, so your both fucked!
The crowd lets out a huge pop of cheers for that and begins chanting.
Mack just grins and says.
That is why I am the Main fucking Attraction...The Headliner...and always The Showsteala and always will be! Because nobody gives what I do and no matter how much ya try to help others they seems to not want to try as hard. It is nice to see an old face come back to SEF though, a man who ain't sure if I remember him and I get why he may think that. That man is Strife and when he was here and teaming with myself we were miles apart as far as levels goes. He came in here a true rookie and worked his way to the top, worked with me, hell, held the Tag Title with me, so Strife, yea brother, I remember you and everyone who works in the same company as I do, especially those who team with me and if ya ever want catch up, you know where to find me as Shane Mack ain't no closed book, everyone can attest to that!
He pauses and the crowd cheers, Mack just smirking says.
Now Lucas and Riot, back to you boys and yea, boys is appropriate for ya considering your lack of knowledge compared to that of my own. I am vowing right here and now to not even go for a pin on either of you and to the referee of our match, if I for some reason went for a pin out of instinct I am telling you not to count the fall for the only way I want to win this match is by making either one of you tap out or if Axel picks up the win for us. A pin is not good enough for me anymore, I want to make you tap and I promise you this boys, if you don't tap and you can't get to the ropes your going to lose by knockout because your not breaking the Show Strangla, that I can guarantee one hundred percent. Hell, I doubt you could escape Crippled and who's to say I don't have anything more to unveil to all of you because as I have proven countless times in the course of my career, Mack is truly the epitome of unpredictability. That is why Riot is a poser and why both he and Lucas can't put me down. Them boys are in for another lesson from the true one and only and the originals, so fuck mister poser boy Styles and any so called Daddy Mack cause there is only one true Mack and that is I, Shane Mack, so to all ya all fake ass posers, to you Riot, to you Lucas, just a couple words bitches from me and all these people...
Mack drops the mic and does a crotch chop as the crowd yells.
Mack catches his title and slings it up to his right shoulder, smirks and dances around in a circle as Slave To The Grind hit's the pa. The crowd cheers loud and Mack steps out on the apron, hops to the floor and makes his way around the ring slapping all the fans hands. He comes around to the aisle finally and turns looking out over the ring at all the fans and lifts the title in the air while pointing to them all, turning around in a full circle. He slaps the title back to his shoulder and makes his way up the aisle slapping the fans hands along the way. Mack soon gets to the curtain and turns doing a crotch chop, the crowd still cheering loud and he soon backs up disappearing into the back, no one knows where he goes except the camera that follows him through the backstage area and to a locker room where he walks in and shuts the door on the view, so we just fade to black. Who knows who else is in there or what Mack is doing, but obviously no one does, so this is over!


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Re:Always The Main Attraction...The Headliner...The Showsteala
Date Posted:06-13-2010 10:57 PMCopy HTML

Just minutes away from Extreme now and we find Shane Mack standing backstage in front of the typical backdrop of SEF, the mesh fence covered in barbed wire and the logo for SEF hanging off it. Mack sports his brown leather vest with fringe, World Title around his waist and a pair of tights flared out at the bottom, the design a swirl of metallic red and black with Shane on his right leg and Mack on his left leg in a lighter metallic red. He sports the typical bandana and a smirk on his face, his hands taped and on his hips as he now shoots.

So here we are and still nobody dares to challenge me, so what now for D-Mack, what now for the master blaster that flows faster and leaves ya all in a disaster?!

He shrugs and keeps his smirks and says.

Just showcasing the most dominant reign as World Champion in SEF, the most successful reign because if anyone wants a shot, they got it and they got the opportunity to become World Champ in one match, but if they fail they will tap, they will give up, they will cry uncle and call me daddy because there is only one as I have proven time and time again. This is my show and this title...

He brings both hands to the front of the title slapping, then hooks his thumbs on the top and smirks smugly saying.

This is mine and there ain't a damn one of you running around this company that can prove me wrong, that can strip me of the gold. One day, maybe even this year, though I am an optimist, it could happen this year, ya never, ever know. The one thing I know for sure is that the next person that steps into the ring with me one on one is gonna tap and maybe even tonight its gonna happen unless as I stated earlier, my partner Axel wins it for our team. I was dead serious before and I am now, no more pins for Mack. If I can't make you tap, then I am not winning the match. Granted in some cases a submission may not be the way to win like in a ladder match or sometimes a cage match or what have you. In matches where the way to win is by pinfall or submission there will be no pinfall option for me and there may actually be a few naysayer's out there who think I am just being too cocky, but it only proves they don't know me. I know submission wrestling as well as I know how to brawl or fly through the air with grace and make an impact. I was trained to do all three and perfected my trade all around the world before coming to SEF and Strife, I am glad you decided to do what I did, go out and wrestle on as many continents as you can, I myself have yet to conquer only one and that is the south fucking pole, but I've always stated for years that if ever an event is promoted from there I'll be the first one on the card, I'll open the damn show and headline it, I'll fucking promote it myself. Just too bad it couldn't happen and maybe not even realistically, least not for a live show. Anyways, glad to see ya back here brother and as I noted earlier, my door is always open to any old friend.

Mack just pauses and glances down, then back up and looks fairly serious as he says.

Lucas and Riot, its real simple, your going into a match your not gonna win and that very well, one of you may be tapping out to me. Lucas, you made a claim and have yet to back it up. Riot, your still a poser and both of you are not gonna be getting near this SEF Championship anytime soon and that's a shoot, so only thing left to say is...KISS THIS!

He does a crotch chop and then spins around stretching his arms out showing the back of his vest to read Shane Mack with the superman symbol used for the S and the good to be symbol in the middle of the vest. Mack whips around and out of view, but then comes from the side with Da Shows Ova knocking the camera down and the view goes to static and then fades to black.

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