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'The Greatness' [not an Extreme Promo.]

Started by Mr. Sterling, September 29, 2023, 10:48:04 AM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:06-22-2010 5:13 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
Of course. Things come and things go. Businesses come and businesses go. Such was the case with the four past companies to have the luxury of having class on their rosters. All supposed to be big names with big capital behind them. First came that one company ran by some little runt that couldn't understand having to have liscences. Then, there was that company that didn't know how to treat it's top tier talents, and the second one under their top tier talents that didn't know how to run a business. And finally the revival that didn't take.
Now, I was beginning to get fed up. I was beginning to rethink this entire 'competitive' business called wrestling. Although I've been a fan since my father was alive, the reality doesn't live up to the major companies involved in one way or another with myself. They simply couldn't contain 'The Greatness'. And hopefully here....I will find that the talent is allowed to shine in albeit smaller arenas, less emphasis on the showmanship, there will be some challenges. The Indy scene is supposed to be where a wrestler gains and sharpens their skills before the mainstream. It allows one to build their records before going into the more business side of things. And will make a great startover spot for myself.
The Sterling Group having continued to line my pockets, I can of course afford the drop in pay required in order to continue in my pursuit of perfection. Afterall, I'm 'The Greatness', and I don't require much in order to compete. Just another person across from me to fail in their quest to take me down and keep me there for three seconds. Well, that or God forbid even attempt to make me quit for any reason. Never happens. I'm continuing on the path to perfection through competition.
I can't help but smile as I look over at Geek Boy who looks nervous: "Dude, you realize that Ash would smack the hell out of you, if she saw you acting all nervous? If she was still around, that is."
He kind of cringes under the vision of being slapped around by a girl, again. And he starts to straight out laugh when he picks up his phone, prompting me to raise my eyebrow waiting for him to explain: "Well, it looks like Ash is going to be smacking you instead."
I give him a look that pretty much conveys my thoughts: "Whatever."
He shakes his head and passes me his phone: "No, I mean that your opponent's name is Ash."
Of course, I have to smirk at the irony of that situation. All that frustration over the past relationship that causes me to want to smack around this Ash Silva in the name of a woman that I know? Makes sense to me, for now. But that's hardly the situation at hand. The first thing on the list of entering any company is locating the vending machines. Noting what they have of interest and then, hitting the locker room. However, in this case.....I'm stuck with locating the changing rooms and the nearest Kwik-E Mart. I shake my head at it, but what can you do? I don't make donations to companies even when I'm a part of them. Why sink money into something that's supposed to pay you?
A few hours of frustration later.....
We finally arrive at the arena in Philadelphia after stocking fully up on Peanut M&M's and Mountain Dew. They will of course be saved for the victory celebration after Extreme on Sunday. Arriving so early has it's advantages. One of which is to be able to enter the building and scout out the set up. Finding where the sunlight enters and where I look best in the lighting is also best. Not that I have to, but Geek Boy tries to pretend to be a professional, afterall. Dressed in my silver and black ring gear for the first time in a few months feels pretty good, and I'm anxious to put the next loser on notice for just who they're facing. 'The Greatness' Mr. Sterling is an opponent to get excited about afterall. Especially since those who are in the know, know just how short a list of performers get to face off against true greatness in their lifetime.
I whip the '67 Black Impala sort of at a cornered position taking up about six of the empty parking spaces in the almost completely empty parking lot. The back of the car facing the building at an angle as the sun beats down at a massive 89 degrees that feels more like 92 degrees at the moment, causing my already glorious form of 'Greatness' to gleam with sweat. I sit on the hood of my ride as I find the energy to smile towards the camera that Geek Boy has pulled up and started rolling.
I run my hand up to my head with my silver wrist band in view as I smile even wider: "Feast your eyes on 'Greatness', S. E. F. Cause that's what you're looking at. Pure, unadulterated 'Greatness'. 'THE Greatness' to be specific. But you may call me Mr. Sterling. I'm coming with one simple reason...the strive for perfection through competition."
I smirk: "Of course, I was born 'Great'. Great physical prowess compounded by years of extensive training that has continued through to this day. I have been striving for perfection from the time I was born. I haven't yet attained it, but as you can see, I'm very close. Now...as far as Ash Silva goes..you will be the first in a line of opponents for 'The Greatness' to continue to assert the ascension to 'Perfection'. Noone in this life has achieved it, but none of them are 'The Greatness' from birth. So, I'd say I have one leg up on everyone else. I'm sure that I'll see you later on in the week if not before Extreme then at it. If I were you? I'd be training harder than you ever have in your life....you might even come close to beating me before you fall victim to 'The Truth'."
I start to laugh as Geek Boy brings the camera back down: "Dude, it's too hot out here. Let's go to the hotel before I go meet up with the trainers for part two today."
He nods his agreement as I slide off of the hood. I can feel the excitement for getting back to action in a new company. More peons and panzies to take down and more of them will be booing me before the end of Extreme, for sure. It makes me gleam with pride. Afterall, what's better than having all of your haters all around you before you even get started? What can drive a man more than having all of that jealousy flowing through one building? Nothing gets my blood going better than that. Having had that taste of it, I know that it's where I belong. Eventually, I know that they'll accept their jealousy of me and begin to even start cheering, but something tells me that won't be for a very long time to come. And when it does? Who knows, I might even like it that way, but for now...there's nothing better than feeling all of that jealousy as soon as I step into a building. And it's available from everywhere in small doses it's true. But nothing on the grand scale that you get from working an entire crowd at once. Nothing like it in all the world....

ooc__As stated in the title of the topic not an Extreme Promo...just a debut of sorts to get started.
Music__ I'm Not Your Boyfriend Baby by 3 Oh! 3
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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