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Fun Times To Be Had At Extreme [Extreme 175]

Started by Mr. Sterling, September 29, 2023, 10:57:17 AM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:06-24-2010 1:40 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
With my second submission training of the day over, I still have a few hours before I have to be back for more weapons training using my bo staff. I look around the parking lot at the cars, before pulling out my keys. As I get into the Impala, I shoot a look over at Geek Boy, who is pulling out the tape he made of today's training so that I can go back over it later on in the day and see where I can make improvements.
I reach over into the back seat and pull forward the book of CD's from the back seat. I find a good mixed CD and pop it into the player, before cranking up and pulling out of the space as the wheels start turning both on the car and in my head: "So, what do we know so far about this Ash Silva guy?"
Geek Boy shrugs: "Well, we know that he executes a decent Koji Clutch, and that he has a few moves in his arsenal, most of which are kicks."
I smirk: "And his attempts after that pitiful championship?"
Geek Boy smiles: "Already a former champion. Looks like he's outmatched by Johnny Camaro, who also did you a favor by softening up Ash's kicking leg already."
Wait a minute. Mr. I'm gonna make you tap out because you want to be perfect, has a softened up leg this close to our match up at Extreme? I smile a gleaming smile: "Excellent. Send Mr. Camaro a congratulations on our behalf for softening up Mr. Silva. And go ahead and send him a few of our strippers from the club to give him a good time. All expenses paid."
Geek Boy nods as he starts making calls to find out which hotel Mr. Camaro is currently staying in in this pissant town. It's time to start studying as we pull into the hotel that we are currently holding up. I feel an extreme amount of joy as we start to walk into the hotel room.
A few hours of studying later.....
With a smile, I stare into the camera again held by Geek Boy: "It still surprises me with the accuracy that you place those little cameras throughout an arena."
He shrugs from behind the camera: "I know. I'm like a ninja."
I shrug and look into the camera with a slight smirk: "Well, well, well....Ashley it is then, Mr. Silva. The fact is that it doesn't matter if you're named after a girl, a TV show, or a dog in heat. I don't really care what your name is or where you're from. I don't care whether you think the most of yourself or the worst in yourself. Cause none of that will matter when you stare across the ring from me. It won't matter one bit. What will matter is how good you've trained, how ready you are, and how much drive you have to win. And it would've helped your cause a little had you decided as I did, that the Hardcore Title wasn't worth your time. Cause then...you wouldn't have shown me some of your moves to check your instincts against. You wouldn't have given me a clear view of a softened up opponent. You wouldn't have been left laying on the floor of the arena clutching at your leg with which you pulled off most of your kicks."
I pop my eyebrows up and down one time, as I break into a smile: "You see, Mr. Silva...you're not just facing some jabroni that walked into this business off of the street. You're facing someone who started off 'Great' and works for 'Perfection'. As we've both covered, it has yet to be attained in this life by anyone. But it doesn't stop great men from attempting to attain it. So, you think a bit much of yourself as I've already seen in your fight to attain a title that is so beneath me as to warrant no sense of interest, until you entered the fray. And the only interest that held was to see you in action. To give the most current study of your instincts in action. They aren't half bad to begin with. But attempting such a high calibre move when it didn't work well enough the first time? That was just foolishness. That's the kind of foolishness that leads to tapping out yourself. And after you told the world that I'd be a bitch after our match?"
I chuckle slightly: "You have to do much better than that, Mr. Silva. Much, much better. You see that little stunt of stalking and re-stalking the champion? It leads to long drawn out battles, only a few days left to heal before I get a chance to take out that leg, Mr. Silva. A few days might do it, but we will only know at Extreme won't we? We will find out just how well you take care of yourself then. Because as far as I can see, your technical prowess leaves a lot to be desired. Your suplexes are sloppy, which keeps from letting your opponent take enough of the impact. Don't worry, I'll show you how it's done at Extreme. That's where you're going to receive the lesson of your life about what 'Greatness' really is. Good luck on tightening your game up and take care of that sick leg so that it's not too easy. Afterall, I do expect to have a tiny bit of resistance on Extreme before I hit you with 'The Truth'. On a side note....your thanks for your actions of late can be found at your hotel room, Mr. Camaro. Enjoy."
With that, Geek Boy ends the feed and I nod with a cocky grin: "Extreme's gonna be fun."

ooc__Don't know how Camaro will react, but sometimes your character does things that even the handler doesn't expect.
Music__ We Be Steady Mobbin' by Lil Wayne feat. Gucci Man
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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